Medscientist's Outdoor Lab 2024

My Outdoor setup is was almost identical to the PPK#1 (Turface w/ microfiber wicks (Swick)), from there, things progressed to media wicks (SIP), then various media combinations (Turface w/perlite, Turface w/rice hulls, then various other combinations including coco).

Then Top feed was introduced as the PPK evolved.

My final build was straight Turface, with microfiber wicks to pull the Perched water table OUT of the buckets, eliminating the individual res's, and all sites drained to a master res to pump back for top feed. With frequent top feed, i didnt see a need to continue to allow feeding from the bottom. This was branded a vPPK. To this day, that is how i run my indoor systems. This allows me to feed every 2 hours so the Tuface is always Wet with tons of O2. Which provide incredible growth rates!

I will be showing my new indoor build soon, when I get ready for the Fall!

Thank you Tokin Roll! ❤️

I don't mind! I prefer you find reason to stick around!

I appreciate your concern, but I don't think I will ever be EXPLODING LIGHT safe!


I didn't think of that! I am SOo glad you are here with such innovative solutions! ❤️

Yes, Figuring out the LED height and intensity so I can intentionally light train my plants will come in handy when I start growing indoors, in a small tent!

I don't think it is any different than going from an aerocloner to soil? Just wash off the Turface. ❤️
Does that mean you have one? :Namaste:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎

Stay safe
Bill284 😎

Scary A$$ thread! It was a tough read! But this is a MUST READ for growers!

I thought I was protected, but I will definitely upgrade my Fire Extinguishers, add a smoke detector in my grow area and be more conscious about storing my tinctures in the same area!

Definitely not Stuff to take for granted!

Thanks! ❤️
WooHoo! @Bill284

I appreciate the Safety link, but you could have told me to get a bigger Vivohut tent! 😃

When our Power was restored (4th time this year) and I was winding up the extension cords, I peaked in and got a quick pic! Oh My Goodness! ❤️


I was finally able to get these clones in the ground for my friend! They are doing alot better than the earlier ones he already planted a few weeks ago! So we pulled 6 crappy ones and replaced with these!

They all had Great root ballz after I rinsed the Turface off.

I should have taken pics before planting, but we were in a rush. Plus with the sun out, I couldn't see the phone screen.






I saved the smallest one to play with the light. I might switch to 12/12 to further learn the LED, and see what type of stretch and/or control I can maintain? Atleast until it starts smelling up the house. ❤️
WooHoo! ❤️

Now that I know how Well my plants are responding to the Turface Swicks, I will probably only run 3 plants next year! (or get a bigger tent) I don't have room to tend to them without brushing against them.

I have alot of mains that are easy to control, but they are getting wide from the secondary branching. I clipped anything that was growing inside, and used some wire to pull the lowers closer and higher in hopes of creating some room to maneuver. I also topped all the Mains on the back plant that reached the tent ceiling. There is alot of work left to do, but I will wait to see the bud formation before doing too much!

I decided to do res changes since I was getting a little green algae growing in my buckets and tubes, now that they appear to be in early flower.


Are you thinking of gently bending the stretchy ones on the right to conform to the curve of the ceiling in there? Looks like your top flowers will be scraping the trichomes off on the material!

What's he going to be feeding them?
WooHoo! ❤️

I have wire, bamboo sticks, hoops... all ready to do SOMETHING? Kinda waiting to see their final height and structure before figuring out how to support them! I have topped the one 3 times in the tent so far.

They do seem to be flowering now, so hopefully they don't stretch too much more?

I have recently done some pinching with 90 deg bends on one that had some beautiful tops that I didn't want to cut! ❤️

My friends all use Jacks, cause the bags last 10 years if you don't share! I give away more than I keep. It seems to work well in my flower beds, potted plants, and Specially well in MY Gardens! ❤️
Definitely don't cut the tops! A string from the top 6" tied out to a stake in the ground will put a gentle curve in the whole branch and keep it from getting any taller.
Oops! Uh... WooHoo!

Kinda just winging it as I go! ❤️

Here's a bent top showing flowers!


And the current state of the Big one!

WooHoo! ❤️

So it's getting pretty tight in the Tent. I have been thinking about taking one plant out of the tent and throwing it on the deck. But I would rather not go through the trouble OF weather! So I decided to thin the profile of the 1 on the right as you enter the tent.


I yanked off a bunch of thin lowers that were protruding into the isleway, tied anything worthy, by pulling up and closer to the mains. Then weaved a 4 ft bamboo pole through her 3 tall mains to thin her out, and spread them apart. I also added a pole to keep her upright and away from the wall.


I may have sacrificed some bud, but I need access to the Big one in back! Not having room to train her downward, I just pinched the tops and bent them over. Some of them drooped almost straight down, but they were still growing today, so Phew!


A shot of 2 more, can't really get a pic of the one in the back corner.



I haven't been giving my last clone any attention. The ViparSpectra xs1500pro is at about 16 inches @ 25%. The same res since 7/12, which is running at about 75% ppm.


I just want to get her ready to Flower. So I bent her topped main 90 degrees from just above the 2nd node which was becoming the dominant branch. Then bent her Down too. Had to improvise a weight because she kept pulling back up. I found a paperclip and a screw, good enough for me! ❤️


I am hoping to see several of the nodes to grow upwards, then quickly switch to Flower! So far I don't really have plans for her, just really trying to see how the plant reacts to the LED'S at different heights and Brightness. So when I do the new tent, new grow system (vPPK), ViparSpectra xs1500pro, Crazy Roses fem photo seeds journal, it will blow you AwAy! 😎 ❤️

I will document the grow system I build for her, when I find the right buckets to show how Anyone can do this Easy, and Inexpensively! It will Simplify your growing experience, without sacrificing Explosive growth! ❤️
Sacrificing some bud to get the plant into a workable shape isn't really sacrificing bud at's training, and well done on getting it done!

And the outdoor clones look a little N deficient, so might want to bump the Jacks. I hope they make it far enough into fall for a harvest. 🤞
WooHoo! ❤️

Training, Yeah, that's it! I would rather have room to work than some extra popcorn!

I am not the same grower who had to maximize weight to support several (legal) patients. But sometimes the old grower in me shows up and I have to remind myself that it is for Fun and Personal use. But who wouldn't want a tall pyramid of Stocked jars like Bill284?

I did recommend that he feed today. Hopefully, we get something usable for Smoke, Hash, or Edibles. The more he grows, the less I will need to give him!

Wow, you are running a fine line to get them to harvest @MedScientist

Girls look good you might just make it.

Stay safe and grow well my friend,
Fingers crossed! 🤞

He is only about half way thru last Summers haul, and a bit lazy this year! I am SOoo thankful it's legal to grow outside in MI now! ❤️
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