Medical Grow

whats your micronute package? i could use something like this. soon i will be firing up my 1000w hps doing another room once i get an A/C unit installed, but i wanted to do a run with the Red DM but those micronute package would help it allot since its missing stuff.

are you going to pump up ur Co2 ppm to 1500 once flowering?

are you worried about ur plants getting burn since the FFOF already has food in it then mixed with the OC+? i know OC+ by itself wont burn ur plants but i am not sure that will count with other food mixed with it?

hey bro!

I used this product for micronutes: » Natural Mineral Fertilizers – Micro-Nutrient Mix
It's basically a lifetime supply for 10.95, and my grow partner uses it in his vegetable garden. It's spectacular.

I'm going to run a pot or two with straight 14/14/14 and see if there's a noticeable difference from the OC+.

My last grow featured FFOF and burning. So I'm optimistic I'll be able to do it again. The OC+ won't release anything unless the levels are low....not a problem.

I'll bump the Co2 up to 1500 as soon as the heatwave ends.
hey bro!

I used this product for micronutes:
Natural Mineral Fertilizers
It's basically a lifetime supply for 10.95, and my grow partner uses it in his vegetable garden. It's spectacular.

I'm going to run a pot or two with straight 14/14/14 and see if there's a noticeable difference from the OC+.

My last grow featured FFOF and burning. So I'm optimistic I'll be able to do it again. The OC+ won't release anything unless the levels are low....not a problem.

I'll bump the Co2 up to 1500 as soon as the heatwave ends.

cool thanks buddy for the link..

its cool that ur gonna try the 14/14/14 OC, that way we can put our data together and find witch one out of many dose the best.. then when we find the 2 that dose the best on both of our grows, then we can both do a grow using both of them and compare our results and narrow it down to 1 of them..

I truly think its worth u doing a plant with DM because its kicking ass big time on my plants.. $3.00 at HD you cant beat that.

Irish Boy

I just mixed up batch of media for my buds hemyps with perlite and magic moss with 1 tbsp OC+ and 1 tbsp DM. When I sprouted them I didnt even think they would survive, Now they are growing like crazy. I dont get to see them every day, maybe like every 2 or 3. And all I say when i walk in the room is Wow I cant believe it.
Re: OC x DM

Irish Boy

I just mixed up batch of media for my buds hemyps with perlite and magic moss with 1 tbsp OC+ and 1 tbsp DM. When I sprouted them I didnt even think they would survive, Now they are growing like crazy. I dont get to see them every day, maybe like every 2 or 3. And all I say when i walk in the room is Wow I cant believe it.

funny you say that because i was thinking how i wish i would have mixed 1/2 and 1/2.. i would do 1/2 or purple DM and 1/2 of Red DM.. then another one 1/2 DM the 1/2 OC+..

next grow i will do 1/2 DM red and 1/2 DM purple... not too sure if i will use the OC+ for sure, as of right now what i see i would say no.. its dosent seem to mix with my temps or something. because the DM is way ahead on my plants.
Re: OC x DM

funny you say that because i was thinking how i wish i would have mixed 1/2 and 1/2.. i would do 1/2 or purple DM and 1/2 of Red DM.. then another one 1/2 DM the 1/2 OC+..

next grow i will do 1/2 DM red and 1/2 DM purple... not too sure if i will use the OC+ for sure, as of right now what i see i would say no.. its dosent seem to mix with my temps or something. because the DM is way ahead on my plants.

Besides your own observations, is there anything you have read that leads you to believe the OC+ is worse in heat than DM?

My setup never overheats, so I'm gonna have to try both products and see which one works better in the high .70's low 80's.

One thing you gotta admit, regardless of your CRF of choice (and there are many we haven't taked about) gotta admit growing with CRF's is extremely cool, inexpensive and works fabulously well.
Re: OC x DM

Besides your own observations, is there anything you have read that leads you to believe the OC+ is worse in heat than DM?

My setup never overheats, so I'm gonna have to try both products and see which one works better in the high .70's low 80's.

One thing you gotta admit, regardless of your CRF of choice (and there are many we haven't taked about) gotta admit growing with CRF's is extremely cool, inexpensive and works fabulously well.

ya i read it on their own web site saying its not meant for over 70's and to last 6 months if it is because more nutes would be dumped out... then i read the DM web site and they talk about how theirs wont dump the nutes in higher temps..Now DM is meant for up to 77F* but even in the most extreme temps DM wont flash out it will maintain its integrity for 9 months. Dynamite Plant Food : Products : Science

their use to be a video on the Scotts website saying what temps the OC was good at and it was saying that it would flush out above the 70's.. cant find it now, they changed the video.. but it was the one saying how long the OC would last in different temps and had that chart..

i have no doubt that OC+ is a great fert, its just in my case its not maybe the best choice.. who know maybe with temps in the 70's OC+ might beat the DM?

either way i would admit that CRF are cool as hell, and so far i am in love with them.. life is so much better when u could just feed water..

i have nothing against OC+ and i love its profile.. all i am doing is reporting what i am seeing from my 6 plants.. it may sound that i favor the DM more but thats not the case i truly want them all to do great so i can pull off good yield on all of my plants.. i truly dont see how these two ferts would be all the different expect for temps.. but all i know is the DM plants are doing better as of now, but IDK maybe the OC+ will come out ahead at the end?

the good thing is were willing to try out different ones so we will find one brand that dose the best and change growing forever. i have some buddy that i converted over to TRF..

thank you very much for opening up a new way to grow.. mad props for that..

