My First Hydro Setup

Sounds like a bit of work, I will probably go down that root eventually maybe with a big room doing it.

I'm thinking of just running the micro and grow as the velo kelp is leaving residue on the side of the tanks I've no I will checked over the next few days, I also plan to add the House and Garden Roots Excelurator in the next week or so too.

is there a water temp controller I can buy to control the pair?
Good morning higherthehigh. About your air pump. Take the cover off and you can adjust the metal plate so it runs a little quieter, after some use, or even new, they will go out of wack. As for your water temp., chillers are pricey but if you can introduce air flow across the surface of the water it will cool it down 7or 8 degrees. Check into an air chiller for an aquarium, they will clip on the side of the res.
I will take a look at doing that soon I do have another pump with twin air pipes of push comes to shove :).

Yeah I have been taking a look at those chill ers and thought about just adding a small air conditioner maybe.
Sounds like a bit of work, I will probably go down that root eventually maybe with a big room doing it.

I'm thinking of just running the micro and grow as the velo kelp is leaving residue on the side of the tanks I've no I will checked over the next few days, I also plan to add the House and Garden Roots Excelurator in the next week or so too.

is there a water temp controller I can buy to control the pair?
To cool the nutrient you can also place the air pump you have in a cool spot (outside of the grow)so it draws cool air in and pushes cooler air to the root zone. Plants will grow best under ideal conditions but if things aren’t perfect Just try to keep everything as stable as you can until you get everything figured out and they will b fine. Plants love stability even if it’s not perfect wile you work your way through this first run. Just try to keep temps under the hoods as cool as possible. Frozen water bottle in the buckets will work for a quick fix but is a pain in the ass. Good luck
When the temps. get to high I stop growing and wait for winter.:rolleyes:. Need a heater then and found that it has to point away from the res. or water temps. will rise. I have been using ice to keep the temps. under control but it's labor intensive. An ac unit would do the opposite as long as it didn't cool the air around the plants too much.
When the temps. get to high I stop growing and wait for winter.:rolleyes:. Need a heater then and found that it has to point away from the res. or water temps. will rise. I have been using ice to keep the temps. under control but it's labor intensive. An ac unit would do the opposite as long as it didn't cool the air around the plants too much.
Ya it’s a learning curve for sure. I pulled the trigger on a chiller this summer. For me way to much invested to fail. I grow in Canada so I have adapted to everything fro -40 c to +40 c lmao at a heavy cost. Hydro can get very expensive to run but once you have all the equipment it is cheap and simple with a very very consistent result. It definitely helps to start slowly and get all the equipment slowly. I started by building my own expandable 3 bucket system with frozen water bottles in the res as well.
Yeah I think I will eventually invest in a chilled for sure as I would love to do a 10 pot grow in something like this or RDWC next year.

So since yesterday the water has went down around 1-2" so I don't know if the plants drinking or I have a leak but I will know better tomorrow as there going back in there small tent as I have the space again.

I'm ordering some H&G this weekend and should have it ready for use on Monday and I also still need to pick up some of that res cleaner you told me about.

One thing I was wondering was air statistics, I want an overpowered pump and preferably a silent one.

I think the brown staining on the roots is of the nutrients and not a problem starting but I'm new to this so it could well be a problem.

Yeah I think I will eventually invest in a chilled for sure as I would love to do a 10 pot grow in something like this or RDWC next year.

So since yesterday the water has went down around 1-2" so I don't know if the plants drinking or I have a leak but I will know better tomorrow as there going back in there small tent as I have the space again.

I'm ordering some H&G this weekend and should have it ready for use on Monday and I also still need to pick up some of that res cleaner you told me about.

One thing I was wondering was air statistics, I want an overpowered pump and preferably a silent one.

I think the brown staining on the roots is of the nutrients and not a problem starting but I'm new to this so it could well be a problem.

Hey man I don’t know what your running but those roots look a little off. This could very be well be staining as it just seems to b where the roots r in the nutrient as you were saying. Plz correct me if I’m wrong. If in the states try to get some Z7 or hydro guard or H2O2 probably sooner then later. And even sooner if nutrient temp is above 70f. My roots stain as well fro cal/ mag but never that dark. The water level dropped a inch or 2 probably sounds about right as you r growing under hps and the plants r growing but always check for leaking. The plants look great just keep watching those roots to make sure nothing else is going on.
Hey man I don’t know what your running but those roots look a little off. This could very be well be staining as it just seems to b where the roots r in the nutrient as you were saying. Plz correct me if I’m wrong. If in the states try to get some Z7 or hydro guard or H2O2 probably sooner then later. And even sooner if nutrient temp is above 70f. My roots stain as well fro cal/ mag but never that dark. The water level dropped a inch or 2 probably sounds about right as you r growing under hps and the plants r growing but always check for leaking. The plants look great just keep watching those roots to make sure nothing else is going on.
This is the best way I can explain it but when lifting the lids take a big whiff and it should smell almost like dirt or earthy even though there is no soil. Any off smells from the nutrient is a big red flag that something is going on in the root zone.
I think I may stop using this kelp today and switch to the house and gardens but like you say stop using it for a few days first and if staining continues then we know as the micro and grow is red and green/blue.

