Im surprised DrZiggy did not reply. I have had similar experiences with other veteran members though. I do not have pictures but I will break it down into steps.
Supplies needed:
1. Clean scissors
2. Rooting plugs
3. A cloning/seedling tray with insert that holds plugs and a dome
4. A 2 liter bucket
5. Clonex rooting gel
6. Clonex clone nutrients (It is a black bottle)
7. Solo cup to put a little clonex in.
1. Fill two liter bucket with water and add two cap fulls of clonex nutrients.
2. Pour just a little clonex rooting gel into a solo cup.
3. Place as many plugs as you will need into the water/clonex mix
4. Grab the plant you want to take clones of.
5 Find clone sites. I usually use lower growth that is atleast 6 inches long and try to make sure the top leaves have at least 5 blades.
6. Cut Clone as close to plant stalk as possible. Trim up all lower growth up until the top couple of nodes. (I usually leave the growth tip and 1 to 3 big fans)
7. Cuts fans in half.
8. Cut right below a node at an angle (makes sure you still have 3-4 inches of branch left)
9. Dip angle cut and the bottom 1/2inch of branch into clonex gel.
10.Pull a plug out and stick the cutting with the gel into the plug. Do this off center and not into the pre-made hole.
11. Place in plug holder insert.
12. Repeat steps until you have all the cuts you want in plugs. If you clone from more than one plant make sure to place cuts from the same plants in one row and mark the row with what plant they are from.
13. Once all cuts are placed in the plug holder put your tray where it will be while the cuts root.
14. Pour the water/clonex solution into the tray, You may have to mix up another two liters.
15. Put the plug holder into the tray, make sure the liquid level is high enough to keep the plugs moist not soaked.
16. Place the dome on the tray of cutting with the vents closed, you can open the vents after 2 or 3 days if you want.
17. Cuts will take probably 10-14 days to root. Some strains take longer and some root even quicker. Check every day or two to make sure the plugs are moist and add water as needed.
18. When you have roots transplant into whatever medium you are growing in.
Note- I do not pH the water/clonex solution but it is recommended that you do. It tells you on the bottle what pH works best.
I hope that helps you out. Sorry it is wordy and there are no visuals to help you get an idea of how I do it.