Weed Match - Bloody Skunk vs Bloody Skunk vs Red Poison

Hi Catnip, I've grown Cream caramel and Cream mandarine XL and I am not a fan of the "creams" in general. I feel they are more for CBD people (effect not strong). That's why I didn't order purple creams. I have received some Dark Devil Auto seeds that I will use later, should be interesting for the Kush aspects, to compare them with the skunk of the Bloody Skunk.

I have 2 cream Mandarines that just popped in my current grow 2.0 which i just started
Hi all, sharing some pics that show the advance of Bloody Skunks over Red Poisons. I think that's the reason why I see many people do LST on Red Poisons, while Bloody Skunk might be slightly too fast to do that (I would say that BS is 1 week quicker than RP). Pre Flowers of Red Poisons began to show 2 days after Bloody Skunk, but they grow slower than the flowers of the Bloody Skunk. After 1 week, the difference is shown on the pics:

BS 25

BS 11

RP 11

RP 7

A general view:
Concerning size, the Red Poison 11 is slightly shorter than the BS 11. The tallest is BS 25, and the shortest is RP 7 which is more compact than RP 11 but looks the same size (of leaves etc).

compared to my other stuff

see you
Count me in space mate.good job so far.good luck with sweet seeds i popped 4 of there killer kush auto and were all freaks but 1 made it.is a beauty now.in my sponsored grow.iv also got there big devil 2 autos and sweetooth autos to go at.best of luck on this grow il be watching;)
Here is my killer kush auto 4 weeks old tmz .28 days.grown under blackdiamond perfectsun goliath 1000. Just left to grow.did have all her bottom growth removed yesterday and a few fans.she is now showing she is female so stretch should kick in anyday.this plant looked like a freak at the very beginning .so she had come along way .here she .sweetseeds killer kush auto
and the rest of my auto garden;)
happy growing every1;)
The stretch of the BS 25 is quite impressive.

BS25 will take a lot of light from top to bottom. I hope branches and buds will develop proportionnally too.

Nice to see that BS 11 and RP11 are of the exact same size, and that all plants are proportional to their container eventhough young buds and leaves are generally the same size on all plants.

Round 7= Purple Phenotype detected !

From now on, 1 point will be given to each individual plant that show purple colors.

The first to score in this area is BS 11. It is normal for Bloody Skunks to show colors at this stage, that's when you know which pheno you have quite early. If a strain has 2 purple phenos in the race, then an additional point will be given for the strain in addition to the individual points. Each strain can score high here whenever it happens.

Look at the basis of the crown (leaves at the base of the bud). Press "ctrl +" several times to zoom in the picture.

I think that BS25 will turn purple too, but not yet sure. Buds are not as mature as on BS 11 andcolors on stems are less contrasted. It should happen soon now if it is a purple pheno.

Red Poisons, I am pretty sure RP 11 could turn purple. I haven't inspected RP7 for signs yet (red lines on stems).


NEW SCORES (Round 7: Purple Pheno Detected !!)


Hi all !

Long time no see! I was waiting for more plants to turn purple, but it didn't happen yet.

Let's check the pics!
17 days have passed since last pictures.
We are at Week #6 (germination date = 19/20 oct 2016 approximately)

BS 25: it will not purple at all. Even the green is different from the green phenos I had before, and I do not know that phenotype but it looks really interesting, nice contrast between the dark green and very clear bud tops (yellowinsh-white) :-)

This is the BS 11 and it is the typical Bloody Skunk, here with clearer-than-usual purple colors that slowly spread from the bud center to the leaves' tips:

RP 7: flowering is late but this one was a bit too far from the lights, and was put higher recently, so buds are still in their pre-flowering stage. It has some purple leaves here and there in the lower leaves, but not yet on the buds :

That's the RP 11 and flowers are well formed. It is now approx 2 inchs higher than the BS 11. I think it is still building up buds, because it is rather thin compared to the Bloody Skunks.

That's it for now , there's no point to count for the moment, eventhough it is now probable that the Red poisons will both turn purple, but it is also too soon to tell and all can change. It is now certain that the Bloody Skunks will give only 1 purple pheno, and a "yellow pheno" which was unexpected but is now very much awaited :-)
He might just be on holiday or something.... :wood: *knock knock knock* you around buddy we looking final "contest rulings" and smoke reports
HI there,
Just because I don't want to leave you guys without news.

I stopped growing and smoking too, because it was the right time for me to stop.
I just took the plants and put them in the garbage. Some of them were beautiful, the Bloody skunk were ready (clearly the winner ;-) but I just cut them and got rid of them, without even tasting them :-)
What was dried, a whole bowl, also went to the garbage (may be the atami bloombastic is to clame, the AutoNight Queen was clearly too strong and causing paranoia and that kind of stuff, still, that's what drove me to throw it away).

I did not want to leave without giving news or telling the reasons behind my decision, that's couterproductive and doesn't help people, that's why I post this message...

The main reason was that I was simply smoking too much and I have to look for a new job, make changes in my life, and the weed was something that stopped me from doing that because I abused it a bit :-) Still, MJ did not stop me from getting rid of it, so I can clearly say that there is no addiction and that you are still free of your decisions even if you are a heavy smoker.

I still beleive that MJ is something that can be great, that research will show all the benefits and that it still need support, but I also experienced the downside of it when smoked all day long - life happens in your mind, but nothing changes in reality, you forget a few things, important or not (skunks are too powerful nowadays say some close friends of mine who helped me in the difficult times, I am strong, but smoking too much when you are healthy doesn't help changing a life) - may be it is too confortable that way, when you need a deep change in life - this added to other things that did not go well but I can't blame MJ for that, on the contrary, I think it has been helpful going through shitty times to releive the pressure and think about stuff very deeply, but at some point, it's also something that could not become a way of life for me.

The point is that I needed some changes in my life, like meeting new people, doing stuff like exercise, going out, etc, and I felt that I needed to get rid of it to make room for new things. I needed to create a new environment for myself... it's not only MJ, MJ is only a small part of what I wanted to change in my life, but may be it was the starting point.

I post this messsage just because I see that a few people were worried, and because I think this message can also be helpful to some, may be, and I saw on this forum that some people suddenly leave without explanation, and it is not good at all, not to know why.

I hope all is fine with all of you; I am fine, no worries, I am not sick, nothing bad happened, it's just that it was the right time for me.

Take care all of you !

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