Moonshine's Backyard Blueberry Auto Bash

looking fine there moon ... they both seem pretty healthy atm ... keep it up sport

that main cola looks like its gonna be one massive bud .. such tight internodes ...mmm... tight is goood ;)

Thanks bro...I could use some good meds!! So would u call this week 1 of flower, or preflower? Advanced nutrients call for some additives first 2 weeks of flower, so I’m chomping at the bit to give it to em. I also have mammoth p, so I’m at a loss as to what to do, except ask u guys, or wait till tomm & ask reps on phone. By the time I can research, it will be lights on at 11.....yes....20/4 light schedule. I just feel and have read everywhere, the more light the better with autos. We will see I guess!! Thanks for any kwik responses
Dunno nuthin' about no mammoth p, but I can tell you that 20/4 is great for autos from start to finish, and you could start a low dose of Open Sesame additive now and up it as you go. It is supposed to create more bud sites and help in early flowering. I started a bit late (didn't know about it until they was already in flower) but then I ran it right through chop, contrary to FoxFarms advice!


That's for photos btw, not autos. Start with less for autos.

Also, I'd say Luna was in pre-flower but Dos is in flower.
Watered with the following ....

Piranha 2ml per liter
Bud candy 2ml per liter
Bud igniter 2ml per liter
Bud factor x 2ml per liter
Rhino skin 2ml per liter

Also added mammoth p to that mix as well. I think it was .75-1ml into 2 liters of water with the above additives. So about a liter each to drink. They look very droopy at the moment. I’ll check them in the morning. Time for bed all you cheeky monkeys!! Oh, the temps were 77 a little while ago, with it zipped up. I’ll check before hitting the rack. Which might be very shortly:thumb::volcano-smiley:
Heading to pick up that second shipment of mammoth I submitted form for like 3 months ago. I sent an email to a rep, & got it in about 22 days. I had given up & even forgotten about the one from 3 months ago. Two days after 1st one arrived...this past friday, I get an email saying sample was shipped. I thought...whaaaaa? Checked order #, & indeed this was a different shipment.’s here already, at local grow shoppe
Could be calyx

I’m hoping so. Just checked em again while I was taking the “ponytails” off the leaves blocking sites. (Haha....thanks shed!!). You two can stop laughing anytime. :thumb: Anyways, during check I found another one opened up at the end. Looked like a leaf was forming. I read somewhere recently that hermies/males will start staggering nodes after showing sex, whereas fem stay symmetrical. Or is that just for strictly male plants???
Hey shed...think these are enough? Lol. Putting them to work!

Looks like you made a trip through the "BREAD aisle". Of your local grocery market! Lol

A LOT of good help going on for you!

. gotta fly!
Females will stagger their nodes when mature.

Uh oh!! Should have known I had it backwards. Knew I read it somewhere. Lol. Ahhhh...errrrrrr.......well I did have seeds in my first harvest....only 7 good ones...8 total. That’s not many at all!! Weed was good! Cmon boys!! Jump in anytime! I’m feeling kinda bummed & at loss what to do...
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