My Med Grow - A Lot Of Pics - No Slow Wifi - Seriously

Hey hiker. Yea I'm trying to keep a day for myself the garden and forum but its slowly dwindling to half a day lol.

As for breeding. I ALWAYS have breeding projects ongoing, I only breed for personal use. I don't trust other breeders, but rumor has it I'm know to throw a few in on trades etc.. shotta ;) but typically its kept to myself and my close circle, however a trip from the hiker would warrant sending ya back with something to show for it of course ;)

Tissue culture, I wont explain as there is MASSIVE amounts of info online. Its a means of long term storage for me. Allows me to keep genetics without taking up space.
Here's a few links
Plant Tissue Culture: Current Status and Opportunities | InTechOpen
Plant Biotechnology -Applications of Cell and Tissue Culture
Cool links. I guess I read a lot since I understood what I read in both articles! I didn't read both through 100% though.

So... what I understand is instead of a traditional cutting style clone, you're somehow reproducing the plant with just a piece of root or os growth node (meristem)? It sounded like these are put into a petrie dish, presumably with a nutrient fortified auger solution. From these, new plants are grown. Is that pretty close?

I'd love to see pictures of the different stages of this process. You're doing this now? wow I knew you were knew a lot about growing, but you just put yourself into a whole other realm IMHO :adore:

And you can store these indefinitely? This sounds like a great way to maintain genetics. Sure, you could seed something but that means the prized female gets mixed with a male. I like this idea, assuming I understand it correctly, that I can keep an exact copy of a mother without keeping the mother!
Ahhh thanks for the links canna. Just the kind of info my mind craves right about now. day off spliff cough smile repeat spliff cough smile repeat. eat repeat!

One of these days I will get to poppin da canna's stock. heavy d dont fuck with me. hahaha
Cool links. I guess I read a lot since I understood what I read in both articles! I didn't read both through 100% though.

So... what I understand is instead of a traditional cutting style clone, you're somehow reproducing the plant with just a piece of root or os growth node (meristem)? It sounded like these are put into a petrie dish, presumably with a nutrient fortified auger solution. From these, new plants are grown. Is that pretty close?

I'd love to see pictures of the different stages of this process. You're doing this now? wow I knew you were knew a lot about growing, but you just put yourself into a whole other realm IMHO :adore:

And you can store these indefinitely? This sounds like a great way to maintain genetics. Sure, you could seed something but that means the prized female gets mixed with a male. I like this idea, assuming I understand it correctly, that I can keep an exact copy of a mother without keeping the mother!
Pretty much! Lol. I have never stored more than a year myself but I know of a man that has stored for 4 Without issue. So all I have to show are the dishes. But yes the rest is perfect sir. It requires extreme sterility but is otherwise stupid easy to do mate!
In a sense yes. The kit is kinda expensive but I'm sure there's a million DIY out there. I can't put a price on extra space and keeping a winner on ice til I'm ready. Plus u can do it the day of harvest and its no issue :)

I've got a STUPID busy few days coming up here but I am gonna try my damndest to get an update in today at least on the growdown thread.
Ok. Update time. Its gonna be a quickie so if there's any questions feel free to ask. It'll probably be Saturday before I can answer but ill get to it.

A gaggle of random pics below lol

Ill try and get some pica out of the hids in the next few days. Til then squint through the lines and enjoy lol.

Hey Jon. Thanks for dropping in mate. That may happen sooner than I expected, had a rough morning nd things re looking bleak at best.

So I came home to get on some painting clothes and grab lunch. It looked like I had been robbed. Unfortunately that wasn't the case.
I was greeted by the kitchen table which contained both a dear john letter and divorce papers. Underneath it was a foreclosure notice. With a 210,000 dollar option to avoid it. So everything that's ever meant anything to me disappeared while I was at work. I'm losing my home. The only woman I ever loved is a whore, all I've got left are my strains and my dog. I'm gonna be honest here. I don't know what to do. I'm so shocked I can't even cry about it. I just want to crawl into a hole spread some KY on my asshole and let life finish me off. I just... I don't know... I think I may break from everyone for a while. Idk thy I'm ready to let everyone watch me fall so far. Thanks for all the love guys. I'm gonna go.... somewhere.. idk
I feel ya man. I appreciate it. I'm not TOO upset over the wife. Its been a while coming. But I just lost the plot of land my father grew up on. Not to mention he beautiful home we put on it. Had I not financed the home we wouldn't be in this situation. Or I I suppose :/ this just all feels like too much. I can take some shit but this has got me looking over the edge.

