Weed Match - Bloody Skunk vs Bloody Skunk vs Red Poison

It was born like that (yellow) and is not the result of over-watering. Right now, it's becomin,g greener everyday. Nothing to worry about, baby born with enough pigments, that's it :-)

The competitor receive the same amount for the moment, they don't need more, but they will receive what they need once each of them grow a little and shows its singularities.

my bet is if you get the watering schedule down for the BS in the 25L in flower she'll be an extra half the size of the others (15-25cm difference).
Well here is a pic, sorry I forgot to mention the

EVEN UPDATE : Change of racecourse

A couple of days ago, our champions joined the 4*4 room and its powerful LED panels.

A few changes were made to the arrangment of the pic below, so the Purples get mainly Blue Light (they are mainly under the Mars II 400 with Bloom switch Off, at the right), while other occupant of the tent receive their dose of bloom light. They all seemed very happy with the change.

EVEN UPDATE 2: who's in the pole position now ???

- BS 25 is clearly in the pole position: 2nd node leaves are wide open and have a similar size. The two others are much less symetrical and loose the beauty contest. Moreover, as predicted, BS25 is becoming greener everyday.

- However, none show any sign of a newborn 3rd node, and the Jury has expresed its intent to see that before giving the point for reaching 2nd node in a "state of the art" fashion.

Until then, the 2nd node stage is not complete.


Latest score reminder:

Round 3: "Reach the Second Node" (with an embryo of 3rd node)

We have a winner, but I let you discover the pictures first


It is hard to decide between BS25 and BS11 this time.

- RP11 looses for asymetry of the 2nd node leaves, and rather late 3rd node embryo.

- BS 11 shows some nice qualities, but mainly in the 3rd node which is nicely symetrical, and same size as BS25's which was in pole position yesterday. That's noticeable, but that's not qualities of the 2nd node.

- BS 25
must win this round as it is about the 2nd node, and this one is very symetrical and sharp, already full of its "skunky" character :-)

BS 25 wins the 3rd round "Reaching the Second Node" hands down !


Next Round: "show me 5 blades" (leaves of 5 blades, at 3rd node, possibly with a 4th node ready to top, or not).

Round 4: "Show me 5 blades" i've let this round last a bit longer to be sure of the winner. Check the pics first.

BS 11 from top

BS11 perspective view

BS 25 Top view

BS25 perspective

RP 11 top and perspective

The advance of both Bloody Skunks over Red Poison is obvious, and the gap widens day after day.
Bloody Skunk 11 and 25 are almost the same, they are already growing the 5th node and the 5 blades are big and sound.
However, BS 11 is bigger and greener. It is also showing its vigor, because it was loosing every round and has made an impressive come back during the 2 lats rounds.

Bloody Skunk 11 is the winner and gets the point for this round.


I am tempted to make this a set like in a tennis match, with BS 25 as winner of the 1st set.
I am also not sure what the next round should be, may be 5th node or pre-flowering ? (there should be a p oint for the state pre-pre-flowering). I will not top any of the plants unless it is necessary to control size.

See u later, I hope you enjoy the race ;-)
Score Update: Round 5: "Race to the top"

This round rewards post-3rd node vigor. At this stage, the speed of development between strains becomes more apparent.

The Bloody Skunks are at least 1 node in advance compared to Red Poison

BS 11 and BS 25:

RP 11 and another Red Poison in a 7L pot seeded the same day. As you can see, they are at the same stage, so Bloody Skunks are faster by 1 node

A point is given to both Bloody Skunks.


to be continued....
I find that some LST doesn't slow it all to much.

In fact, on the bloody skunks in previous session, I already tried topping+ quick LST in small spaces (ie, not a proper production LST) and the result are far from interesting compared to the work and stress it generates, and time taken. I need to make time and focus on other stuff so the easiest grow is the best for me at this moment.

LST without space, or without topping, it is a bit stressful and it needs time to make a difference (see the ANQ, we are already 2 or 3 weeks late and it is a strain that takes 10 weeks in average, so at the end it takes as much time as a photo).
I will only defoliating a little while the flowers are blooming, to expose lower buds. I find it efficient in making bigger or densier buds all over the plant.

I will probably LST other plants of the main session though
It is stretching

BS 11 and 25

BS 11

BS 25

Red Poison 11 and 7

RP 11

RP 7

So far, the Bloody Skunks have a faster development than Red Poison.

A point will be counted later, probably when it pre-flowers
Score Update:Round 6: pre-flowering

Let's check the pics! I added RP 7 in the competition, with the same score as the other one, so we can compare 2 bloody skunks with 2 red poisons.

BS 11

BS 25

RP 11

RP 7

A larger view (bs 11, bs 25, rp 11)


Both Bloody Skunks began flowering 2 days ago, and Red poisons only today for RP 11.
The Bloody skunks already show white pistils, which are not yet present in the red poisons.

A point is given to Both Bloody Skunks for being the first to reach pre-flowering stage.

NEW SCORES (Round 6: pre-flowering):


Hi Catnip, I've grown Cream caramel and Cream mandarine XL and I am not a fan of the "creams" in general. I feel they are more for CBD people (effect not strong). That's why I didn't order purple creams. I have received some Dark Devil Auto seeds that I will use later, should be interesting for the Kush aspects, to compare them with the skunk of the Bloody Skunk.
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