My First Grow... Afgan x Mazar

Okay, went ahead and did the transplant, used some of the good soil with some nutrients in it and actual dirt based! All the info is in the pix below. I took pix of before and after of each transplant. The pix of the AxM are out of the closet, so the different lighting shows actual color. The Bagweed is failing hard, i could really tell out of the closet, but i didn't take pix until i put it back in the closet. high at the time. I'm learning a lot!!! at least i can say that, right? I'm gonna go ahead and use the 1/8 stuff, i know the soil has nutes in it, but these babies have been under enough strain without nutes. It'll probably be less than 1/8 though. I'm gonna dilute a 1/4 solution in a little more than 1/2 water. I'm gonna lightly water now to settle the roots, who probably hate me, i took about a solo sized cup of the plant with it, like instructed. Pix are below:

Here is the new soil followed by a soil comparison photo:


Here's the Afgan x Mazar plant out of the closet:


Here's the Bagweed plant in the closet:


The Bagweed seems to be worse off than the AxM, but that would make sense as the Bagweed is middy's stuff while the AxM is professional grade
done and understood
Are you checking and adjusting your pH as needed? Runoff should be around 6.5 + or - .2.

If you don't have a digital meter look into the pH 600 by milwaukee. best $21 I spent on my grow.

You should only be watering as need. get the medium damp then wait until it is light and dry. May take a few days or longer but just wait. You should feed 1/2 strength (well this really depends on what you are feeding) Every other watering at most. Maybe even every third.

Make sure you are using nutrients that include all Marco and Micro nutrients needed. For veg you should have an NPK value of something like 6-4-4 or 12-6-6. Mine are examples of FF Grow Big and Age Old Organic Grow. There are plenty of good nutes available out there for a decent price.

Sending my positive energy through the universe to your grow man. You will persevere and end up with some sweet smoke. I know this :)
WASSSUP!!!!! BACK FROM VACATION! vacation in San Francisco was amazing, some really good weed out there! sticky icky... i had some Snow Cap, some wierd Afgan strain, and some blueberry, the blueberry was def my favorite, tho it was much more of a stoned than a high. So i got back, worried if my plants had been found, if they died, or if they burned down cuz they grew into the lights!!! well..... the news is great! the growth exploded while i was gone!! in fact, i got back just in the nick of time cuz one of the leaves on the bagweed began to hit the light. My camera took some really good photos so i had to shrink them down to fit them on here. Here they are!

The two plants:

Here's the Afgan x Mazar:



Here's the Bagweed:



As you can tell, most of the photos, other than one, have a yellow tint to them. I didn't notice this until i started changing whether the lights were on or not. My family in San Francisco grew for years and they are serious pros. I didn't know until the topic came up while we were smoking a bowl! The plants look great other than some spotting on the Bagweed and the dying leaves at the bottom of the plant. all new growth looks great! Now i just have to not screw it up.... my plan is to water twice a week, Sat and Wed. Sat gets nutes at 1/4 strength and Wed gets pure H2O. sound good?? All new growth is a healthy deep green. Advice from the pix?
Hey Fox
Im happy for you, i know how worried you been :) So you gona flower them soon?
I dont think you need to worry about those bottom leafes when all the growth over them is nice and green.

can't say what is needed for your plants but when mine got like your bagweed one i trimmed off the dead leaf ..not bringing in anything for the plant from them and i added a 5 inch fan so they would move and give them some movement ,it made them stronger,and from what i have read you seem to be hung up on your watering ,you say you know the wick style ,,why not do it that way there is no over or under watering ..and i didn't see anywhere in there about co2 do you aleast open a window once a day to let in fresh co2 i did an old style once when i had no window in the room it was a closet too ..i used a bucket and drop a pound of potato's in it used a lid with the rubber ring to seal it and used an fish tank air pump added a hole for line in and one line out ran it above my plant's so it drop on them it will help your bagweed plant just getting some fresh outside or homemade co2 and your roots are everything free them up give them more space your stunting them by not giving them room to grow and think if you once in a while hold back on the water and make the roots move around and hunt it make them stronger too..grew for lot's of year's started just like you,but switched to growing in water so much better,growth wise and taste wise ..ruff ruff,, dog out.
thanks guys! i was so happy to come back and everything was okay! I know I shouldn't flower for a month, but I gotta switch soon so that the plants can reach maturity before May 1. I think there's a 8 week flowering period, meaning I will have to switch after this week. remember, i'm not going for professional grade stuff here, this is more of a learning experience for future grows. I've debated cutting off the lower leaves that are damaged on either plant. If this is a good idea, let me know. One of you said something about it above. I'm just happy things worked out. I feel so stupid from over watering the damn plants, but it is my first grow so mistakes are bound to happen. glad to be back!
Hey Fox
Everytime i water i examine the plants, if bottom leaves look yellow or dry or anything but green and healthy i feel if they come of easily, if not i just leave them be.
Almost everybody overwatered in the beginning :) I didnt in my first grow but managed doin it in my second in an early stage :) Youll get a hang of it once you get used to feeling the potweight.

