My First Outdoor/In Ground Grow

I would also submit right before harvest.

No one on this board can say they wouldn't be hiding a hard on seeing a tree full of giant colas! Oops.....TMI! 😄

I can't remember who it was but a picture of this plant has already been referred to as "Weed Porn." 😂

Maybe I don't realize what I have here since I've never grown weed outside before.

Thanks, I'll submit before harvest too. 👍
Great minds . . . 🙂. I've actually got a fence post stake in the ground and attached to the tomato cages.

I'd add a couple more fence posts to secure it. Attaching it to the tomato cage is just going to allow high winds to rip the tomato cage out from the interior of the tree and decimate the tree. Three posts in a triangular pattern then tie each post to the trunk of the tree. If you really want to secure it I would tie them at the base then maybe a couple feet up the trunk.
I'd add a couple more fence posts to secure it. Attaching it to the tomato cage is just going to allow high winds to rip the tomato cage out from the interior of the tree and decimate the tree. Three posts in a triangular pattern then tie each post to the trunk of the tree. If you really want to secure it I would tie them at the base then maybe a couple feet up the trunk.

I might have to do this with the other 3 in the ground as well. I've been bracing the large cast iron fence post with a lighter weight fence post at an angle. But even though this seems adequate, I have them vertical at the base they are still wind swept to the right at the top.

This plant is 12.5' tall now.

I've wondered how they deal with this at commercial grows growing outside in the ground. I wouldn't think they would drive fence posts in the ground for every plant in a field?

I've seen many different ways they stake their trees. The best one I saw was using paracord and big tent spikes. If their was a big windstorm forecast they would lay cinder blocks on top of the spikes. They would wrap the tree where the paracord would wrap with pool noodle material so that the cord wouldn't cut into the tree trunk. I would see 4 tie downs per tree.
I've seen many different ways they stake their trees. The best one I saw was using paracord and big tent spikes. If their was a big windstorm forecast they would lay cinder blocks on top of the spikes. They would wrap the tree where the paracord would wrap with pool noodle material so that the cord wouldn't cut into the tree trunk. I would see 4 tie downs per tree.

So they do stake them all individually. Huh, I would never have guessed that.

Would you believe this plant was advertised as getting 4' - 5' 4" tall max br RQS (OG Kush feminized). It's going to be over 13' min after stretching.

Hopefully I can find shorter plants next spring. It's like you just can't believe the advertising for seeds/plants really.
Too much of a good thing.....story of my life!:cool:

Look into doing an outdoor ScrOG. Someone on another site did that because her plants were getting too tall and were peaking out the top of her fences. She said it made maintaining them way easier, especially at harvest time, and she could control the height of the plant to keep prying eyes from finding out what she had growing in her garden.
Too much of a good thing.....story of my life!:cool:

Look into doing an outdoor ScrOG. Someone on another site did that because her plants were getting too tall and were peaking out the top of her fences. She said it made maintaining them way easier, especially at harvest time, and she could control the height of the plant to keep prying eyes from finding out what she had growing in her garden.

I'll read about ScrOG the next time I'm couch bound for something to do. 🙂👍

My first choice is to find plants that don't get over 5'-6' tall. It seems like there would be such a thing.

But, it occurs to me this, like other weed growing things, would require a recommendation from someone who has first hand knowledge . . . based on my experience with the three in the garden one cannot rely on advertising descriptions.
Height is going to be determined by the season and how much good weather you're provided.

I've never heard of a cannabis plant having a genetic height restriction. Autos would be the closest thing but their clock goes off in regard to flowering not height.

What I can tell you is this. A pure Sativa will inherently grow tall and lanky. A pure indica will grow bushy. If you want shorter than Indica would be my choice. Of course, nowadays, there are so many hybrids that finding a pure sativa or indica may be difficult but I'm sure not impossible.

This is where the "pheno hunting" I talked about earlier comes into play.......
Height is going to be determined by the season and how much good weather you're provided.

I've never heard of a cannabis plant having a genetic height restriction. Autos would be the closest thing but their clock goes off in regard to flowering not height.

