Mother of Berries, M.O.B. Maine Strain

Should I start trimming? I did with the late, great MOB but way to late imo. I've read of keeping them on veg nutes for a few feedings as it takes time for the plant itself to convert so I'm going to see how this works. On all my research before implementing this there is evidence to support it. I know this can be a sensitive subject for more passionate growers so I will share 2 sources. (3 links 2 are the same forum)

When exactaly to switch from veg nutes to preflower-bloom nutes? | Rollitup

switching from veg nutes to flower nutes | Rollitup

When is the best time to use bloom nutes? | Grasscity Forums
No problem. It's really a preference opposed to a rule of thumb. Some people also do one last defol at the third week of flower. Or they'll lollipop the plant which is too extreme for me.
Been busy. I've spent time deflowering and what have you. Did some insignificant arrangements to plants.




Also, in a question posed earlier by Yeti I haven't ordered my seeds yet but I will probably sometime next week. I'll probably start making rounds in other threads today and go from there. I'll hit ask us anything and a few other forums.
I had looked closely at my plants and as much as I didn't want to do it. Had to rethink my entire grow room setup. Having this many plants I had to re-map my air circulation and (once again implement the T5 to get heat and light. Just no way around it. Having figured out everything that I need now and getting better as I go i hope by the end of this grow. I won't be a complete noob anymore and have experience to offer insight of value. I will say a part of me misses growing with CFLs because it was much more involved with constant attention to light placement and, what have you as it really kept me busy. These plants are keeping me busy as well but in a different way.


It gets hard sometimes getting everything arranged how you want. I usually keep things fairly similar with the same amount of plants in the same area. Over time and when you are working from clones (if you go that route) things will be easier to plan for. Are all the plants showing sex yet or are you still waiting to see if they are all ladies?

From what I can tell they are all female showing white pistils just like the MOB and the three feminized donkey dick did. I'm checking the plants as often as possible for any indication of male development or possible hermie. I suspect that the LED & T5 will stay in their respective positions given the adequacy.

Also, there is new life breathed into the free seeds gravy train. I got to smoke some "Cherry Wonka" (which is nice I must admit) and surprisingly got some seeds. As soon as the existing batch is done I'm going to plant those. I don't know much about this strain and will be doing plenty of research. Does anyone else have experience with this strain (smoking or growing)?
It's definitely something I've been thinking about. My basic understanding of growing is now on a competent level and can dip my toe in something new. I'll look into getting a rapid rooter and do my homework, check out some forums and so on.
Here is a method one of the veteran growers on the site uses: Toast's 2016 Indoor/Outdoor Grow Journal
Others such as Sweet Sue use this method with very consistent results. I have never used it and have mixed feelings about using rockwool as Toast does. I have seen it choke out plants after they were transplanted into soil. Sue uses plugs such as rapid rooters with this method. I have seen some people say that they have seen the rapid rooters cause gnats but I cannot verify that. I can do a write up for you on my method if you would be interested :thumb:
Here is a method one of the veteran growers on the site uses: Toast's 2016 Indoor/Outdoor Grow Journal
Others such as Sweet Sue use this method with very consistent results. I have never used it and have mixed feelings about using rockwool as Toast does. I have seen it choke out plants after they were transplanted into soil. Sue uses plugs such as rapid rooters with this method. I have seen some people say that they have seen the rapid rooters cause gnats but I cannot verify that. I can do a write up for you on my method if you would be interested :thumb:

I'd very much like to get a write up for you of your method. I'm familiar with SweetSue haven't worked with her though. I've asked questions to a few big names like "DrZiggy" who for some reason ignores me and won't give me the time of day. (I asked intelligent non frivolous questions and get no where). Any info I can get is super helpful
Im surprised DrZiggy did not reply. I have had similar experiences with other veteran members though. I do not have pictures but I will break it down into steps.

Supplies needed:
1. Clean scissors
2. Rooting plugs
3. A cloning/seedling tray with insert that holds plugs and a dome
4. A 2 liter bucket
5. Clonex rooting gel
6. Clonex clone nutrients (It is a black bottle)
7. Solo cup to put a little clonex in.

1. Fill two liter bucket with water and add two cap fulls of clonex nutrients.
2. Pour just a little clonex rooting gel into a solo cup.
3. Place as many plugs as you will need into the water/clonex mix
4. Grab the plant you want to take clones of.
5 Find clone sites. I usually use lower growth that is atleast 6 inches long and try to make sure the top leaves have at least 5 blades.
6. Cut Clone as close to plant stalk as possible. Trim up all lower growth up until the top couple of nodes. (I usually leave the growth tip and 1 to 3 big fans)
7. Cuts fans in half.
8. Cut right below a node at an angle (makes sure you still have 3-4 inches of branch left)
9. Dip angle cut and the bottom 1/2inch of branch into clonex gel.
10.Pull a plug out and stick the cutting with the gel into the plug. Do this off center and not into the pre-made hole.
11. Place in plug holder insert.
12. Repeat steps until you have all the cuts you want in plugs. If you clone from more than one plant make sure to place cuts from the same plants in one row and mark the row with what plant they are from.
13. Once all cuts are placed in the plug holder put your tray where it will be while the cuts root.
14. Pour the water/clonex solution into the tray, You may have to mix up another two liters.
15. Put the plug holder into the tray, make sure the liquid level is high enough to keep the plugs moist not soaked.
16. Place the dome on the tray of cutting with the vents closed, you can open the vents after 2 or 3 days if you want.
17. Cuts will take probably 10-14 days to root. Some strains take longer and some root even quicker. Check every day or two to make sure the plugs are moist and add water as needed.
18. When you have roots transplant into whatever medium you are growing in.