Anyway I've said most of my goodbyes, nd set up a burner email account so that you can all still reach me. The email goes to my phone so ill definetly get it. Email address is in the sig guys. Don't hesitate to hmu for anything. Questions comments, well wishes, or just to BS all are welcome nd I'm always happy to help. I just gotta get away. Thinking bout heading to Vegas, doing the fear and loathing bit and seeing if I walk out the other. Side
That really sucks bro. Hope you're reading this with a better perspective. :Namaste:
Ok. Well made it to Vegas a few days ago (that night) enjoyed a couple nights at the flamingo, emulated Thompson as well as one reasonably can with 6 hours notice at least. Staying in henderson with family now. I was gonna stay til Monday but the itch is coming back big time. My tanks are full and I'm ready to hit the ground running. Life is about to be my bitch. Meeting at the bank Tuesday so we will see how that goes. The divorce is gonna be easy peasy she doesn't want anything ATM and I want nothing but her out of my life.

On another note I got that "strange" last night. As well as my first Asian ;) not to drove to deep here but I almost forgot what vagina felt like Haha. Viva Las Vegas bitches. Plane leaves tonight then its home where hopefully a ripe jtr and chemdom await my arrival. Forgot to water the veg before I split so I'm expecting tragedy in there lol. Oh well.

Gonna be a bit reclusive for a while I'm sure. Still kinda reeling in it all. But the support shown here (my email was about flooded) it obvious that setting aside one of the few great things left in my life (y'all.... sexy bitches ;)) would be a horrible choice. For a bunch of randoms on the bet y'all sure do make me feel welcome and appreciated, no sensible man would walk away from that for any period in such a time.

Update ASAP. Thanks again guys, everyone on :420: has shown amazing character and support in my time of need. For that I'm indebted to every one of you. I'd have never guessed so many people would offer to open their homes to me just to allow me to keep creature comforts at hand. This is a beautiful place we have here. :Namaste: folks. In me you have an unconditional friend, don't ever think twice about asking for anything. U know I got you
Holy shit Canna.
I just read through now to hear the bad news.
When you mentioned in my journal that you were taking a break for a while, I had no idea things were this bad.
Makes my little mishap seem like a walk in park.
My heart goes out to you my friend.
I just don't know what to say, other than:
You're a very smart, witty, and talented individual.
So you're going to be alright.
It sucks starting over, but it can pretty damn exciting too!

First asian wiw!

When I figure out how to set up a stealth email addy, I'll send you a message and we can keep in touch through there.

big ups buddy!
shit's going to get better.
Hey vick! Thanks for the kind words mate. I'm kinda looking forward to starting over. "We will rebuild. We will make it better, faster, stronger" lol. I tend to bounce when I fall and my chipper side is already beaming its way brought the bullshit so that's a positive note. On the rare occasion I get "depressed " its a very physical depression. Stiff bodyaches etc. None of that is going on. Just mental dismay and disparity for a day or so. Nothing Singapore slings a 500 dollar hand and some Asian with big tits named hu fo shin couldn't fix :rofl:

The bank sounded pretty eager to work wih me. And while I could go on for days about everything I hate in terms of Obama. He has made about 3000 programs for people in my housing situation. Its looking like caring for cancer patients out of pocket may be the death of me financially. See if that stops me from doing it tho. :)

As for a burner. Go to Ada County Sheriff > Home and go to he warrants page. Pick the person u like least. Then using proxy servers go to gmail and make an account with their info :) that's what I do lol

Thanks for popping in vick. Ur always a welcome site around here. Honored to have ya along. All of you really. Brings a tear thinking about all the love that's been shown to me the last few days. If only she'd have shown half as much we may not be in this boat Haha.

:peace: :Namaste: much love guys

I'm freaking out right now lol. Sitting by the pool at the relatives smoking a bowl and this thing zips at my ankle out of fucking nowhere, remind u these things sound like massive fuckin beetles and I couldn't see it. I just know "ok I'm in the desert, there's some gnarly bugs out here." I don't mind bugs but anything with those strong spliney legs like roaches or spiders/ tarantulas freaks me right the fuck out Haha.

So anyway it dives my ankle and I'm thinking "fuck a flesh eating cacadia!! " Haha it 180s goes under my arm and full blown pimp slapped me with its left wing. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas unless u get pimpslapped by a hummingbird on a Thursday with ur PJ's on
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