Felonious Punk's & HashGirl's First Indoor Auto Grow - 2017

Tuesday January 31 2017, 10:00 am

Good Morning,

I still haven't figured out this posting pictures yet, but I'm working on it.

I have pictures of our two newest additions to the grow. Yesterday Train Wreck #1 came up. Today Train Wreck #2 popped up.

I'm glad to have gotten a little extra practice in germinating and planting. I was more watchful of the germinating process and switched back to white paper towel when I discovered that the unbleached stuff had gone from soaking wet to dry in about 6.5 hours. I also handled the seeds more carefully and used tweezers to plant them. Lessons I will not soon forget. Pics coming soon.


Good afternoon.

Here are the photos for the week. We have three at 21 days, one at 16 days and two at 7 days:


DAY 21 - PHOTO 2 - NORTH 2

DAY 21 - PHOTO 3 - NORTH 2

DAY 21 - PHOTO 4 - DARK 2

DAY 21 - PHOTO 5 - DARK 2

DAY 21 - PHOTO 6 - DARK 1

DAY 21 - PHOTO 7 - DARK 1

DAY 16 - PHOTO 8 - NORTH 3

DAY 16 - PHOTO 9 - NORTH 3

DAY 7 - PHOTO 10 - TRAIN 1

DAY 7 - PHOTO 11 - TRAIN 1

DAY 7 - PHOTO 12 - TRAIN 2

DAY 7 - PHOTO 13 - TRAIN 2

I think the close-ups of Train 1 and 2 look like little birds. What do you think?

And, what do you think is going on with North 3? Do you think she'll get any bigger? For a plant that was planted 16 days' ago, she sure is growing slowly.

The Dark Devils are doing GREAT though especially Dark 1. I'm really pleased with them and if all Dark Devils grow this easily, I can understand some of SweetSue's attraction to them.
Thanks, Ditchweed, you're certainly right about that!

Hey, things are looking nice.

Not sure what is going on with your little one. She is certainly in no hurry.

Welcome to our grow, Oldbear and thanks for the best wishes. Nice to see you here. So far the most exciting thing in this grow is how well the Dark Devil is doing. We're growing the DD because I know it's Sue's go-to for just getting high and that's what I need now that we've grown stuff for medicine.

Which autos will you be growing?

Late to the party but in for the duration. Your timing is perfect for me. Im going to start a couple autos next week and can follow along. Ill be a sponge.

Have a healthy and productive grow.
I'm heading down to the seed store later this week. I'm hoping to get an auto with as much cbd as I can find, and a high thc strain.

May also get some high cbd photo-period strains - they have a 3 strain 9 feminized seed special this week @$40

Ill let you know the strains I get.
Felonious is thinking about trimming the fan leaves on North 2 because they're covering the buds, which in turn aren't getting as much light. We know you're not supposed to trim autos but I wanted to know what others think?

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Wednesday February 8, 2017 09:39 (lost 15 minutes)

Good Morning All,

The humidity in the tent was hovering around 25%. So last weekend we added a room humidifier. I'm hoping we can get the humidity up to 40%, but am happy with the 35% I saw this morning. The humidifier is outside the tent because the stream of steam coming out the top of the humidifier looked like it would be trouble for the LED and other electrical items in the tent.

On Monday I added root booster to the watering of Northern 3 but it doesn't seemed to have made a difference. I expect when we cut everything down, it won't be more than a few inches tall.

I turned on the Bloom circuit on Sunday. Now we have both the Grow and Bloom circuits on the LED activated.

Both Train Wreck plants are about an inch and a half tall and have spent time near the fan getting stronger.

Both Darks and North 2 have started their flowering stage.

As HashGirl mentioned, North 2 is shading most of it's emerging colas. This plant is very dense and only 3 1/2" tall. I will give it another week to see if it gains some height and opens up on it's own.

Dark Devil 2 is now 6" tall.

Dark Devil 1 is 15" tall and the star of this grow. Her size makes the others seem runtish. This is why I'm giving the others a chance to catch up. She might be the oddity, not them.

For my next watering of the Darks and North 2, I will see add some nutrients to the mix.

Hello DeVille,

Excuse my ignorance, but what is subbed?

So far I like my MARS light and am enjoying our first indoor grow.

I'm just outside the Hammer. Are you here in Ontario too?

It means I am subscribed to your grow journal.

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I am using the same lamp as you. It's fantastic! Check out my journal if you want to see what you can expect from it

Recommend you keep it around 40 cm from the plants for optimal performance

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Two alternatives to consider: pull them down and open up the middle by LST methods, or tucking them behind other branches.

I prefer to leave them on during veg stages (with my wealth of experience lol $0.02 ) because they are big solar collectors and O2/CO2 breathers.

That said, my 2016 mini grow I took some off 2 of 4 plants with no noticeable visual difference to the (Non auto) plant. Cant say if it changed yield, flavor because there were too many other issues.

Felonious is thinking about trimming the fan leaves on North 2 because they're covering the buds, which in turn aren't getting as much light. We know you're not supposed to trim autos but I wanted to know what others think?
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