Lookin forward to see your girls bud up and good to have you back.
okay, so yesterday I clipped off the bottom leaves that were all yellow and dying. a bunch of them just cracked off as they were brittle and dry. one i actually had to clip, but it was dying anyways. I watered on saturday, then a little on sunday morning (falling back into bad habits) and today the plants are beginning to droop again. I'm thinking it's from overwatering. It could also be the heat. According to the temp gauge it was around 85-90F while I was gone because the fan didn't turn back on when the lights did. So now it's around 75-80 now that i have the fan going and i'm using 24/0 lighting. Does it sound like the plants are drooping from the overwatering, or the temp drop? Remember, I'm going to follow my watering schedule to the T from now on. Pure water wed and nutes on saturday. I'm not sure how much I'm supposed to feed the plant when I water too... i've just been watering aimlessly around the pot, not necessarily over the roots (trying to get roots to stretch). Any advice with the watering? it seems that's my big mistake I'm making here. Sorry about no pix, but just imagine the same plant, but a bit more droopy....

Always check the overall enviromental conditions prior to passing judgment - soil aroung 7 pH or slightly less - plenty of water, light, fresh air, loose soil, no water standing in pools.

Larger leaves turning yellow - Nitrogen dificiency - add nitrogen

smaller leaves still green. add nitrate of soda organic fertilizer.

Older leaves curl at edges and turn's dark and purple. it's a Phosphorsus dificiency -add commercial phosphate.

Mature leaves develop a yellowish cast to least veinal areas . it's Magnesium dificiency. add commercial fertilizer with a magnesium content.

Mature leaves turn yellow become spotted . it's a Potassium dificiency . add muriate of potash.

Cracked stems, no healthy support .. Boron dificiency - any plant food containing boron.

Small wrinkled leaves with yelloish vein systems. Zinc dificiency - add commercial plant food containing zink Young leaves become deformed possibaly yellowing. Molybedum dificiency -use any plant food with a bit of molydbenum in it
ok thought i had some stuff somewhere to help,, hope it does:--grow it / roll it / smoke it ****
If growing in a room, you should put tar paper on the floors and then buy sterilized bags of soil form a nursery. You will need about one cubic foot of soil for eavh plant.

The plants will need about 150 ml. of water per plant/per week. They will also need fresh air, so the room must be ventilated. (however, the fresh air should contain NO TOBACCO smoke.)

At least eight hours of light a day must be provided. As you increase the light, the plants grow faster and show more females/less males. Sixteen hours of light per day seems to be the best combination, beyond this makes little or no appreciable difference in the plant quality. Another idea is to interrupt the night cycle with about one hour of light. This gives you more females.

The walls of your growing room should be painted white or covered with aluminum foil to reflect the light.

There are several tricks to increase the number of females, or the THC content of plants:

You can make the plants mature in 36 days if you are in a hurry, by cutting back on the light to about 14 hours, but the plants will not be as big.

You should gradually shorten the light cycle until you reach fourteen hours.

You can stop any watering as the plants begin to bake the resin rise to the flowers. This will increse the resin a bit.

You can use a sunlamp on the plants as they begin to develop flower stalks.

You can snip off the flower, right at the spot where it joins the plant, and a new flower will form in a couple of weeks.

This can be repeated two or three times to get several times more flowers than usual.

If the plants are sprayed with Ethrel early in their growing stage, they will produce almost all female plants. This usually speeds up the flowering also, it may happen in as little as two weeks.
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