Moonshine's Backyard Blueberry Auto Bash

Oh, guess I am a lil stoned still. I was supposed to be posting that I have a 40x loupe, Lol, & just cant keep steady enough I think is the problem. Oh...actually, my lighting. I’m going to bring that pink led in , the small round one on top of lil g. I’ll bring it in, & mix in a lil cfl, , and maybe even......ahhhh. We will see what happens. Until then, let me phot dump please! Later.
Morning all u pot smoking dirt bags!! Flushed dos down to 360 ppm, will try to get her down again in a couple days I think. Ppm of tap is 260-270 though, so not sure would be material enough to worry about though. Do you guys chop before pot dries up, or wait till pot is dried to chop plant? Do you guys hang plant with everything except big fans (water leaves) on to dry? Or do you guys like to trim, & then hang dry? Just taking a poll! Lol. Great day everyone!
Ok since your whinning so much!
Your plants are looking good.
Screw what the leaves look like this late in flower. Yes they are necessary for photosynthesis....but are your flowers still developing? Yes....dont rush it!
FLUSHING...YES if you use chelated products...flush again and again.
Natural/Organic not necessary...just reduce, remove, feed what's required for flower growth.
BUD WASHING...doc buds fruit washing technique with 3 bucket of abrasive cleaner and acid wash is a crock of crap. Too much residue and too much water for preservation of terpienes.
A quick dip(2 to 3 seconds) in diluted Hydrogen Peroxide and a quick clean rinse is all you need to disinfect and prepare plants for a even dry and cure.

Leaving leaves on or remove for drying....depends on humidity and temps of your drying area.

Ok since your whinning so much!
Your plants are looking good.
Screw what the leaves look like this late in flower. Yes they are necessary for photosynthesis....but are your flowers still developing? Yes....dont rush it!
FLUSHING...YES if you use chelated products...flush again and again.
Natural/Organic not necessary...just reduce, remove, feed what's required for flower growth.
BUD WASHING...doc buds fruit washing technique with 3 bucket of abrasive cleaner and acid wash is a crock of crap. Too much residue and too much water for preservation of terpienes.
A quick dip(2 to 3 seconds) in diluted Hydrogen Peroxide and a quick clean rinse is all you need to disinfect and prepare plants for a even dry and cure.

Leaving leaves on or remove for drying....depends on humidity and temps of your drying area.


Thanks Buddy Ro! Hope you’re having a good week man. :thumb:
Here’s lil g after more water & nutes. She got 1.5 liters yesterday, & no runoff. Pot felt decently watered though. Today, light as a feather. Gave her 3 liters today.
Ph 6.5
Ppm bottled spring water 170
Ppm after nutes 480, added 2 ml of adv nut grow & ppm went to 575
Watered to about 15% runoff. .....holy cow .....ppm out 1600 !!!!??? :jawdropper: Here she is right before bed!!

Hey Joe! I found a rack to put pot on to drain! Well....a RACK(et)!! Lol
2nd pic is Luna this am! Before removing dead leaves, & leveling canopy! Bout what....2-3 more weeks. Ima say 18 days! Lol. The other pics are Luna afterward...later y’all!

Get a look at the trichomes with that 40x loupe. Have you wife look, have your kids look, you look while your wife holds your arm still!

Or spend a few bucks and get the 8x one I posted and tape it to the iPhone. No more problems EVER seeing your trichs. A lifetime investment :).
Not sure if I like her color. Wonder if it could be the 40 something temps for a couple hours the other day!
I left a vent open in the small closet. It was 40ish deg...sort of looked like that.
All exposed leaves turned dark...older leaves had a brownish hue to them.

Just keep an eye on new growth. Should be ok.
I don't know what soil your using.
But like shed said. Know what you are putting into them. Soil and nutes.
Not crazy about that color either. Is it in Fox Farms soil like the blueberries were? Might need N if not. What's are the numbers in your nutes?

Dunno about the cold for a few hours. Wasn't freezing.

Yes sir, ffof still. But it’s odd that it’s so pale.

Nutes yesterday....
3 ml micro
3 ml grow
1 ml grow
3 ml cal mag+
1 ml mammoth.....then added 2 more ml of grow to the solution.

Here she is on Saturday....
and here she is a almost 2 days later...
i can’t wait to give her the tent by herself, or at least, her own side ! :volcano-smiley: Great day everyone! Wife peaked in the tent last night, & when she unzipped it, she immediately looked at me and said...”I smell blueberry! In a high pitched excited voice. I can’t smell anything but pine. Guess my sniffer’s bad!
Get a look at the trichomes with that 40x loupe. Have you wife look, have your kids look, you look while your wife holds your arm still!

Or spend a few bucks and get the 8x one I posted and tape it to the iPhone. No more problems EVER seeing your trichs. A lifetime investment :).

I might just try it! Have you ever looked through an oli clip for iPhone. I bought one a couple years ago way before I started this. Used it for the wide angle & fish eye lenses as well as the 10x & 15x magnification. I used to could see them fine. Now about 50% worse vision it seems! Got dr appt next month! Wheeewww!
Tried to get some better trich pics this morning. What I CAN see, is still a lot of clear. But there’s hardly any trichs on them. Are they just underdeveloped, and just need more time to produce more trichomes? Or are these just going to be some weak ass bud? Boyyyyy talk about the grinch who stole Christmas!
Flushed dos with 6 gallons of ph 6.5 ph tap water with a ppm of 290. Drain off was 360. Don’t think it’ll be getting any lower, but I’ll keep doing it. Might even buy 6 gallons of spring water had ppm 170. But more likely, I’ll just repeat the same if needed, & chop when more orange pistils. For dos I’m thinking 5-10 days at this pace! She’s still spitting out white pistils, that I thought were seed pods at first!
You are the complainer aren't you! Trichomes look fine. Not every plant is going to give you a 6 hour high from two hits. Rejoice in the blueberry scent :).

I'm seeing a mix of amber, clear, and pubic hair so I think you should wait a little while longer. Not too long though because you're not an amber guy. Looks great to me. :thumb:

yea and stop making those nutscape pictures ... i begin to see why you insist on a budwash ;) lol
i suggest not to google "nutscape" if you dont know what it is ;) gentle warning hehe
You are the complainer aren't you! Trichomes look fine. Not every plant is going to give you a 6 hour high from two hits. Rejoice in the blueberry scent :).

I'm seeing a mix of amber, clear, and pubic hair so I think you should wait a little while longer. Not too long though because you're not an amber guy. Looks great to me. :thumb:

Thanks brother! :thumb: And as for the “ What happens in the tent........stays in the tent!” I’m really looking forward to that blueberry aroma. It’s there now, very faint on Luna....dos still mostly clean pine scent
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