So tent temps are currently 25c at canopy height and 21c water temps, I have two air stones in each pot, I really need to buy my Blue Lab ph tester soon as it's quite difficult to read on such a small inspection hole.

There now back in there small tent and it's a perfect sit in my bedroom over the other big tents i have had up in the past, at least the new tent I'm buying is only 30cm longer, still undecided on what tent brand to go with.

I think I may stop using this kelp today and switch to the house and gardens but like you say stop using it for a few days first and if staining continues then we know as the micro and grow is red and green/blue.

So tent temps are currently 25c at canopy height and 21c water temps, I have two air stones in each pot, I really need to buy my Blue Lab ph tester soon as it's quite difficult to read on such a small inspection hole.

There now back in there small tent and it's a perfect sit in my bedroom over the other big tents i have had up in the past, at least the new tent I'm buying is only 30cm longer, still undecided on what tent brand to go with.

Plants look good over there and the roots seem to be growing quickly. Any funky smells from the buckets?? All your temps look good and since Blue has has something similar happen using the kelp juice hopefully that is all it is. I don’t know because i stay away from anything other then the basics as I know exactly how my nutrient mix should be at any point in the plants cycle. Just try to keep the res temps as low as possible until you get a res treatment.
Have you any kind you could send me for the hydro guard?

I'm sure the staining is from the Velokelp but I will show you better tomorrow bud.
I myself don’t run hydro guard I use Food grade H2O2 29%. I would send you some but we would probably end up with some black suits coming to both our doors as the stuff I use is also used by some to make TPT. If you know what TPT is great but I would not goggle it lmao. If I was in the states I would get flying sculls Z7 this stuff is the shit. I can’t even get it in Canada at a sensible price. This is what I use because it is food grade and is super concentrated.
This is not bought from a drug store or anything. This stuff is sold at hydroponic store for hydroponics.
No smell or anything as of yet but after taking another look it just does look stained as I imagine of the roots do get a disease of some sort they would be skinny or gooey maybe but nothing like thay, yeah the roots are getting huge in there, I'm overwhelmed by the progress up to now!

I will try find some of that hydro stuff today and get it in quickly as possible, other than the temps rising since my last post to 27.2c I have put a fan blowing into the intake to try help and it's been around 5-10 mins and the temps now 25c so all good.

So on to yields, what are you yielding per plant as your plants look to run a 2x2ft grow canopy to each plant.A

No smell or anything as of yet but after taking another look it just does look stained as I imagine of the roots do get a disease of some sort they would be skinny or gooey maybe but nothing like thay, yeah the roots are getting huge in there, I'm overwhelmed by the progress up to now!

I will try find some of that hydro stuff today and get it in quickly as possible, other than the temps rising since my last post to 27.2c I have put a fan blowing into the intake to try help and it's been around 5-10 mins and the temps now 25c so all good.

So on to yields, what are you yielding per plant as your plants look to run a 2x2ft grow canopy to each plant.A

Good to hear about no smell. You r bang on with the gooey/slimy roots. These r all indication of bad things. Your plants will tell you everything you need to know and you watch them closely so with the plants growing/looking good and the roots the same your on the right track. About yields it is very strain specific as I was hitting 9 and 10 Oz off CKS green Crack. I am now running BuddhaTahoe OG and it is more of a 5 to 8 Oz per plant. I can get 8 ozs off my Buddha with my summer set up effortlessly. More like 6 or 7 with my winter setup. Shoot for 8 ozs give or take maybe more depending on your skill set.
I am looking into buying some Growth Technology Liquid Oxygen tomorrow that's a bit like that peroxide stuff you use, the info it say s for it is "Adding Liquid Oxygen is of great benefit to the grower. This 11.9% solution will add extra oxygen to a mineral nutrient solution, increasing nutrient uptake by the roots and supercharging growth. With regular use it will combat diseases like Pythium. In between crops it can be used at a higher dose to clean equipment." It's quite cheap for a 1L and 5L tank, what's the ratio to go by?

So I should aim for a good 16oz on these two plants then? I have just ordered some 50x50mm square netting to make some scrog frames.

They have 24 days left of veg before I must switch to flower so hopefully I can get the screens full or near enough full, there around 18 days old from breaking through the pellet surface, there currently developing the 4th node at the moment and with a good growth rate so hopefully they are somewhere near.

Today is the day to order some more bits and pieces and I'm going to try attempting to create some scrog screens, I will be getting my new tent around the 25th next month but I will try and get it sooner the better.

One thing I have noticed on one of them is on the 2nd node up is only one side has stem development which I have never seen before so when I do start lst training I know which way to bend this plant.

Overall great growth everyday with rapid root development!

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