Medscientist's Outdoor Lab 2024

WooHoo! ❤️

I threw together a Temporary Indoor Turface Swick for my last Clone. I wanted something as short as possible, but able to have a decent res to draw from. I found a 4 gallon bucket (white), a grey lid, a 1 gallon bucket (black), a 1 gallon grow bag, and a microfiber cloth, cut into 1 inch strips ( ~12 inches long).


I filled the res till the water was at the bottom of the black bucket and made a line for reference (max fill). I drilled 1 inch holes in the lower part of the black bucket to promote air supply to encourage root pruning. Cut the lid to insert black bucket with a snug fit at the lip. Then inserted the wicks with enough length to scrape the bottom of res.

Here it is put together.


Transplanted the clone off to the side a bit, trying to center the eventual shoots. After I had transplanted, I realized I forgot to drill holes around the top edge of the bucket to tie to for training. So I managed to do it with only sacrificing a little bit of skin to protect the plant.





After I filled the res by pouring 100% ppm feed thru the Turface up to the max fill line, she went back under the ViparSpectra xs1500pro @ 50% / 20 inches. ❤️

Each day, I will take from the res and run thru the Turface to keep the roots moist until it is self sufficient. ❤️
WooHoo! ❤️

I threw together a Temporary Indoor Turface Swick for my last Clone. I wanted something as short as possible, but able to have a decent res to draw from. I found a 4 gallon bucket (white), a grey lid, a 1 gallon bucket (black), a 1 gallon grow bag, and a microfiber cloth, cut into 1 inch strips ( ~12 inches long).


I filled the res till the water was at the bottom of the black bucket and made a line for reference (max fill). I drilled 1 inch holes in the lower part of the black bucket to promote air supply to encourage root pruning. Cut the lid to insert black bucket with a snug fit at the lip. Then inserted the wicks with enough length to scrape the bottom of res.

Here it is put together.


Transplanted the clone off to the side a bit, trying to center the eventual shoots. After I had transplanted, I realized I forgot to drill holes around the top edge of the bucket to tie to for training. So I managed to do it with only sacrificing a little bit of skin to protect the plant.





After I filled the res by pouring 100% ppm feed thru the Turface up to the max fill line, she went back under the ViparSpectra xs1500pro @ 50% / 20 inches. ❤️

Each day, I will take from the res and run thru the Turface to keep the roots moist until it is self sufficient. ❤️
Very neat! Thanks for showing us how to do it. How do you take from the res without disturbing the plant?
Very neat! Thanks for showing us how to do it. How do you take from the res without disturbing the plant?

Great question Carmen Ray! ❤️ I just lift the black bucket and set it in another bucket, then scoop out food to another container, once I return the plant, I pour the water/nutes back thru the Turface.

I plan on keeping my indoor plants smallish, so it goes pretty smoothly. Once she is self sufficient, I will just pour NEW feed through the Turface to top off the res.

I did the same thing in the tent last week when I scrubbed the green algae from the res buckets and did my 1st res change. Even though they are much bigger, it went pretty quick and easy.

When I set up my tent grow, I don't keep a res under the plant, everything drains to a master res that i have full access to, then pumped back to the plant every couple hours.

Which gives me a Great Idea! Maybe I will do a side by side grow... Swick feed only VS Top feed only (w/ recirculating master res!). ❤️

Although, I don't think I would have much luck keeping the Top feed plant smallish! 🤔
WooHoo! ❤️

24 hours after transplant and she never stopped growing! I did go from 75% nutes to 100% and she ❤️'s it!


Here she is after a little tucking. I see 8+ potential Mains? Once I find multiple dominant branches, I will clip everything else and change to 12/12.


Believe it or not, I am Excited to grow a small tabletop like plant. Or try to anyways! It's on my Bucket List! ❤️

WooHoo !​

Thanks for asking @Azimuth! ❤️



Used to express sudden or exuberant joy, happiness, excitement, approval or delight.
Synonyms: hooray, yahoo, yay, yippee

It's typically used alone as an interjection before or after a sentence that explains the excitement.

There was a time that this Miraculous Medicine was Completely ILLEGAL and could get you time behind bars!

To ME, using, growing, discussing, sharing, and ALL THINGS cannabis related is WooHoo!

Thanks for your Understanding! ❤️

WooHoo !​

Thanks for asking @Azimuth! ❤️



Used to express sudden or exuberant joy, happiness, excitement, approval or delight.
Synonyms: hooray, yahoo, yay, yippee

It's typically used alone as an interjection before or after a sentence that explains the excitement.

There was a time that this Miraculous Medicine was Completely ILLEGAL and could get you time behind bars!

To ME, using, growing, discussing, sharing, and ALL THINGS cannabis related is WooHoo!

Thanks for your Understanding! ❤️

And in the unfortunate case where a grow/plant starts going south, the interjection can be changed to "Boo Hoo"! :)
WooHoo! & BooHoo! (Thanks GDB!) ❤️

I Survived this week with an Over Abundance of Lemonade. 😊

Metro Detroit got Clobbered with Storms again on Tuesday. We lost power for 2 days, then again on Friday! I have lost power 6 times THIS Year. 😠 Twice to Tree cutters taking a line down.

Now my Outdoor tent has about 6 inch flaps on the bottom, all the way around. And I lay old 4x4 posts on the flaps to weight down the tent. I am assuming she almost took flight because the 4x4's were rolled away from the tent.

The Girls were fine, even though it got Very Hot and Humid without the fans moving air for a few days of Hot and Humid weather!

Schlepped my Clone out on the porch. She is Self Sufficient cause she is still growing even though I Forgot to Top Feed her, wicks doing some wicking! ❤️

It was like a Flashback to the 70's!
It's a Hot and Humid Summer day, No A/C, No Computers, No TV.. OK, so maybe it wasn't as bad, I had a Cellphone...

Well now that the Gummies and recent Smoke session takes ahold... I lost my train of thought... time to go review a bunch of recent Harvest pics and Huge Colas! ❤️ WooHoo!
It's supposed to get down to 45f tonight, so I figured I should post a current (before) pic.


Flowers are forming! er.. um.. WooHoo! ❤️. Sorry, that one kinda slipped out!






❤️ ❤️ ❤️!
That was my high temp today 45.
I’ve got the heater going.
Girls look fantastic my friend.
Just perfect. :thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
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