My First Grow Journal-Holy Grail Kush- Purple Kush 6x12 Scrog 4 x 600W LEDs On Movers

Re: My First Grow Journal-Holy Grail Kush- Purple Kush 6x12 Scrog 4 x 600W LEDs On Mo

lol...after the next journal is done I ll start new ones when flower starts, hopefully that keeps it to around 50 pages:)

But watching how you train them is the really interesting and important bit!
Re: My First Grow Journal-Holy Grail Kush- Purple Kush 6x12 Scrog 4 x 600W LEDs On Mo

But watching how you train them is the really interesting and important bit!

the journal I just started is pretty much going to be a step by step tutorial on how i train them if people ask I can send them there lol..theres problably alot of members that dont bother with this journal because its so long. It would probably take 2 days to read it now:nomo:
Re: My First Grow Journal-Holy Grail Kush- Purple Kush 6x12 Scrog 4 x 600W LEDs On Mo

There are so many to keep up with, but If it massive I catch up and take up from there. I like the tutorial style journal with the information behind the results.
Re: My First Grow Journal-Holy Grail Kush- Purple Kush 6x12 Scrog 4 x 600W LEDs On Mo

It seems like the dunks are doing they're job,there was only a few gnats flying around this morning and none that I could see around the hydroton, so hopefully another week or two will get rid of all of them.The yellowing on that one hgk hasnt gotten any worse but like I said I dont think the affected leave will gett better if anything they will probably get worse.Day 45 is in 11 days so i will be removing most of the large fan leaves then.
They seem to be using less nutes now for some reason, I set the ppm's at 820 last night and this morning it was at 890 but the ph stayed the same so I lowered it to 750, we will see tonight if the ppm's stay the same or drop a bit.For some reason the date isnt showing on the pics i just uploaded so I apologixe if theres some doubles its hard to tell whats what with the pics being so small,I wish somebody would do something about that,it makes it hard to label pics.





















this is the hgk with the gnat problem






the original afghan #1















some of the pics are probably labelled wrong but hopefully everybody enjoys the pics:)
Re: My First Grow Journal-Holy Grail Kush- Purple Kush 6x12 Scrog 4 x 600W LEDs On Mo

do you think that some of that yellowing maybe natural? the reason I ask is she is getting close to being chopped from the looks of your pics. witch are very very nice reps at you :)
Re: My First Grow Journal-Holy Grail Kush- Purple Kush 6x12 Scrog 4 x 600W LEDs On Mo

They're so frosty; they were covered in trichs in previous updates but they seem to have got even more coated! Looking really nice Jon - sounds like you're on top of the gnats so hopefully that hgk will be fine - she looks like she'll still produce a load so hopefully it won't have set her back much in the long term
Re: My First Grow Journal-Holy Grail Kush- Purple Kush 6x12 Scrog 4 x 600W LEDs On Mo

do you think that some of that yellowing maybe natural? the reason I ask is she is getting close to being chopped from the looks of your pics. witch are very very nice reps at you :)
thanks for the reps Fishy:thankyou: they still have 4 weeks to go bro so its not natural, I cant see it beeing a defficiency because its the only plant doing it, its the plant the gnats made a home in so from what X and a couple others have said its due to the larvea eating the roots,I guees this makes it hard for the plant to uptake nutes.just incase i upped the micro nutes so hopefully between that and the dunks it wont get any worse:)
Re: My First Grow Journal-Holy Grail Kush- Purple Kush 6x12 Scrog 4 x 600W LEDs On Mo

They're so frosty; they were covered in trichs in previous updates but they seem to have got even more coated! Looking really nice Jon - sounds like you're on top of the gnats so hopefully that hgk will be fine - she looks like she'll still produce a load so hopefully it won't have set her back much in the long term
Thanks GK, hopefully thats the worst of it bro shes the biggest girl in the room:)
Re: My First Grow Journal-Holy Grail Kush- Purple Kush 6x12 Scrog 4 x 600W LEDs On Mo

yeah i think its down to the gnats too. the larvae can really do alot of damage. i flowered out a mother recently that had a gnat prob and she didnt yield well and showed symptoms of under feed and over feed. when i pulled her the roots just crumbled in my hands. im not sure if upping the micro will rectify as the larvae will still be attacking roots. Id empty res and run base nutrient and peroxide for couple days then empty and feed as normal. meanwhile i'd throw couple smoke bombs in to wipe out the adults.
Re: My First Grow Journal-Holy Grail Kush- Purple Kush 6x12 Scrog 4 x 600W LEDs On Mo

no mate, i'll try find a link to the type i use. u basically turn off all fans and extaction and set them off, leave a few hours then extract again. they are safe to humans so long as u anrent breathing in heavy amounts and no residue at all mate.
Re: My First Grow Journal-Holy Grail Kush- Purple Kush 6x12 Scrog 4 x 600W LEDs On Mo

right on I didnt know that.I know I have access to the doktor doom brand of bug bombs,i ll have to see if they leave residue or not.But I think ive got them beat there was only a few around this morning, dead gnats everywhere.I guess once they come into contact with any water treated with the mosquito dunks they stop feeding and die of in a few days.
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