My Favorite Place To Be

Also if you want to change your journal name pm teddy edwards and get a new title so people no it is a grow journal. Just a pointer. To get followers go view others journals introduce yourself to them they usually follow back before you know youll have to many followers annd a hard time keeping up.

Also look for memberofthemonth may vote. Free contest. Never know! From pc in order to place public vote. Cheers enjoy your sunday.

How do I get my own password accepted , all I seem to have is the generated one that works, how do I go about getting my own personal password registered so I'm able to remember it? I am new @ this and my first time and everybody's help would be superb!.
Any help w/ this would be greatly appreciated.

This will work for you, open up your profile and scroll down until you see the word MORE with a little pencil beside it. Click on the pencil and scroll down until you see the heading "MY SETTINGS" then under MY ACCOUNT select EDIT EMAIL and PASSWORD there you will see the part to change your password, good luck.
Do you see your little picture over to the left hand side of your screen and above it, it says 420 member, right above that it has your name Baker1053 that is what you click on then a little box appears that has 4 or 5 items in it the one to the top left says view profile with a lttle man beside it click on that. I can see yours.
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