My First Grow: Grape Ape, Agent Orange x Huckleberry & Purple Skunk Mass

Here's a pic of the cuttings - so far there's no sign of wilting after about 21 hours. I'm starting to think these are gonna make it. :D

Decided to start the girls' low stress training today. Home Depot didn't have any type of wire suitable for training, so I had to go with the velcro. Some of what I did was overkill, but I figured better safe than sorry. I'll have to mix things up a bit once the new growth starts getting bigger. Plan on topping each of the 4 yet-to-be main growth stems once more and try manifolding these little chickies into 8 nice colas each. Hopefully I didn't stress them too much between topping them yesterday and training them today. The clones seem to be doing well so far as well.



GA#2 clone


AOxH clone


PSM clone
DAY 21

So I sold a few items from my vape gear collection (I have a LOT of vape gear) and decided to add 2 more lights, for a total of 4 now. Each one is 5,000 lumens and pull 45 watts from the outlet, for a total of 20,000 lumens and 180 watts pulled from the wall. I have no idea what their PAR specs are, but the first 2 have been treating the plants quite well, so 2 more can't hurt. They were only $21.85 each at Walmart. I was able to get rid of the photo studio lamps.

Lotsa light

Top of lights

Lights. 4 lamps, 2 rows of LEDs in each one.

These are the ones I got

Also, a few people heckled me on the Facebook grow groups about inadvertently training my fan leaves - pure rookie mistake on my part. So the 2 Grape Apes aren't ready for training yet, but the Agent Orange X Huckleberry and Purple Skunk Mass have enough branch length to start training them. I'll give 'em a few days to grow some a bit and regenerate from the stress, then remove the fan leaves from the bottom 2 nodes of the AOxH and PSM. So here are the updated pics.




Looking good,Chef
Those new lights look pretty sweet-the good thing about them is there's no "bright spot" right in
the middle-they're equally bright from one end to the other-they look to be perfect for your application!
Your plants are doing very well-keep doing what you're doing,they're loving it !
Looking good,Chef
Those new lights look pretty sweet-the good thing about them is there's no "bright spot" right in
the middle-they're equally bright from one end to the other-they look to be perfect for your application!
Your plants are doing very well-keep doing what you're doing,they're loving it !
Thanks! Yeah, I guess it's going kinda well for my first time considering my extremely limited budget.

Here's a couple pics of the clones. They're sorta squished looking from being in the cups. But they seem healthy so far. Can't wait to see a couple roots popping so I can get them into some soil!



Hey these strains sound great. I just did a PSM, its killer stuff. Also a bit of a budget grower myself. Best of luck
Those clones all look like they're going to make it just fine..
Your growspace is going to be getting crowded real soon!
Good work on the clones:goodjob:


Well, things seem to be going well so far. Been doing some fairly aggressive LST (ST???). Cut off all the fan leaves except for one set on each on the two Grape Apes. All fan leaves are gone from the Agent Orange X Huckleberry and the Purple Skunk Mass. Got the training staples going, as well as some wire ties for quadlining, except I may be doing 6 mains instead of 4. Or, I may just cut off the bottoms to make 4 each then top/fim those in a week or two for 8 mains on each plant. Question: If I do go with an 8 branch maniold on each, should I move them to 5 gallon pots? These ones are 3 gallons.





Clones: Well, they've been in the Jiffy pellets for 4 days now, so I decided to put 'em in soil. Withing minutes of removing the clear Solo cup domes, they started wilting. Crap. But I figured if the damage is done, I might as well try to see if they'll spring back over the next day or 2. The pellets were still sopping wet, so I didn't add any water to the already slightly moist soil when I transplanted them.

You'd grow bigger plants in the 5's,but since you won't have space for huge plants,I'd leave them in the 3's
I've always used 3 gal pots-you can grow a 3-3.5 foot plant in them,with a pretty good yield.
If you're planning on moving them outside later on,then go for the 5 gal,but if not,the 3's should work fine.
What a difference a day makes,eh? Hope the clones perk back up for you...
I can't say for sure how I'd go for the size pot but bigger roots = bigger fruits.

You'd grow bigger plants in the 5's,but since you won't have space for huge plants,I'd leave them in the 3's
I've always used 3 gal pots-you can grow a 3-3.5 foot plant in them,with a pretty good yield.
If you're planning on moving them outside later on,then go for the 5 gal,but if not,the 3's should work fine.
Yeah, you guys are right - I really don't have the room right now. I'd like to get an 8x4 grow tent sometime down the road if I can afford it.
What a difference a day makes,eh? Hope the clones perk back up for you...
Thanks, but they wilted even more overnight. I'm really hoping the newer center growth is strong enough to survive. Either way, for a first grow I think I've been pretty fortunate so far. The 4 other plants are still doing quite well considering the abuse I've been giving them.
So I got home from work, and this is what the clones look like at first glance... Time for the funeral march?


But, upon closer inspection, I still think there's a spark of life in each of the new girls - here's a closer look at the center new growth. It looks to me to be okay.

GA#2 clone

AOxH clone

PSM clone

Now, here's a leaf from the AOxH - looking a bit peaked around the edges. There's one other set on the plant that looks similar. Time to up the nutes. Last Saturday I only fed them a quart each of the Fox Farm's Grow Big and Big Bloom at half the suggested strength. I think I'll let 'em dry out a bit and give 'em 2 quarts each this Saturday. Just enough plain water tomorrow to get them through until Saturday.
Not sure why my computer won't run those videos-It's old like me ,I guess.
I think you're right about the clones-looks like there's a little spark there.
My Peyote Critical's got some leaves with a slight yellow border,too,going to up
her dosage a little at the next feeding...
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