Medscientist's Outdoor Lab 2024

There's an unused row down the middle if you don't mind crawling between them!
😆 Hahaha!

I mind! ❤️

Looking good!
Think they'll outgrow the greenhouse?
I don't have alot of experience growing outdoors. So I am not sure how much longer they will continue to stretch?

At some point I will need to support them and can tie stuff back, but for now, it's a Free for All! ❤️
I am not sure how much longer they will continue to stretch?
It varies, but mine don't seem to stop stretching until they're well into flower.
My 2022 grow would be a good example.
This is what they looked like on July 17th

And this is what they looked like a month later.

Those bamboo stakes are 6 feet.
By harvest they had topped them by a few centimeters.

I would ❤️ to check out your 2022 grow, but I don't see a link in your signature? Did you journal it?
I did. Here's a link. I've had a few journals since then and I don't want my sig to be too cluttered.
I also edited my last post with some pics.
This is "different" MedSci. I love it! :Rasta:

All of the plants are Lemonades?
I did. Here's a link. I've had a few journals since then and I don't want my sig to be too cluttered.
I also edited my last post with some pics.
Damn! I mean WooHoo!

I look forward to checking it out! I ❤️ Your preHarvest pic!

I am just going to assume they will get alot bigger. I still have a little room to do some training when needed. Indoors, they just hit the ceiling and grew down from there. I am gonna try to avoid that! 😆
WooHoo! ❤️

Plants keep stretching! Alls I do is Top Off the res's every couple days, take a few pics! Here's one from today!


The clones are getting fuller but not much taller, so I raised the light a few inches. It was about 12 inches @ 50%. Now about 16 inches @ 50%. I had lowered it to see how well I could control the stretch. Now by raising them, I should get increased height. Trying to learn the Sweet spots with led's. ❤️

Great growth and easy peasy!
❤️ Thanks InTheShed!
Hi MedScientist, growing in infield medium and what is vPPK? Just when I thought new things were slowing down! Great growing!
A vPPK stands for a variation of the PPK (Passive Plant Killer), a thread on another forum (years ago) similar to our Swick and SIP Threads. Although, if you search PPK here, you can find others on 420Mag that talk about it, and use Turface. ❤️

My Outdoor Girls are still growing Wild! I spread them apart some more. The one in back hit the ceiling, so I rotated her, ended up grabbing some bamboo poles to stand her upright after this pic! One of these days I'll do something... not sure what yet, still waiting for them to tell me!


I was hoping my clones would stretch alot more before I give them to my friend who will plant them in his garden, because they will probably start flowering right away since daylight is getting less. So I turned the ViparSpectra xs1500pro down to 25% to promote stretch for the next few days. I REALLY ❤️ this LED Light!


❤️ Thanks InTheShed!

A vPPK stands for a variation of the PPK (Passive Plant Killer), a thread on another forum (years ago) similar to our Swick and SIP Threads. Although, if you search PPK here, you can find others on 420Mag that talk about it, and use Turface. ❤️

My Outdoor Girls are still growing Wild! I spread them apart some more. The one in back hit the ceiling, so I rotated her, ended up grabbing some bamboo poles to stand her upright after this pic! One of these days I'll do something... not sure what yet, still waiting for them to tell me!


I was hoping my clones would stretch alot more before I give them to my friend who will plant them in his garden, because they will probably start flowering right away since daylight is getting less. So I turned the ViparSpectra xs1500pro down to 25% to promote stretch for the next few days. I REALLY ❤️ this LED Light!


My apologies if I mentioned this before but do you use a smoke detector in there?
Cardboard and wood are flammable. :Namaste:
I only mention it because I had a new light explode and catch my house on fire.
Just don't want anything happening to you my friend.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Can you describe the setup?
My Outdoor setup is was almost identical to the PPK#1 (Turface w/ microfiber wicks (Swick)), from there, things progressed to media wicks (SIP), then various media combinations (Turface w/perlite, Turface w/rice hulls, then various other combinations including coco).

Then Top feed was introduced as the PPK evolved.

My final build was straight Turface, with microfiber wicks to pull the Perched water table OUT of the buckets, eliminating the individual res's, and all sites drained to a master res to pump back for top feed. With frequent top feed, i didnt see a need to continue to allow feeding from the bottom. This was branded a vPPK. To this day, that is how i run my indoor systems. This allows me to feed every 2 hours so the Tuface is always Wet with tons of O2. Which provide incredible growth rates!

I will be showing my new indoor build soon, when I get ready for the Fall!

You are doing great and your ladies are showing it @MedScientist
Very clean and organized grow.

Mine if I follow along?

Stay safe and grow well my friend,
Thank you Tokin Roll! ❤️

I don't mind! I prefer you find reason to stick around!

My apologies if I mentioned this before but do you use a smoke detector in there?
Cardboard and wood are flammable. :Namaste:
I only mention it because I had a new light explode and catch my house on fire.
Just don't want anything happening to you my friend.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I appreciate your concern, but I don't think I will ever be EXPLODING LIGHT safe!

You're going to need to cut some holes in the ceiling to let the leaders out! Great growth in there and those clones are really getting bushy too. How long do they take to adapt from hydro to soil?

I didn't think of that! I am SOo glad you are here with such innovative solutions! ❤️

Yes, Figuring out the LED height and intensity so I can intentionally light train my plants will come in handy when I start growing indoors, in a small tent!

I don't think it is any different than going from an aerocloner to soil? Just wash off the Turface. ❤️
Sorry I meant when the clones come out of the hydroponic cloner and your buddy plants them in the soil. I find there's a bit of transition time while the roots adjust.
Sounds logical! I will probably continue to update about them, and we will see! It's not like I will EVER go back to soil after seeing how well the Turface is working in the Tent! ❤️
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