It’s not a big deal.
@Trump and I are just hashing out possibilities so the more info the better but its not a huge deal
Agreed with foliar first. This is why journals are awesome. A lot of us get stuck in our methods and forget about the little stuff.
I’m always down for fish ferts, they’re a staple in my grows. Myco loves it and so does the plant. They seem to really help soothe stress too. I use Hydrolyzed fish myself but the posted bottle could be effective for OPs situation.
K deficiency can also cause necrotic tips and in my experience with organic growing it’s almost always K causing tip issues. Again though this situation isn’t my average grow so it could just as well be a lockout. I’ve never experienced lockout in organics, it’s one of the big benefits of going with an amended soil. Unbalanced soil however will kill a plant just as fast as a sodium filled container though so it’s not all sunshine and roses lol.
It’s very possible his root ball is just too large for the soil nutrient content and there’s not enough to go around. Or it’s all unbalanced because of the time release
Yes foliar feeding, it’s the fastest and least permanent way to address issues. If it’s fixed then you know what to do, if it’s not fixed then you haven’t done anything that can’t be reversed.
Yes and I’ll add on to this a bit.. You want to remove as many variables as possible. This is why I use fabric pots, RO water, and an amended soil. There are no variables there. I know exactly what is in each and what I’m using. That way if for some reason something does go wrong I already know it’s not related to my water, container, or soil.