Moonshine's Backyard Blueberry Auto Bash

Dos....FYI....these 2 hate being pulled around. They pout like a child!!.....before

And lulu....about to get messed up if she thinks about biting my plants again!!!

So if you guys can tell, most canopy is fairly even, but can y’all see...on dos I believe mostly, the one main that wants to be alpha cola. Should I let it be? Or try and pull down more evenly.
agreed alternated nodes mine took a full 4 weeks after this moment to start flowering hehe

So do ya think mine are flowering to early? Could 20/4 lights and being at 12” away for half its life or more have anything to do with it, or just strain/genetics related in your opinion?
So do ya think mine are flowering to early? Could 20/4 lights and being at 12” away for half its life or more have anything to do with it, or just strain/genetics related in your opinion?

Autos flower on their own time based on strain and environment. 20/4 or 18/6 won't change the veg time. Nor will the height of the lights. My blueberries flowered around 32 days. How old are yours and have you seen my posts about the leaves?
Post vid! If we can hear KingJoe step in shit in his flip flops we wanna hear the "vortex of liquid life" at work :)

Ok boyz!!! No laughing at, or poking fun.....but I don't know what y'all mean about that being loud. It's joke right? Lol
So I assume that has holes in the clear plastic ring. Like a sprinkler do you just make new bigger pieces of clear tubing as the plant grows & the watering ring gets bigger?

Also, how many holes, & size? Like an ice pick circumference? How long does it take to water say....1-2 liters? Sorry for all questions, but that looks really handy for not having to remove ties for watering!! Really man....bravo! You going to be rich yo! So you can send me all your equipment when you get those brand new limited edition top of the line lights from furcifer's start up company. haven't heard bout them? betta axe sum body!! Lol. Check out his journal. Dude is wicked smart!! See what I did there??...furcifer....wicked.....really!!!! CRICKETS!!!??? Wow, such a tough crowd:blunt:
Have you soaked this yet? If not, water to runoff! If yes, then I'm saying nitrogen overload. Those leaves look so sad.

They do look bad yes. They got 2 liters with bloom additives. Only N is the cal mag + but that was 1/4 dose. Yep had run off, but I'm not sure how much. This ffof was mixed 60/40 soil/perlite.

Although, the leaves got real sad after I messed with her. I don't have gentle hands.
Pull down that one main cola and then soak these poor plants! Look at the leaves, they'll all pointing down when they should be up toward the sky! Water to runoff if you haven't yet.

Sorry it's taking me so long on this phone. I'll do it tomm night. Pot already feels half the weight it was after watering last night. You think it could wait that long. Being a chronic over watered, I'm a bit worried about soaking them. :thumb:
That soil looks very dry on top at least and the leaves look like they need water. You don't have to start the bloom nutes yet if you want to get a pH'd flush first. My bloom nutes have some nitro in them but it doesn't look like yours need any right not based on color.

Since you're moving your plants like I do, get something flat to stay under them and carry them by that. It keeps the cloth pot from contracting and expanding every time you pick it up and put it down. A square of plywood or something. I use a big saucer for each that I've punched a hole in for drainage. They are always in them and no movement of the soil when I move them.
Autos flower on their own time based on strain and environment. 20/4 or 18/6 won't change the veg time. Nor will the height of the lights. My blueberries flowered around 32 days. How old are yours and have you seen my posts about the leaves?

I’m just catching up now & seeing this one. Going to put water in tent to get right temp. It’s out in porch in outdoor temps which are about 65-68 f right now. Tent is around 77 all zipped up but 2 vents open to breathe.

Luna 35 days today..dos 5 days behind. Have gold leaf fem in never sunk, so we’ll see....another attempt at xmas cookies in water...sunk straight away! :thumb: Thanks for hanging in there with me y’all. It’s like y’all are right here with me!!
Sorry it’s taking me so long on this phone. I’ll do it tomm night. Pot already feels half the weight it was after watering last night. You think it could wait that long. Being a chronic over watered, I’m a bit worried about soaking them. :thumb:

I hear ya about the over-watering. If they look like that and they don't need water then maybe they need less!

An over watered cannabis plant will have leaves that are full of water, so the leaves will be firm to the touch and generally curling down (even from the stem of the leaf) almost as if it has too much water weight to hold the leaf out straight.

An under watered cannabis plant will have leaves that are brittle, limp, and lifeless. They will need to be watered every day just to keep them wet. The leaves will seem to be drooping but won't appear as rounded and full as an over watered cannabis plant.

Feel the leaves and see what they say bc they definitely need something different!
I hear ya about the over-watering. If they look like that and they don't need water then maybe they need less!


Feel the leaves and see what they say bc they definitely need something different!

I’d say overwatering probably. The pots not light at all. I’m going to google pics of over & under watered plants & see if it helps me decide. I wonder if low humidity would cause this. It’s crazy low out there. Currently mid 30s ...earlier went as low as 26 rh
Well, after you guys advice, & reading around, looking at example pics and a few other things, I remembered I had a pot of soil mix in greenhouse. Picked it up for reference weight. Hasn’t had water in it in a couple of weeks. I realized that my pots in tent must be dry, because they felt lighter than the pot with no plant. Only gave them 2 liters ea. Just in case it was wrong decision. I’d like to check on em in a bit, but it may have to wait till morning. Fallon till sleep. Jimmy’s the best!
Good morning all u early risers!! Checked Luna & dos 1 or 2 Times thru the night as I had trouble sleeping. They were watered at 11 ish last night, still look the same to me. Mayyyybe a tad better. I wonder if it wasn’t enough? No way right? Those little things....that’s a gal total in less than 2 days. I’ll get this right eventually. I hope anyway. Being out of meds sux big time.
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