My First Grow Journal-Holy Grail Kush- Purple Kush 6x12 Scrog 4 x 600W LEDs On Movers

Re: My First Grow Journal-Holy Grail Kush- Purple Kush 6x12 Scrog 4 x 600W LEDs On Mo

Nurseries should have the dunks, that's where I get them in the winter. Honestly, bug pressure (specifically fungus gnats) can cause your leaves to look just like that. And, I've had it. Not saying that's it, but that's the way it looks sometimes, and that's what happened to me.

Part of it, if I remember correctly, is that they make the chlorophyll in the leaves more sensitive to the light brightness - causing the bleaching look. I wish I could remember where I read this... I will go so far as to say, that if you're seeing them around, I'd be surprised if you didn't have a plant with yellowing leaves. I've had fungus gnats get bad twice, and both times the yellow leaves just like yours. In other words, it really adds up to me.

This is from Orkin:

"Fungus gnat larvae often go unnoticed, as they remain near the roots of affected plants. Adult fungus gnats appear similar to small flies and many times are not identified as being destructive. Symptoms of fungus gnat larvae infestation include bright yellow leaves, slow growth and the presence of small flies, no larger than flecks of pepper, hovering below plants."

From Pest Control - Canada:

"Feeding - Fungus gnats seldom cause much damage to plants. The larva (worm) is the only form to feed, and it feed mainly on fungus and organic matter in the soil. When their numbers become high, the larvae will sometimes feed on the very tender root hairs on the plant. Plants damaged by gnats will lose vigor and
may show more than normal yellowing of leaves, and leaf shed."

Thanks X, after reading your post I decided I had to find the dunks somewhere.Its -35 here right now the few nursuries around are seasonal, so I went to every homehardware,home depot,canadian tire and walmart around and finally found this stuff called AquaBac.It has the exact same active ingredients as mosquito dunks(Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies israelensis)the only difference is its says apply approx 100 granules per m2???? if my math is right and I really mean IF lol...35 gallons is .13 meters cubed? if anybody thinks this is wrong please let me 13 granules per 35 gallons? that doesnt sound right to me lol
Re: My First Grow Journal-Holy Grail Kush- Purple Kush 6x12 Scrog 4 x 600W LEDs On Mo

from the images im looking at of iron defficiencies,the yellowing starts at the outer edges of bigger fan leaves and slowly works its way in.the yellowing on my girl looks different if I was in veg I would say N defficiency it looks simillar.either way I upped the micro nutes this morning and I ll be adding the biological larvicide tonight so hopefully this fixes the problem:)
Re: My First Grow Journal-Holy Grail Kush- Purple Kush 6x12 Scrog 4 x 600W LEDs On Mo

wow brother my heads spinning :loopy::loopy::loopy:anyway if you can look up that baculuis whatthefucous stuff see if it has any ill effects.
I will look too:)
Re: My First Grow Journal-Holy Grail Kush- Purple Kush 6x12 Scrog 4 x 600W LEDs On Mo

Hey Jon. So that yellowing is all on the one plant that had the pest? It could be a combination of stresses making that one exhibit something, while the others are not yellowing. Maybe the fungus gnats made that one a little weaker or more sensitive to something. I looked at the pictures again, and I'm not sure what it is either. Where is the yellowing? Between the veins, or starting in the veins?

My plants are exhibiting some yellowing too, but I don't think our issues are related. I'm almost certain mine is a temperature issue, but someone just suggested it might be a Mg deficiency.

I'm assuming you have already looked at this thread:
Cannabis Plant and Pest Problem Solver - Pictorial
Re: My First Grow Journal-Holy Grail Kush- Purple Kush 6x12 Scrog 4 x 600W LEDs On Mo

wow brother my heads spinning :loopy::loopy::loopy:anyway if you can look up that baculuis whatthefucous stuff see if it has any ill effects.
I will look too:)
Its mosquito dunks bro just in granular form X uses it right in his res so I ll take his word for it.its not even granular really more like flakes.I put a bit in a sock and tossed it in the veg res and I put a bit in a 5 gallon pail to soak for a bit before i water all the girls in soil.I ll put another sock in the flower res tonight.It says it has no effect on plants at all so fijngers crossed:)
Re: My First Grow Journal-Holy Grail Kush- Purple Kush 6x12 Scrog 4 x 600W LEDs On Mo

from the images im looking at of iron deficiencies,the yellowing starts at the outer edges of bigger fan leaves and slowly works its way in.the yellowing on my girl looks different if I was in veg I would say N defficiency it looks simillar.either way I upped the micro nutes this morning and I ll be adding the biological larvicide tonight so hopefully this fixes the problem:)

As I was observing your pics. Most of the yellowing was occurring on the outer part of the leaves as you said. More iron is needed during flower its a mineral that alot of growers neglect during flowering. Also it could be getting locked out due to the amounts of P your adding to your solution. Phosphorus will make alot of other trace minerals fluctuate if there isnt a balance to it.

