Medical Grow


Hey Doc just started the planting.
So i have my cups set up half perlite and half soil, with a little CO+ in the middle. watered with distilled and buried the beans. Im affraid of getting my let ufo too close. its burned leaves before. i guess ill keep it high 12 in for now and see what happens. Any recommendations on light distance?


Hey bro,

I don't know enough about UFO LED's to advise you on a good distance. Irishboy and Setting Sun are way more experienced with such things.

I can tell you this....if you have it too close, the various colors don't blend right and the plant gets weird lighting. But as far as a proper distance, I really don't know.
I've been following you for a long time now and it's time I show some appreciation. Friday should be my second harvest using the OC+/hempy method and I owe it all to you. I'm pretty new to growing(since April this year)so the simplicity of it has been great. All of the knowledge, research, and experimentation, from yourself and the other great people that post on your journals, has been nothing short of amazing and extremely helpful to me.:thanks:

I'm going to try to get over my paranoia that my every move is being watched while online so that I can get to know all of the great people here on 420 and hopefully even share my grows.

Thanks again :welldone:
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Hey bro,

I don't know enough about UFO LED's to advise you on a good distance. Irishboy and Setting Sun are way more experienced with such things.

I can tell you this....if you have it too close, the various colors don't blend right and the plant gets weird lighting. But as far as a proper distance, I really don't know.

I don't have experience with UFO LED lights, but from what I've seen, you should be OK at 12", as long as it's covering all your plants adequately.
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I don't have experience with UFO LED lights, but from what I've seen, you should be OK at 12", as long as it's covering all your plants adequately.

Thank SS, im a little worried with the seedlings about to come up. I originally started with this 90w ufo. Plants seem to not enjoy a close encouter with it. Its really bright.

So Doc I put about 10 pieces of OC+ per keg cup. They are half soil and half perlite. The OC+ is in the middle. Nothing has sprouted yet. Been only a day though. Cant wait to see some more of your buds.
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I've been following you for a long time now and it's time I show some appreciation. Friday should be my second harvest using the OC+/hempy method and I owe it all to you. I'm pretty new to growing(since April this year)so the simplicity of it has been great. All of the knowledge, research, and experimentation, from yourself and the other great people that post on your journals, has been nothing short of amazing and extremely helpful to me.:thanks:

I'm going to try to get over my paranoia that my every move is being watched while online so that I can get to know all of the great people here on 420 and hopefully even share my grows.

Thanks again :welldone:

Thanks bro! I told my friends in the government to track your every move. So, feel free to post pictures, etc. ;)

I don't have experience with UFO LED lights, but from what I've seen, you should be OK at 12", as long as it's covering all your plants adequately.

Sounds good to me!

Thank SS, im a little worried with the seedlings about to come up. I originally started with this 90w ufo. Plants seem to not enjoy a close encouter with it. Its really bright.

So Doc I put about 10 pieces of OC+ per keg cup. They are half soil and half perlite. The OC+ is in the middle. Nothing has sprouted yet. Been only a day though. Cant wait to see some more of your buds.

It sounds like you're on the right track. Make sure the soil is a bit moist....not wet or sludgy....just a bit moist. They'll come up.

I'm going back to that method the next time I sprout seeds. I tried using a special "seedling" mix, Light Warrior from Fox Farms. The mini hempys work way better.

I've definitely got some buds to show. Maybe some pics this week.

Also, the stuff in the Power Flower is starting to get yellow fan leaves....but the buds are going crazy and they are more frosted than anything I've seen before. I added some OC+ to those pots to keep 'em a bit greener.
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Thank SS, im a little worried with the seedlings about to come up. I originally started with this 90w ufo. Plants seem to not enjoy a close encouter with it. Its really bright.

With seedlings, you'll know the light's too high if they start to stretch and get spindly.

If you have the light at the proper height, they shouldn't get tall and skinny.

If they don't like it at 12", start up higher and just watch for stretching.
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With seedlings, you'll know the light's too high if they start to stretch and get spindly.

If you have the light at the proper height, they shouldn't get tall and skinny.

If they don't like it at 12", start up higher and just watch for stretching.

thanks SS four popped through last night. Next few days will show the stretch i guess.
're legal, we aren't advertising, and we're all physicians, except for a PhD and a civil engineer. We're doing this for the "right" reasons.....not just for money. (we all make good money in our day jobs.)

