Mello's Mystery Seed Party Cups Grow - 2nd Grow

Thank you. I know right, one day you walk in and there is a totally different plant in the room, like "where did you come from" type feeling as soon as you look at her.
I just looked back a few pages and there is a definite noticeable difference. Good thing for journaling on :420: The shoots look huge compared to 3 days ago.
I'll be posting and update soon. I up-potted Rootie to a half gallon pot. She needed the space. I think before flowering baby greens she will go into the tidy cats bucket and rootie will go to the 1 gallon pot and new life will go to the half gallon. What do you guys think?
My concern is that I'd have to almost quadruple the amount of cfls for the flowering schedule....?

I can't seem to remember how much cfls your running but i doubt you would have to quadruple them lol i use just a little over 200w for my flowering box its like 233w if i remeber right. With cfls as long as you aren't planning on growing giant plants you should be good as long as you place the cfls strategically lol
Hi, Mello! I don't have anything to add about the number of CFLs, but just wanted to say HI!

Hi Glim!!!! :circle-of-love::high-five: Thanks for the visit!!!!!

Question for whoever can answer, since this is bag seed and we don't know much about it aside from how it smoked, how or when can we tell what she is? Sativa? Indica? I know it's in the leaves but I see a mixture of broad and thin leaves, so, I'm a little lost..... or is it too early to tell?
Hiya mello

my light is only 200w, mate.. 100 blue 100 red..

I so wanna upgrade... But by keeping what ya got , right close you can do well... If it was me , i would be looking to have more 2700k than 6500k for flowering... I have added extra bulbs, in 2700k myself... To get more good stuff for my ladies...

I did the dozen cfl's when I started, a diaper box and aluminum foil for a reflector. Then went to a 250 watt cfl. I borrowed a 1000 watt hps from my father-in-law and have not gone back. I do use my 250 watt cfls(6500k and 2700k) to slowly veg a plant each at the moment. They were getting too big in my rdwc with a 400 mh. They do work, but HID is way better. I do look for 6500k cfl's, but they seem hard to come by at the stores here...
Well more light is better so i can't give you a solid number of watts if your cheap like me and grow smaller plants shoot for 200w-250w actual watts not equivalent watts. My flowering box is 1 foot 2 inches wide by 1 foot 10 inches in length and 2 foot 9 inches high so i pack 8 26w cfls in there and now I put those led strips in there too as a experiment but they are suppose to be 25w all together i also use emergency blankets to help reflect my lights ive found in that space that amount of light is perfect. You will have to measure your grow area and figure what would be good for your space and how many lights you can fit and if you can control the heat, yes i know cfls dont get super hot but too many lights in a small area with poor ventilation will screw up your day even with cfls. As for determining whether your plant is indica dominant or sativa dominant best way to tell is if when you look at a leaf and your leaves are wider its most likely indica dominant if the leaves have slender fingers most likely sativa dominant. Now i have a plant its not necessarily either indica or sativa dom i suspect its a hybrid of the two, its bag seed btw, it grows short like a indica but doesnt have wider finger leaves but not necessarily as slender as a sativa either also when smoking its buds its a mix of a uppity happy high with plenty of relaxation as well so that's why I suspect it is a hybrid plant but since its bagseed i have no way of knowing for sure. I also have another bag seed that is unmistakably indica dominant wide leaves and narcotic body stone high. Hope my ramblings help lol take it easy friend
G'Morning, Thanks for all the info guys! I'm probably going to flower with an HPS, we'll see. I can get a 150w for $60. Also, I was wondering what is going on during lights on, and what is going on during lights off? Rather what happens specifically to the plant during on and during off..?
Good morning Mello!

I am a little bit familiar with parts of this question... So :bong: let's see what I can ramble about for a minute. :rofl:

I used to run 24/7 lights on. I was doing this because I felt like it grew the plant through veg faster. This was not the case, during lights on the plant is growing because of photosynthesis. :bong: something about how the plant converts light to energy. Probably fell asleep during science class right before this point.
As the plant converts all that light to energy during the day it also has a function to perform at night. A function I was leaving out completely from my garden. During the day all that energy is being stored away because the plant is busy doing its photosynthesis thing but at night when there is no light to convert, it is now using all the stored energy from the day and is not utilizing it and feeding itself with stored sugars and startches.
If you've noticed, when a gardener switches the light cycle from an 18/6 schedule to a 12/12 schedule, people refer to the next week or so as "the stretch". This is because the plant now has access to more sugars and energy that it can stretch up big and high because it has more energy.

So, to sum that up I guess... Daytime = Photosynthesis
Night Time = using that energy



Now I'm sure someone will be able to give a little more detail to my rambling mess there. But I hope it helps a little bit.
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