Monster Cropped Strawberry Banana

Hydro growing just makes way more room for mistakes and water damage in house if you leak to much plus more electricity for all the pumps coolers fans and lights.Plus way more money on supplies over all to run a hydro system.I only need soil and three bottles of nutrients and i can run my grow months on end.No air pumps no water chiller and dehumidifier needed from all the water evaporation.
Pussy. Lol
Most likely the first plant ever grown was in soil so be it.

Well if life started in the ocean, then it would seem to me that marine plants probably hit it first. :rofl:
Most likely the first plant ever grown was in soil so be it.
No, in the second season of The Flintstones you can clearly see Fred's ebb and flow in the garage. Later Betty flips out cause Barney is trying to get Dino high.
No, in the second season of The Flintstones you can clearly see Fred's ebb and flow in the garage. Later Betty flips out cause Barney is trying to get Dino high.

Well that makes Gazoo much more logical. They was high AF.

I ment pot plant not sea weed moron.

Land weed, sea weed... one just needs more drying time. :rofl:
Whats your plant count max lets have this conversation?Mine is 12 with no amount on how much we can have at home in dry flower form.
How many plants can I grow? I could grow 15 but only allowed 6
Whats your plant count max lets have this conversation?Mine is 12 with no amount on how much we can have at home.


6 in flower, 6 in veg, and 6 seedlings.

If I took on as caregiver for someone, it would add another of the same limit (per patient.)
We have the best cannabis laws in Mass.
I want to go out there. I've flown into and out of New York and Newark a few times, but I'd like to spend a month driving around back East
And the best soil growers on east coast.
Soil is for twats and girlscouts

27oz, 2 plants, DNAs Lemon Skunk

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