What I can tell you is this. A pure Sativa will inherently grow tall and lanky. A pure indica will grow bushy. If you want shorter than Indica would be my choice. Of course, nowadays, there are so many hybrids that finding a pure sativa or indica may be difficult but I'm sure not impossible.

This is where the "pheno hunting" I talked about earlier comes into play.......
There is also HST and SCROG and the combo of LST/HST and SCROG. So there are options!
I am seeing this on my top dead center cola and starting on two other colas at the top, on the tree in a bag.

After looking at charts on line I feel this is a magnesium deficiency.

After deciding this, I remembered having a conversation with someone here a month ago who said epsom salt is a worthless source of magnesium and there was no reason for me to use cal/mag on my outdoor plants. So I discontinued both of these things. I'm just sharing relevant info, not blaming anyone.

Any thoughts please?

Well for what it’s worth I put Epsome salt into every single one of my feedings for added MG.

I’m going to toss a different idea out there and there is a 99% chance I’m wrong but could it be a phosphorus deficiency? I’m saying that due to the purple on the edges. Have any of the leaf stems suddenly turned purple as well?

Or is this a result of cooler night time temps?

I’m just tossing out a few ideas. To me it doesn’t look like a Mg deficiency to me but then again I’m probably wrong!
Well for what it’s worth I put Epsome salt into every single one of my feedings for added MG.

I’m going to toss a different idea out there and there is a 99% chance I’m wrong but could it be a phosphorus deficiency? I’m saying that due to the purple on the edges. Have any of the leaf stems suddenly turned purple as well?

Or is this a result of cooler night time temps?

I’m just tossing out a few ideas. To me it doesn’t look like a Mg deficiency to me but then again I’m probably wrong!

Yes some leaf stems have turned purple in the past few weeks. I noticed the purple on the edges is a good match for a phosphorus deficiency just as you said.

And, it has definitely been colder here at night lately. We will be in the 40's tonight.

I've been staring at the leaves all day and continuing to compare this with online leaf charts. When it got to the point where I thought I was seeing a combination of deficiencies showing up including phosphorus and magnesium and even potassium on these leaves I decided to add nutrients.

I mixed up a 2 1/2 gallon can of what is a cocktail designed by @Trump last winter of almost every nute that I have including cal/mag (with epsom salt). But, I changed the recipe to the max recommended amounts by the manufacturer.

It was due for a feeding so I felt okay throwing the kitchen sink at it today.

I've been watching this progress the past few days on the one cola and this morning when I saw it was showing up on two more colas I decided to swing into action.

This is actually what fixed my first auto last winter in the closet. We just st kind of threw everything at.

I went up on a ladder to get these pictures this morning the best I could. That was pretty sharp of you to see the evidence of the phosphorus deficiency!

I've been feeding it a little bit at a time through the day. This technique is actually what it took to straighten around the nitrogen deficiency last month.
Yes some leaf stems have turned purple in the past few weeks. I noticed the purple on the edges is a good match for a phosphorus deficiency just as you said.

And, it has definitely been colder here at night lately. We will be in the 40's tonight.

I've been staring at the leaves all day and continuing to compare this with online leaf charts. When it got to the point where I thought I was seeing a combination of deficiencies showing up including phosphorus and magnesium and even potassium on these leaves I decided to add nutrients.

I mixed up a 2 1/2 gallon can of what is a cocktail designed by @Trump last winter of almost every nute that I have including cal/mag (with epsom salt). But, I changed the recipe to the max recommended amounts by the manufacturer.

It was due for a feeding so I felt okay throwing the kitchen sink at it today.

I've been watching this progress the past few days on the one cola and this morning when I saw it was showing up on two more colas I decided to swing into action.

This is actually what fixed my first auto last winter in the closet. We just st kind of threw everything at.

I went up on a ladder to get these pictures this morning the best I could. That was pretty sharp of you to see the evidence of the phosphorus deficiency!

I've been feeding it a little bit at a time through the day. This technique is actually what it took to straighten around the nitrogen deficiency last month.
You know I was wondering how you got up there for a photo. That's Mighty High
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