Note- I do not pH the water/clonex solution but it is recommended that you do. It tells you on the bottle what pH works best.

I hope that helps you out. Sorry it is wordy and there are no visuals to help you get an idea of how I do it.
Im surprised DrZiggy did not reply. I have had similar experiences with other veteran members though. I do not have pictures but I will break it down into steps.

Supplies needed:
1. Clean scissors
2. Rooting plugs
3. A cloning/seedling tray with insert that holds plugs and a dome
4. A 2 liter bucket
5. Clonex rooting gel
6. Clonex clone nutrients (It is a black bottle)
7. Solo cup to put a little clonex in.

1. Fill two liter bucket with water and add two cap fulls of clonex nutrients.
2. Pour just a little clonex rooting gel into a solo cup.
3. Place as many plugs as you will need into the water/clonex mix
4. Grab the plant you want to take clones of.
5 Find clone sites. I usually use lower growth that is atleast 6 inches long and try to make sure the top leaves have at least 5 blades.
6. Cut Clone as close to plant stalk as possible. Trim up all lower growth up until the top couple of nodes. (I usually leave the growth tip and 1 to 3 big fans)
7. Cuts fans in half.
8. Cut right below a node at an angle (makes sure you still have 3-4 inches of branch left)
9. Dip angle cut and the bottom 1/2inch of branch into clonex gel.
10.Pull a plug out and stick the cutting with the gel into the plug. Do this off center and not into the pre-made hole.
11. Place in plug holder insert.
12. Repeat steps until you have all the cuts you want in plugs. If you clone from more than one plant make sure to place cuts from the same plants in one row and mark the row with what plant they are from.
13. Once all cuts are placed in the plug holder put your tray where it will be while the cuts root.
14. Pour the water/clonex solution into the tray, You may have to mix up another two liters.
15. Put the plug holder into the tray, make sure the liquid level is high enough to keep the plugs moist not soaked.
16. Place the dome on the tray of cutting with the vents closed, you can open the vents after 2 or 3 days if you want.
17. Cuts will take probably 10-14 days to root. Some strains take longer and some root even quicker. Check every day or two to make sure the plugs are moist and add water as needed.
18. When you have roots transplant into whatever medium you are growing in.

Note- I do not pH the water/clonex solution but it is recommended that you do. It tells you on the bottle what pH works best.

I hope that helps you out. Sorry it is wordy and there are no visuals to help you get an idea of how I do it.

Pictures not necessary. You offered great detail and quite a bit of insight into performing what needs to be done, etc. so I thank you.

I'll post pics tonight before lights out (7pm EST)
I am glad I was able to offer some insight. I hope you are able to put it to use at some point. It is a shame you were not able to clone your MOB. I cut my THSeeds MOB about a week ago and let my wife try some yesterday. She said it was really good. It smells sweet and fruity. I did not get any purple in it though. i will need to find someone with a legit cut and compare them at some point :)
Mine was fruity but questioning the legitimacy of my MOB. It just didn't seem right. So many counterfeits out there ruining it for all of us. Oh well, what's done is done, gotta move on.

I have general plant pics and some of the pistils. I'm pretty sure I don't have any dudes but if you see anything let me know.








Also, Solo Cup experiment because...just because

I do not see any balls so thats a plus! I have heard 4 or 5 different things that MOB stands for. Mother of berry, mother of bud, maine original blueberry, maine organic blueberry and then I see a seed company that uses something called mother of bride in one of their strains. In house genetics has a mother of all cherries strain that has a mother of all berry parent. I think they may have an MOB cut that someone changed the name on but who knows. I have a buddy whose neighbor grows a mother of bud cut that only produces one main bud that he says gets to be about the size of his head! I have not seen it so I cannot verify it but it sounds pretty badass. Almost all the real MOB I have seen has some color in it and is super fruity. It also usually finishes real early outside and is highly susceptible to mold.
You described MOB to a T. The fact that I didn't have to combat many issues especially as a noob makes me highly skeptical. You are right about all the names. The first original name was Mother of Berries and then it just evolved and got ruined over the past few decades. Ruining it for everyone else. Maybe someday I'll get the real thing...sigh. As far as females, so far so good. The description about your neighbors grow sounds about what MOB can be under the best circumstances. Never the less I'm glad i got the plant it was practice before having paid for any seeds (still haven't). I'll reach out about 9# at some point in the near future. I'm currently also reviewing my Emperor Cookie Dough strain and thinking I will order through seedsman unless you could perhaps point me to another place.
You described MOB to a T. The fact that I didn't have to combat many issues especially as a noob makes me highly skeptical. You are right about all the names. The first original name was Mother of Berries and then it just evolved and got ruined over the past few decades. Ruining it for everyone else. Maybe someday I'll get the real thing...sigh. As far as females, so far so good. The description about your neighbors grow sounds about what MOB can be under the best circumstances. Never the less I'm glad i got the plant it was practice before having paid for any seeds (still haven't). I'll reach out about 9# at some point in the near future. I'm currently also reviewing my Emperor Cookie Dough strain and thinking I will order through seedsman unless you could perhaps point me to another place.

I had talked to one person that said Maine Organics is who bred it which is why it was supposed to be Maine Organics Blueberry but they may be the ones to copy it. It is so hard knowing. I know I have seen many versions of it. I had a buddy that grew it out a couple years in a row outside and he lost a lot of his best tops to mold. I have no clue on the Emperor cookie dough and where to get it. I can point you at a site where you can get the 9# but it is more expensive from them than from where I showed you to get them. It is good you were able to practice with free seeds. That is always helpful. What do you lose if things dont go right other than a little bit of time.
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