Iron is mobile just like N so it could start any where manly the top of the plant new growth.
Re: My First Grow Journal-Holy Grail Kush- Purple Kush 6x12 Scrog 4 x 600W LEDs On Mo

Hey Jon. So that yellowing is all on the one plant that had the pest? It could be a combination of stresses making that one exhibit something, while the others are not yellowing. Maybe the fungus gnats made that one a little weaker or more sensitive to something. I looked at the pictures again, and I'm not sure what it is either. Where is the yellowing? Between the veins, or starting in the veins?

My plants are exhibiting some yellowing too, but I don't think our issues are related. I'm almost certain mine is a temperature issue, but someone just suggested it might be a Mg deficiency.

I'm assuming you have already looked at this thread:
Cannabis Plant and Pest Problem Solver - Pictorial
I think its a combination of the larvea weakening the plant and the lights beeing to close bro.i ll probably tie that girl down as far as I can tonight and wait for this stuff to do its job:)
Re: My First Grow Journal-Holy Grail Kush- Purple Kush 6x12 Scrog 4 x 600W LEDs On Mo

As I was observing your pics. Most of the yellowing was occurring on the outer part of the leaves as you said. More iron is needed during flower its a mineral that alot of growers neglect during flowering. Also it could be getting locked out due to the amounts of P your adding to your solution. Phosphorus will make alot of other trace minerals fluctuate if there isnt a balance to it.

Iron is mobile just like N so it could start any where manly the top of the plant new growth.

your spot on wiz! but im pretty sure its high amounts of k relative to p... my organic feed has very high amounts of n and k and low p and i started getting the exact same thing your getting here jon. took my ages to work out what it was.. so i added more p into my mix which fixed the problem as there was not enough to aid in the uptake of iron since its a mobile nute. also the other thing that could cause iron and zinc issues is if your medium is a tad wet added with not enough of p or too much k and that will do you in every time.
Re: My First Grow Journal-Holy Grail Kush- Purple Kush 6x12 Scrog 4 x 600W LEDs On Mo

if it was more than 1 plant i would think the same thing guys but it is only 1 plant the one the gnats made a home in so im going to try the higher micro nutes and the dunks and if that isnt it then I ll move on to other options.I cant try to fix every possible symptom at once or i wont know what the problem was in the firts place:)
Re: My First Grow Journal-Holy Grail Kush- Purple Kush 6x12 Scrog 4 x 600W LEDs On Mo

Don't hesitate to use more than 13 granules, sounds low to me. You can't overdose that stuff. Knock them dead (the gnats).
Re: My First Grow Journal-Holy Grail Kush- Purple Kush 6x12 Scrog 4 x 600W LEDs On Mo

Hey Jon- the problem being with only one plant seems really odd, particularly as they all run off the same res and the others don't have any issues. The problem might be a symptom of something else- out of interest have you checked the pot and nute flow to it etc - the drain for that particular pot's not blocked with roots or something is it? If everything else is all good and exactly the same, what's different for that one particular plant that might be causing the problem?
Re: My First Grow Journal-Holy Grail Kush- Purple Kush 6x12 Scrog 4 x 600W LEDs On Mo

Knock on wood I have never had a bug problem.
I use a few negative ion emiters through out my house.
During the summer I don't even get any within 10 feet of my house but all the dust and crap in the air needs to be cleaned off the sides of the metal siding.
Re: My First Grow Journal-Holy Grail Kush- Purple Kush 6x12 Scrog 4 x 600W LEDs On Mo

if it was more than 1 plant i would think the same thing guys but it is only 1 plant the one the gnats made a home in so im going to try the higher micro nutes and the dunks and if that isnt it then I ll move on to other options.I cant try to fix every possible symptom at once or i wont know what the problem was in the firts place:)

Just reading back and that could very likely be it mate - if that's the only plant to get heavily infested by gnats and the only different variable to the others i think you're spot on sorting that first. Not sure if I'd give any supplements or up the nutes or anything to overcome the deficiency; everything she needs is already there, she's just not taking it up properly. Adding anything extra might make things worse until the reason she's not taking the nutes up is fixed
Re: My First Grow Journal-Holy Grail Kush- Purple Kush 6x12 Scrog 4 x 600W LEDs On Mo

Fungus gnats infested my grow, diminished root system couldn't take up nutes, same symptoms.

Yes, exactly what I think is going on with Jon's plant (unfortunately!) :thumb:

OG is right, BT can't be overdosed, won't effect PH, no reason to go real light with it. Safe for pets, humans, but fungus gnats stop eating once exposed to it, and starve. Even if you see them after, they're now harmless and on their way to starving...
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