Moonshine's Backyard Blueberry Auto Bash

Uh oh!! Should have known I had it backwards. Knew I read it somewhere. Lol. Ahhhh...errrrrrr.......well I did have seeds in my first harvest....only 7 good ones...8 total. That’s not many at all!! Weed was good! Cmon boys!! Jump in anytime! I’m feeling kinda bummed & at loss what to do...

You're doing great Moon! At this point it's about leaf-tucking (with or without the twist ties - but don't cut the tips) and spreading with the wire to get light to the lower bud sites. Only need to train down any growth that is growing over another branch. Other than that it looks great!
Plucked it & had it in a plastic lid to bring in & photograph for y’all. Well as I zipped tent up, I realized that the lid was in my hand I used to zip tent. I was Guess it was destined to be!! It fell right in front of the tent. If it’s a sac with pollen, it’s a done dada! Luna def looks all girl.
Yeah I'd wait a minute. But if you noticed an open sack I would foliar with plain water to inoculate the pollen. Is that the right word? Spray them down to "deactivate" the pollen. Haha
I had to wrap up in a hurry my first grow. It was mid April. Packed up tent without even thinking of cleaning. I think I’ve made every rookie mistake there is!! But. I had a Effin great time doing it, & I’ll be doing “IT” till I DIE!! Lol. Peace n prosperity. I love that phrase. Hof wide receiver for the Pittsburgh Steelers back in the day (1970’s) , som guy named Lynn.......hmmmm. Uhhh. Swan !!! That’s it. Swan! Lynn Swan. That guy signed a steelers vs Seahawks Super Bowl football with that phrase, & I’ve used it every since!!! True story!

Except the part where I pretended to not know who Lynn swan is!! Oh bunch of cheekey lil monkies you!!:thumb:
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