My First Grow... Afgan x Mazar

no worries, no offence taken, here's a list:

Temp= ~85F
Light time= 24/0 now 19/5 up untill this week
Soil= brand is what you found, it's 80% Canadian Peat moss, the rest makes up the other 20%, i don't know any more details than that
Watts= 300w equivilants per plant from CFLs, about 3-4" away from plants
currently on day 28 i believe
water once a day with really diluted nutrients, it makes much more sense that i'm under nuting than over nuting, cuz i never increased amounts. used to use 1/4 strength, then thought i was nute burning and flushed, made it worse
I'm guessing that I should only use nutes once a week and not everyday...? remember, i'm a noob when it comes to nutes
my first thought is on the temperature - it is ~70F in my grow room, 85F seems too hot, and could be the reason your little one's are stunted. 2nd, on the back of your bag of soil there is a guaranteed analysis of soil attributes - should be three numbers just like your nutrients, and is this soil a time released formula? these factors are what you would normally base your nutrient content on, and not knowing these items means you are effectively feeding them blindly.
the promix soil has no nutrients in it, but that wasn't what I used to start the seedlings off in, I have no clue what was in that... I should have kept better attention I suppose. Wow, i didn't know 85 was so damn hot, and yes, i thought my plants were damn stunted.
i'm hoping it fights it's way back while I can't do anything to it! I've slowly started back up to 1/8 strength nutes. The Bagweed is drooping like hell, and I don't really know why... The AxM still has the N deficiency showing on it's lower leaves... don't know what to do about those, or how to clip if I need to. keep in mind, this is my last day home, i leave for vacation at 3AM EST. Thought i'd put up some final pix before I leave. It seems that after I flushed with water that the AxM is doing a bit better, but what do i know. I've lowered the temp in the room to somewhere in the 70's per Ms. Fox's advice. I also switched to 21/3 to give the room a break and cool down at night.





daaaaaaaaaamn dude. how did they get this bad? if you have any loot and time at all, i would seriously go get some new soil from walmart - expert gardener 3 month nutes is what I am using - and replant them before you leave. I don't want to scare you but dude something is very very wrong with your dirt and i just don't think you're gonna save them unless you do that...dig a circle around it with a trowel to make a plug the size of a solo cup around each plant, and replace the rest of the dirt. btw the temp thing was my observation, though I ain't trying to keep score. TAKE CARE OF YOUR GIRLS! btw the dirt is $4/bag

EDIT: I PM'ed McBudz and let him know you need help.
AXM looks over watered and not enough nutes, it does look better then the previous pics though. Have you watered it everyday?? That is not good. The wilting of the leaves looks like over watering, let it dry out, the plant will start to wilt again if you wait too long to give it water, but it will not just instantly die on you from under watering, so no worries there. Over watering and under watering look staggeringly similar. I am not sure about your soil, but it sounds like you are running a soiless mix, 85% peat?? I am not sure about that, but if it is "soiless" (or without supplement nutes) then you will have to supply all the nutrients it needs, this is a type of hydroponic gardening and means you will need to increase your nutrients.

The bagweed looks under watered under fed, and heat stressed.

If you have already flushed them, and tried a small amount of nutrients, I would try a 1/2 dose of nutes when they need watered again, try with only one plant, as over-feeding them can cause lots of problems also,
XSV, thanks for all your help man, and u did call me on the temp thing first.

I'm ready to replant these lil bastards if need be. I have tonight, but that's it. and I can definitely replant them tonight, i have plenty of time. I'm probably only gonna get about an hour or so of sleep before i have to leave for my flight. I thought that it was weird that the soil i got didn't actually have soil (dirt) in it. it's almost all peat moss. I have the $10 to pay for some new dirt if I need it, i think i need around 6 liters of dirt per pot. I used good dirt when I started, and thought that this soil would be better, but i'm obviously wrong. I'm such a rookie when it comes to watering and nutrients. Those are obviously my big problems.

As of now, plan is to replant tonight and water heavily with 1/8 nutes before I leave. The room is constantly 75F now, stable. There is a slight wind that runs through it to give ventilation and new CO2. Lighting will be 21/3 while I am gone to control temp. I need some more advice on whether I'm over nuting or under nuting right now???

Again, thanks for XSV for really putting the word out to get me some help. Remember, i'm a newbie!
2 things - your nutes could be 1/2 strength once in new dirt, and 2nd, just turn your lights on 24/7 till you get back, since you're still in veg. You will be amazed at what plants can do over a weeks time after a transplant and good watering/feeding. check out my journal as I just did a transplant today - there are a few things you should take note of, mainly the picture of the soil analysis on the back of the bag, and how I intend to water them. you will notice that my starting values are relatively low in N, and higher in P...I figure I can always add N just by thinking about Miracle Grow lol but in all seriousness weed doesn't like as much N as say, tomato plants which are very acidic creatures, whereas weed likes a much more neutral pH, and balanced nutrient levels. If you can afford it, get a copy of mel frank and ed rosenthal's marijuana grower's guide, as that is where most of my knowledge and tips come from, when I haven't experienced it myself(yes, I thumb through my book while helping people lol).
Okay, so the plan is to replant in new soil, turn the lights on to 23/1 cuz i want them off for a little bit to give the room a chance to really cool down. For water I'm going to use the 1/8 formula still to give the plant a nutrient boost. I'm still using this small amount cuz it's much less than half, but the plants do need something. Is that the thing to do?? or should I really do absolutely no nutes?
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