My First Atempt Growing Big Bud & Hindu Kush Skunk

That's cool, but maybe you can try something like my grow.... Better results, and all you need is a closet:)

well unfortunatly i cant use a closet jbud :) i am in a middle of building a grow room with somthing arround 50cm - 1 metter ... but i still gona need a little lst but im not sure if this method in the video is a good one ;)
Yea K, that's pretty advanced stuff bro.

I'm pretty sure that's just a "SCROG" method and we have tons of threads for that here but you should really just grow in normal fashion for now, until you have, at least a couple of grows under your belt.

You should be putting all your focus on learning how not to kill the plants you have for now because you have never even had a 1st harvest of Cannabis yet.

You don't want to complicate things any more than they are already...believe me!

Just let the plants you have now get about 8" tall then put them on 12/12 and let them do what they do so well...VEGG! FLOWER! HARVEST! DONE!

If you start wanting to venture out on more and more complicated growing techniques then you stand a chance of killing them and I know you don't want that...right?

Just stick to the fundamentals for now, get these fully grown, do a couple more grows like these, breed some of them for more seeds and then you can start experimenting with other methods...That's just my advice to you


Cool pic of how seeds are made huh? On the left is a female Cannabis plant and on the right is a male cannabis plant. :Namaste:
Sorry, I didn't provide any input. I didn't have any to give unfortunately. I figured some wise soul would come and answer you. But I have to agree with what Warrior was saying about just focusing on getting to know your plants and getting your first grow under your belt. I know with me, I am just trying to get grows under my belt by trying to upgrade my environment. It's the little things that will make a big difference in a grow. That is what I am coming to realize. And of course, not making the same mistakes that I did in my first grow, trying new things to get a better outcome.

I am here for you to the best of my ability.
what i mean is , i want to do thing easly well and fast :p and keep upgrading more and more ^^ just like warrior said , p.s. thats an exelent pic warrior , if my saplings turn out one male one female im gona make them breed some seeds and try to keep some weed to try out as well ( i know this is possible i just dont know how but this is a hole other issue that im gona talk about later in the journal ... )
what i mean is , i want to do thing easly well and fast :p and keep upgrading more and more ^^ just like warrior said , p.s. thats an exelent pic warrior , if my saplings turn out one male one female im gona make them breed some seeds and try to keep some weed to try out as well ( i know this is possible i just dont know how but this is a hole other issue that im gona talk about later in the journal ... )

Breeding is one of the easiest things to do with Cannabis.

1 Cannabis female x 1 Cannabis male= Cannabis seeds :thumb:

The male pollinates the female and there you go...SEEDS! :)

The trick is to not let the male stay in with the female too long as to not totally overload the buds with seeds...understand?

All in good time though, my friend..ok?

right now though, you just need to be ready to give them nutes soon and have plenty of lights for them when they go into flower mode.

Now, if your new box is tall enough, maybe 4' high, then you might want to vegg them to appx. 12"-14" tall before you swich to 12/12 so that you can get full potential out of your harvest but even at that, you are going to have to have enough light to cover your grow space.

Try to break down the detentions of your box in Feet not metric terms as most of us are American and we hardly use the metric system...can you do that for us?

I would say, a box that's 4' wide x4' deep x4' high, would probably do good with about a 600w High pressure sodium grow light, so you have to remember that when they get big and need a lot of light to develop their buds to their full potential...does this make sense? I mean, a couple of CFL's ain't going to give you much in the way of buds.

What you've read about how many grams you can get after harvest is based on total optimum conditions under huge 1000w HPS lights so, I think you are thinking that you will have the same results...This is unlikely!

One thing I want you to do is, quit worrying about FAST! Fast will not happen bro, just get that out of your mind.

Their are some Cannabis strains that can grow really fast but what you have does patient dude..ok?

Put your focus on all the stuff you need to give them a good environment and even more so, focus on learning by
Well, that sounds like some pretty good advice. I had been urging you to read also because it would answer a lot of the questions you have. One thing I have learned with growing is that if you tend to rush things it ends up badly at some point. When working with soil there is no such thing as rushing, at least to me there isn't. Trust me patience is not one of my strong points but since I started growing I have learned to be. When you rush things you tend to miss out on a lot...So while your babies are growing, just kick back and read about their needs and wants. Or since you seem pretty handy check out the DIY threads.
yeah you are right warrior , unfortunatly at the moment i cant afford a 400w HPS lamp ... so im gona stick with CFL's Untill the end , (a combined total of arround 150Watt) i know its not perfect and that i will not get the full potential of the plant , but its what i can aford right now ...

About the nutrients i recieved mine today ! here is a picture of them ...

i dont know if this is any good quality nutes .. but they where farly cheap (14$ each) plus i had a great deal becouse i managed to get free express shiping ;)

Now im wondering when should i add some grow nutes to my babies ?

dont worry i wont gona flush the bottle down the dirt expecting them to be redy to harvest tomorow Hehehe ... :thanks:
It's good to just take-er easy and not be in a rush with your growing because you can't rush mother nature.

I was getting the feeling that you were starting to get a little impatient so I figured you needed someone to help you downshift a little...just remember to keep the words "fast" and "rush" out of the equation, with regards to growing Cannabis and you will be fine bro...ok?

I'm not sure about those nutes? What do the numbers on the bottles say, they should have 3 numbers that are like #-#-# on the back of the bottles.

Gotta go to work now but we will talk about it l8r...ok?

Maybe someone else can help you figure out your nutes while I'm out?
For natural growth and bloom
Plagron | Sky High Performance
• Highly concentrated universal feeding for growth.
• Suitable for all types of potting soil.
• Part of The TERRA concept®.
• Also particularly suitable for mother plants.
• Builds up plant mass providing the basis for
good flowering/fruit formation.
• Prevents deficiency symptoms during the
growth phase.
• Promotes plant vitality.
• Prevents diseases and stress.
• Trace elements in chelate form guarantee
optimum availability.
• Can be used with all types of soil.
• Suitable for all watering systems.
• 5 ml Terra Grow® per litre of water (1:200).
• Use every time you water the plants.
• N-P-K = 3-1-3
• pH 4.5 - 6.5
• Dissolves in water clearly and odourlessly.
• Reduces the chance of plant casualties.
• Increases yields.
• Highly concentrated resulting in low use.
• Absence of ballast materials reduces deposits
on pots and the feeding tank.
• Based on “food grade” bio-minerals.
• Immediately absorbable.
• Amazing results.
Terra Grow®

Composition: N (nitrogen total) 2.6% of which NO3 1.8% and of
which NH4 0.75%, P2O5 (phosphorus acid anhydride) 1.1%, K2O
(potassium oxide) 3.1%, Mg (magnesium) 0.56%, Fe (iron) 0.19%,
Mn (manganese) 0.0087%, Mo (molybdenum) 0.000037%, Zn
(zinc) 0.0048%, Cu (copper) 0.0011%, B (boron) 0.00037%.


Standard feeding Terra Grow®
Soil life index

this is prety much it x) :thanks:
i think im gona start building a little place (box like) with some lamps to put my plants into , im starting to think that using the window of my room is not a prety good idea lol

Most people use their in view of other not a good idea...:goodluck:
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