Moonshine's Backyard Blueberry Auto Bash

You are the complainer aren't you! Trichomes look fine. Not every plant is going to give you a 6 hour high from two hits. Rejoice in the blueberry scent :).

I'm seeing a mix of amber, clear, and pubic hair so I think you should wait a little while longer. Not too long though because you're not an amber guy. Looks great to me. :thumb:

If I’m going to partial harvest, do I start flower nutes again once top colas are harvested?
If I’m going to partial harvest, do I start flower nutes again once top colas are harvested?

I don't think you flush a plant you're doing a staggered harvest on. I'm not sold on the power of flushing anyway based on the 420mag article I posted a few days ago.

Dos still has lots of white pistils. Hurry up girlie!!

Blue 2 was still pumping out white pistils when I cut it down. Trichomes tell the story!
I don't think you flush a plant you're doing a staggered harvest on. I'm not sold on the power of flushing anyway based on the 420mag article I posted a few days ago.

Blue 2 was still pumping out white pistils when I cut it down. Trichomes tell the story!

It hit me today! As I was flushing. But I’m planning on the remaining nutrients to suffice dos the rest of the way. And long enough for those lower buds to mature a bit more. Lil g was none to happy! He was already counting the days until she had her own spotlight! Bless her little heart now!:volcano-smiley:
Good morning all you present hunters out there. Hope you all have a mst excellent adventure today. Getting closer to harvest day. :thumb:

What do you guys think of this. Using "10" rated terranium bulbs to increase trichomes? It's a bit dated article, but I'm still looking into it. Was wondering if any one else has knowledge relating to this. Thanks! Adios!
Morning Moon
It's a UV light....and yes it will cause the plant to protect itself by producing trichs.
Have a great day

Thanks bud! You have a great day too bro! Hey, if you happen to catch this response, if I partial harvest a plant, I’ve flushed it down as gas I think it will go, but will do one more. But if I partial harvest, do I need to restart bloom nutes, or just let plant finish itself off?
Just let her finish herself off man.. i wouldnt add more nutes after you have flushed. Even if you are wanting the smaller buds to catch up.

Thanks toast! Why not though? You think it’s a waste of time & nutes because it won’t work? Or just that the increase gained would be immaterial? Or some other reason? Thanks bro. Just curious what anyone knows about this! Great day bro!
Oh, guess I am a lil stoned still. I was supposed to be posting that I have a 40x loupe, Lol, & just cant keep steady enough I think is the problem. Oh...actually, my lighting. I'm going to bring that pink led in , the small round one on top of lil g. I'll bring it in, & mix in a lil cfl, , and maybe even......ahhhh. We will see what happens. Until then, let me phot dump please! Later.

For shed!! Great minds.......!!!! :thumb:

We had this same question at almost the same point in our grows. Found this while perusing your journal. Man I missed a lot the first go round! Have a great one!

You notice that no one ever answered the question? I'm going to answer it myself now with "yes, feed after the flush in a staggered harvest." The buds you want to continue to ripen have the same nutrient needs as the ones you just harvested. If you want to flush again before the next harvest just do it two days in advance. I am giving up flushing (plants, not toilets) based on that 420mag post.
You notice that no one ever answered the question? I'm going to answer it myself now with "yes, feed after the flush in a staggered harvest." The buds you want to continue to ripen have the same nutrient needs as the ones you just harvested. If you want to flush again before the next harvest just do it two days in advance. I am giving up flushing (plants, not toilets) based on that 420mag post.

Hey bro. That makes total sense to me (common sense to me) on a common sense level. I'm just thinking there's some science that proved me wrong. Maybe it really is that simple. I was also wondering how much it would slow a plant down by having to use its stored energy in the last week or so.

Lastly, I'm so impatient right now. I want to have dos hanging up in my closet so bad! Still seeing quite a bit of clear. Today is day 90! Wow that went fast. Anyway bro, I'd hate to cut too early, but I'm thinking waiting until Monday will be too late. So tommorrow would be the day 91. At least for all the buds that are ready! Then back to the bloom & Moab , pk13-14. 1/4-1/2 strength Cal mag as well.
Hey bro. That makes total sense to me (common sense to me) on a common sense level. I’m just thinking there’s some science that proved me wrong. Maybe it really is that simple. I was also wondering how much it would slow a plant down by having to use its stored energy in the last week or so.
Lastly, I’m so impatient right now. I want to have dos hanging up in my closet so bad! Still seeing quite a bit of clear. Today is day 90! Wow that went fast. Anyway bro, I’d hate to cut too early, but I’m thinking waiting until Monday will be too late. So tommorrow would be the day 91. At least for all the buds that are ready! Then back to the bloom & Moab , pk13-14. 1/4-1/2 strength Cal mag as well.

There is THC in clear trichomes and as I recall you don't want a lot of amber, so you're dancing on the tightrope between too early and too late. There is no perfect time to harvest a plant, you'd probably have to do that one bud at a time!

You are trying to time your harvest to a flush instead of the flush to your harvest, as if the flush was the most important thing. It's not, and might not even be necessary. Stop thinking about the flush and wait for your trichomes to get to where you want them.

Read this entire post and see how you feel about the flush issue:
A critical look at preharvest flushing
Yep. I'm with shed. Let the plant speak to you. Become one with the trichomes grasshopper

I like cbn for sleep so I love to let the plant tell me "Hey cut me down tomorrow or I'll chop and hang myself."

Your on the right track for a great harvest Mr moon :high-five:
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