Mello's Mystery Seed Party Cups Grow - 2nd Grow

Nice update Mr Poppins.

I'm liking the training. Keep in mind as you strap her down good and proper, always allow the tips to turn back up to the light and the highest shoots will grow the fastest. Pin the longer ones down and that will allow the shorter ones time to catch up.
Keep that top even, yo
I use the soft green wire also, I wanna see plants with stems like this. :passitleft:

Ok, so, just a quick update before I head off to school to sit in a damn study hall until 2. about 24 hours after the lst and she has responded wonderfully the stock has thickened up a bit and has gotten stronger. The new growth from the 6 tops she has are looking really healthy. It was feeding day this morning so I got that done. I gave her .5 ml of bioroots, .5 ml of Armor SI, 1 ml grow, 1 ml micro, and all in 1 gl of diluted water. I started the 18/6 schedule, Dec 1st I will start the 14/10 schedule, and Dec 7th I'll start the flower schedule. I'm assuming here, but harvest will probably around Feb. Which is perfect because that's during refund season and i'll be able to get better equip for the next grow.

Were you ever able to pick up a PH test kit? Reason I ask is Distilled water usually sit at around 6.5 (at least the stuff around here) which if fed straight to the plant is an acceptable level. After adding my Nutrients(depending on what's on the menu that day) I've seen it drop down to 5.5 which is way low for a soil grow.

Any way looking good and I hope you get a PH kit or meter soon.
Hi Mello!

Things look absolutely am4zin in here!!!

Love the LST touch. Girls are responding well. Man you're strutting your stuff around here like a seasoned pro. Happy for you man! :adore:

Excited to see how this turns out! Keep it up Brudda!

It was very easy and fun. I have to admit I was intimidated at first, bombarded with questions like, am I hurting her, is it too much stress, and a host of others. Someone told me just jump in and get your feet wet. What's the worst that could happen.
hello mate, looks like im not late to the party, ill grab a seat if you dont mind.

great stuff, love the creativity.

Thanks Brother and welcome! Feel free to drop a line whenever your around, any tips or interjections are greatly appreciated. I update almost daily and never past 2 days. I have tons of questions (ask everyone) and I love to jump in on weedversations (stoned talks). Especially those that put us in some kind of space time continuum warp drive that takes us light years away from our own minds.
It was very easy and fun. I have to admit I was intimidated at first, bombarded with questions like, am I hurting her, is it too much stress, and a host of others. Someone told me just jump in and get your feet wet. What's the worst that could happen.

Yeah, this is the only way, eh? At a certain point you just have to wade in and do it! I don't know about you, but I have a tendency to get stuck in my head (I LOVE research and reading and shit) -- I mean, I do need to do all the reading and stuff, but then I plunge in, get my hands dirty and I REALLY start to understand some of the things I've been reading.

Like training. Until you do it, it seems so theoretical. And then you're actually working with the plants and seeing them respond and it's FUN!


"Weedversations" heh heh heh
Listen... I mean, read...carefully. I learned that "CON"versations are full of lies and unconscious slips. Most are with an agenda behind them. Weedversations on the other hand, are just a mind trip with someone who makes you truly comfortable and you can talk about ANYTHING without a purpose for the talk besides taking whatever "non-sense" is in our head and laying it on the table regardless of content. I think it would be a good model for think tanks.

What'd ya think of my first LST'ing Glim! Eh, eh? I had OG comment on how bondage film like it looks.
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