My First Atempt Growing Big Bud & Hindu Kush Skunk

hey boys and girls , i hope that evryone enjoyed chrismas ^^ mine was very pleasant , i have a new question today , its not an easy one but i hope some one in here will know the awser :) well here it goes : Can lack of whatering decrease the grow rate of my plants ?

the reason i ask this question is becouse im always scared to overwhater the plants , so usualy i just whater evry 2 days , im not sure if im doing it right , but so far the plants are as green as they can be and they look totaly healthy
No, never water more than you have to, over watering is probably the second worst thing you can do next to over fertilizing. :thumb:

I would think that every two days is more than they need too. You only need to water when they need it, not when you just think they do.

ONLY water them when the soil gets light when you pick them up or when you can feel the soil is getting dry but not totally dried out.

It is so much easier to save them from drying out than to save them from dying from over watering as you can always give them water when their dry but if you over water you can not make the water go away...does this make sense?

Test the soil for water every day. You really need a moister meter if you don't already have one by now...Okay?

As far as the speed of growing? You really need to be patient my friend, this is not a super fast process. These plants take a while to reach their full potential.

If you are in a hurry to see results when growing Cannabis, you should really look into Low Ryder #2 seeds or some other "autoflowering" strain, because they usually only take 8 weeks from sprout to harvest, which is super fast compared to what you have now. ;)

Good to see their still alive bro :goodjob:
Good K, always remember the rule of thumb that, you can never make them grow any faster by doing more to them than they need.

This concept took me a few dead plants to learn myself as I killed more than one plant by over doing things to try and make them grow can not do this, you will not win the growth rate fight with your plants.

Learn to take the pulse of your plants, which simply means, watch them for subtle changes like, if they look like they are starting to loose their "green" color and get a yellow tint to them, they need fertilizer. If they start to look a little wilted, they probably need water. If the leaves are really green and stretching upward toward the light, leave them alone, they are

Leave them alone until they tell you they need help, not when you think they need help.

Their's an old saying where I'm from that goes like this; "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"
Good K, always remember the rule of thumb that, you can never make them grow any faster by doing more to them than they need.

This concept took me a few dead plants to learn myself as I killed more than one plant by over doing things to try and make them grow can not do this, you will not win the growth rate fight with your plants.

Learn to take the pulse of your plants, which simply means, watch them for subtle changes like, if they look like they are starting to loose their "green" color and get a yellow tint to them, they need fertilizer. If they start to look a little wilted, they probably need water. If the leaves are really green and stretching upward toward the light, leave them alone, they are

Leave them alone until they tell you they need help, not when you think they need help.

Their's an old saying where I'm from that goes like this; "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"

This stuff i just quote = Gold To me :bravo: Ty so much warrior And that saying is realy nice :)
About 10 years...just

It all depends on how long you vegg them before you turn back to 12/12

Even at that they have to have "alternating nodes" before they are ready to show sex.

Ok, this picture shows how the limbs are offset or staggering and not straight across from each other...can you see this?

When this happens, your plants are ready to start showing their sex and that's when their ready for you to put the lights back to 12/12


Alright, can you see how the nodes (places where the limbs attach to the stalk) are straight across from each other in a uniform fashion?

This means they are not ready to show sex and need to be left on 24/7 lights...any of this making sense?


I'll try and dig up a thread explaining this in detail...ok?
Ok, this is something interesting I found and didn't know;

If you want to see alternating internodes at any time during early veg kick the plant into 12/12. It will begin alternating withing 15 days. You are forcing it to mature by doing this. But technically the minute you take the light hours to 12/12 you are increasing the flowering hormone called flurol and the plant IS in flower.

Even if this is so, I would wait until they are at least about 6-8 inches tall before I would do this because you really don't want super tiny plants flowering, you want to have something to show for your efforts.

Most people wait until their at least 12" to 14" tall before switching to 12/12...understand?

You really need to look through a bunch of threads and do some serious reading because all the answers you are looking for are in them...believe me ;)

Click on the "FORUMS" tab in the top left and then "search" and then type in a "key word" like "node" or "flowering" or something else your looking for and then click "Search now" and it should bring something up for you to read about

Hope this will help you find the answers :Namaste:
thx warrior :) i loved that 10 years joke ehehehe so i gess my plants will take 50 days (flowering time) + the days that take them to be mature enough to go to 12/12 light

I think im correct on this one , i dont want to put babies on lowering process , i want somthing to show for me effort like you said warrior :) i will folow your tips , and that nods stuff is realy helpfull :) thank you once again ;) Cheers !
Wow thanks for that info Warrior, I didn't know that. So now I know that my plants are ready for flower because they all are resembling that first pic. I just love this place, the learning and the love never stop.

Been gone a few, so what have I missed?
Whats good!!!

420W, Hope you don't mind, but I DL the photos you posted and made it a lil more clearer what you were talking about!!!

Kamy!!! I hope this helps some more!!!

this is the plant ready to go into 12/12!!!

and this is the plant that needs to still veg some more!!! the more asymmetrical branches you have on the top of your plant, the bigger the cola will be at the end!!!

They're looking good!!! I think Warrior left the pics for you to use as a reference in the future with grow and other grows you may do. But don't worry you will be there in no time.
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