Momma's Kitchen Serving: My Bloody Valentines

Yes hang on!! If it's what we got last night she's a bad one!
Jinx! My power went out.. Almost same time as yours
lucky it was not a downed power line & I was awake
When I looked out side every body else lights were on. Did my power line come off?? No. looked at the power box .What the h*ll main breaker is off, flipped it back on ,lights come on
reset a timer
When I look outside, garage light looks brighter ?? maybe just the fresh snow . 5 min later power goes out again .
What the F*ck, main is off again this time don't want to come back on. Panic starting to set in .
:idea: Garage light?? go out shut it off , flip breaker , Lights!
Stupid 122 km wind blew rain & snow into the light some how & was shorting it out
Not sure why it blew the main & not just the 15 amp circuit
Oh no!!!! Sorry for the jinx!
Hope they all are ok?
Quick on ur feet!
Did you find out what happened?
Not your fault, momma nature is pretty rough sometimes
they should be ,they weren't out for too long maybe 5- min. each time
just glad I didn't go to sleep early
it is good thing I took notice of the bright light
I guess the freezing wet snow stuck to the fixture, melted & caused a ground fault
everything was coated with stuck snow- walls ,fences ,wires
I see it peaked at 126 km
lots of heavy packed snow, dead branches to clean up " achy back ache "
Okay so some things I've been up to.

I removed SOoo much leaves. Probably to much. I took each plant out of the room. Restraped them down and I just topped up the plants (fed) so they were all on the same page. I sprayed for PM. my humidity is at 31%, however it is present which is why I decided to lift the canopy, removed the sites that weren't getting any , little air flow because the branches were crossing and making it dense. So I opened them up, to main branches only. Which I did before but they grew back.
I sprayed CA on each of them when I took them out of the room to allow them to dry before putting them back in the room where the lights were on.

It took me about 6 hours between both rooms. My back was killing me.

The things we do for love

So now everyone is balanced for food in the room. Cleaned up for maximum light and air flow. Received my Orchid nutes... it's gonna be a great day!

oh one more thing. Momma made an executive decision and pulled plant #2 as you would know her. As I was cleaning up I didn't like the way she was presenting. I felt she was going to if not already Hermie. Good news I had a plant from the same mother #2 and flipped her. So she is still hopefully going to bright red, like her mother but is 2.75 weeks behind. I also cloned her a few weeks ago and they have all taken. I will pot them tomorrow.

@InTheShed thank you very much for your support and company:love:
Glad to help where I can!
It's here!!! Ordered it twice and finally one came.
Unfortunately, what they sent you isn't what you need to re-balance the pH of the ProMix. They sent 20-20-20 instead of 20-10-20, and with different N sources as well. While the additional phosphorus might not end up being a problem for just a couple of waterings, the nitrogen in the mix comes mostly from urea. Purdue University's ag department says this about urea nitrogen:

"This form of fertilizer nitrogen usually undergoes a three-step change before it is taken up by crops. First, enzymes in the soil or plant residue convert the urea N to ammonia N. Next, the ammonia reacts with soil water to form ammonium N. And finally, through the action of soil microorganisms, the ammonium is converted to nitrate N."

Because it's converted from urea to ammonia, that is then converted to nitrate N before being taken up by the roots, I read that as being something that will raise the pH rather than lower it.

I wish I had better news. :(
Hang in there Momma!! I’ve been quiet, but I’m here in the background cheering for you! I know little about synthetic nutes-happily there a folks around here who know lots :) I’ll continue to cheer from the back - am confident you’ll get it sorted
Hang in there Momma!! I’ve been quiet, but I’m here in the background cheering for you! I know little about synthetic nutes-happily there a folks around here who know lots :) I’ll continue to cheer from the back - am confident you’ll get it sorted
Thanks Amy.... I'm trying!
Posted that before the new pics...That yellow on the top Red Afro just looks like variegation...
Yes she has one branch that does that. It was just green and cream now the red looks like it's bleeding into it. I love it.
I just wanted to take a moment and thank whoever nominated me. I know that there are great growers out there, friend and fellow members and people with way more knowledge than I have. So to be held in that light is very heartfelt. I just want to make a note in here to whoever it was, thank you for just thinking of me.
Big hugs :hug: :Namaste:
@Mr. Sauga How are you? I never hear from you anymore. :(
you must be busy keeping us all on track takes ur time. Just hope your doing well :love:
Haha, my time is so thin lately with work and my plants. I used to finish at 3pm, now it's 5pm. Try and eat some dinner, get the girls all taken care of, spend time playing with the dog because animals need that, and before you know it I'm 3 pages behind on journals and it's bed time.
I'm well though, as I hope you are too!
Haha, my time is so thin lately with work and my plants. I used to finish at 3pm, now it's 5pm. Try and eat some dinner, get the girls all taken care of, spend time playing with the dog because animals need that, and before you know it I'm 3 pages behind on journals and it's bed time.
I'm well though, as I hope you are too!
I'm happy to hear your doing well Good news is the days are getting longer. Can't wait for summer :love:
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