I will post pics next weekend and show you guys each plant so you can make ur own conclusion on whats what as of now. still lots of time for things to change!.. i was trying to wait until they budded to post those pics to give the OC+ a chance to shine but i will post them this weekend..
outside temps

Irish Boy

I didnt even consider the temp thing when I planted my girls out door this year. And we had an unusually hot summer. This year it has been in the mid to high 80's most days and over 20 days in the 90's. OC+ and a soaker hose did the trick. My girl and my veg garden did great. Hash Hounds semi stealth girl

Cudos to Doc
for turning me on to the simplicity of CRF's and hempys (even if I keep trying to tweek them)
Re: outside temps

Irish Boy

I didnt even consider the temp thing when I planted my girls out door this year. And we had an unusually hot summer. This year it has been in the mid to high 80's most days and over 20 days in the 90's. OC+ and a soaker hose did the trick. My girl and my veg garden did great. Hash Hounds semi stealth girl

Cudos to Doc
for turning me on to the simplicity of CRF's and hempys (even if I keep trying to tweek them)

i would Imagen outdoors wouldn't be as bad in the temp because you have them dug in the soil where the temps dont flex as much and stays cooler.. its the perlite that effects things.. i think things would be better if i used like CoCo or something.. all i have is top dressed CRF's on the perlite.
Hey Doc -- couple of questions:

P36 - #536 of your Unlucky 12/12 you state:
Here's what I started with. Gypsum, dolomite line, sulpher, epsom salt, and a micronutrient mix... the pic shows 6 items (including the sulfur and Mittleider micro)
Then you state:
I'm using FFOF as the base soil.
Here's the batch of pre-plant mix:
7 cups of gypsum, 3 cups lime, 4 oz. Epsom salt, 1oz Borax.
Question: Still using the sulfur???
Then you conclude:
On my pre-plant, single application mix.....and I use 8 tsp per BAG of FFOF

As far as the 'weekly' mix goes you use:
4 pounds Epsom salt mixed with 10oz of the micro (mittleider) mix
"On a weekly basis, I use 3-4 tsp per bag of FFOF. In other words, If I have a bag of FFOF spread out into 15 pots.....I only use 3-4 tsp, spread out into each pot"

Question: spread out on top of plant every week or in the mixed-up solution?

I'm going to mix it up tonight for transplanting on tomorrow's New Moon. Hope you can get to this...

With Highest Hopes and best of intentions,
I'm being anal only because I want to end up w/ even half of what you has last run.
So another question is:

P2 #21 of this journal you say it'll be:
Gypsum, epsom salt, borax 80-4-1 and the micronutes.

So again, the lime and sulfur not really necessary?

Hope you the patient type of doctor...
Great questions, WW.
First of all, I didn't use this mix on my last I can't even say for sure that it won't kill all the plants. Of course, if I thought it would, I wouldn't use it.....but I haven't actually grown anything with this mix yet.

Like I said, my friend uses it in his garden and the results are jaw dropping.

The sulfur is to lower the pH of the medium a bit. In my new location, the water is about 6.5 out of the need for the sulfur with this water. BTW, I'm running 12 clones with the batch of soil I mixed up at my previous location. New soil from here on out.

As for the "weekly" feeding of micronutes, I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I could put a pinch in each pot....but some of the pieces are big and each pot might not get the full complement of micro's.

I could dissolve them in water too. I'll probably try both.

The micro's are designed to be mixed with 18-6-18 fertilizer and top dressed on 30' long beds once a week. It took me a while to figure out the conversion to a single bag of FFOF....but I was really surprised at how little of the stuff was needed.

This little package, for 10.95, will last for years.
I made a few tweaks in the grow room, and now temps are completely under control.

I have a 6inch fan drawing fresh air into the room, which ends in a hepafilter under the flood table. There is another fan under there which takes that fresh air and blows it into the room.

The AC unit is also a dehumidifier, and the RH was getting low....which decreases the efficiency of the, I hooked up a swamp cooler to act as a humidifier...which also acts as a cooler and a kick ass now I can tweak temps from a steady 76 to 82 by turning the AC up or down a few degrees.

The clones are ragged, but will be OK. They had mites, some nute deficiencies and were rooted in hydro. Putting them in soil was a bit of shock, as was the bright light. I gave them some superthrive and hygrowzyme, and they have started stinking again....gonna recover and be just fine.

I've now got 8 seeds up.
Oh...dimmable ballasts rock. I started the clones on 400w then ramped up to 1000. It's a great way to harden them off.

Like I said, I won't be taking too many pics on this journal, but here are a couple. They'll get more interesting as the table fills up. Only 15 there now....soon to be 45-50.

The AC unit is also a dehumidifier, and the RH was getting low....
Even your problems would be a boon for me... Can you please tell me what model AC is causing you to have such low RH that you need to add moisture back in?

the setup is very clean and pro looking.. i love it. great job..

the A/C mixed with the swamp cooler will save you some money on ur bill to because the A/C wont have to work as hard..

a little tip i do that works great is at HD or where ever you could buy a 3M filter and tap it to ur fan and filter the air coming in very very good. it will filter everything even viruses.. i know you have a Hemp Filter.. but something for others keep in mind.

love the NPS!!

cant wait to see this grow end,, i see fat ass buds for u bro
NPS= No Pest Stripe made by hot shots.. it will kill mites for $6.00 hardware stores carry them.. i had mites pretty bad and within a few days they were all dead.

'I/B' -- Thanks!!

I'm transplanting this AM 6 young-uns from seed and can barely stay w/in my skin! Thanks for the quick response.
I want to produce exquisite tasting products that are a social wine. Potency is of secondary importance....I want it to taste and smell good, and make people want to talk and laugh....not melt into the couch.

In other words, I want to grow "adult" weed.


Nice setup Doc :tokin:
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