Okay, here goes..
2ml/L of each M, B, G (which is appropriate for the age of your plant) provides:
100ppm N (OK)
23ppm P (OK)
132ppm K (OK)
48ppm Ca (a bit low - I like about half of K, so at least 66 ppm would be better)
2ppm Mg (ridiculously low - I like about half of Ca, so at least 33 ppm would be better)
0.25g/L of Epsom provides 26ppm Mg, so that would bring Mg up to 28ppm (a little low still)
To address the low Ca and Mg, you could now add 0.5ml/L of CaliMagic (1%N, 5%Ca, 1.5%Mg), which provides 25ppm Ca, and 7.5ppm Mg. This would bring the Ca up to 73ppm and Mg up to 35.5 ppm, with only a 5ppm increase in N.
It’s accepted practice to mix in the CalMag first - before Micro - as if the Ca and Mg were already in your water.
Which reminds me - this assumes that you are using RO water. If not, do you have a water quality report? You might have sufficient Ca and Mg in your water already.