I dont make good money but i grow because it makes me happy and I love giving back to people . I hope to have a set up like you some day. Grow is looking amazing :blunt:

Hope everything goes well.
Quite the forest you have sprouting up Doc! :bravo:

I've got about 10 plants too many. I forgot that clones grow all over the place, not straight up like a 12/12 from seed grow. I'll be mostly 12/12 from here on out, so the density will be fine.

In spite of the fact that I'm over planted, we're going to have a friggin forest of buds...provided I don't do something stupid.

The organic soil is starting to poop out, so I'm supplementing it with OC+. Interestingly, some of the leaves in that soil mix are beginning to change color....purple patches, like fall colors. Bud action in that mix is superb, however.

Doc, went to work and they stretched going to drop 6in. ill post some pics so maybe you and Setting Sun can check it out

I'll be looking!

I dont make good money but i grow because it makes me happy and I love giving back to people . I hope to have a set up like you some day. Grow is looking amazing :blunt:

Hope everything goes well.

Thanks bro!
All is well!
Thanks for stopping by!

I may get some pics tomorrow....I've got a lot on my plate right now, and taking care of a large number of plants means less time for pics. But that was my plan all along....fewer pics on this one.

But, I've got some nice frosty buds to show off. Still a month minimum from harvesting the early ones.....maybe 2 months for the OG, Trainwreck and Jack Herer.
OK, here are some pics. All were taken with the lights out, in the middle of the dark cycle, except for the first two, which are my outdoor seed factory.

I put a male and female Blue Dream in the same 5 gallon pot. I should get some very nice seeds!


And the garden. The organic soil plants are frosting like crazy...the others are too, but they are longer flowering times. The soonest harvest is going to be a month away. It's shaping up to where I'll have a jungle of 12-18 inch colas.
















OK, so what are you gonna do for an encore? ;)

holy moly, what a beautiful grow!

BTW, by a remarkable coincidence, I just came across some Lucky Queen, which is a strain you recently grew.

I know your experience with the seed bank that breeds this strain was very negative, but I have to say, this is some singularly excellent herb.

Spicy aroma, *very* smooth smoking, and one of the nicest buzzes I've had in a while.

Potency is very high, and so am I ;)
Looking great Doc! Just one question. Aren't the plants on the left which I think are the trainwreck a little close to the light? After reading all the light info being put forth on SS's thread, I look out for these things.:)
I'm speechless. Simply amazing Doc.


OK, so what are you gonna do for an encore? ;)

holy moly, what a beautiful grow!

BTW, by a remarkable coincidence, I just came across some Lucky Queen, which is a strain you recently grew.

I know your experience with the seed bank that breeds this strain was very negative, but I have to say, this is some singularly excellent herb.

Spicy aroma, *very* smooth smoking, and one of the nicest buzzes I've had in a while.

Potency is very high, and so am I ;)

Well, that IS a co-incidence! Do you happen to know how that Lucky Queen was grown? Mine got really nice after a's truly a top shelf strain, but having 1 plant out of 23 make it just isn't worth it.

I've still got some Santa Maria beans that I'm going to try....keeping my fingers crossed. If it turns out as good as the Lucky Queen, I'll have some special smoke.

Encore? Well, how I about I get this grow dialed in first. I've switched to RO water with cal/mag added. The well water is just getting completely obtuse.....just not usable, so I got the plants back online by making it raid. I kicked up the humidity to 80 for a couple hours....then put 50 gallons of RO through 25 gallons of soil.....washed out all the bicarbonates and the plants smiled and are very happy!

We're gonna set up a rainwater collection system and pray that with the rains the well water gets better.

Next grow will top this one, for sure. It will be 12/12 from seed, with a few clones here and there.

Looking great Doc! Just one question. Aren't the plants on the left which I think are the trainwreck a little close to the light? After reading all the light info being put forth on SS's thread, I look out for these things.:)

The ones to the left you're seeing are OG Kush. They are about 4 inches below the light...but the light is on a mover, so they aren't getting light full time. There is no burning or bleaching. I even LST'd those girls and my lights are as high as they'll go. The plants are over 5 feet tall.

I'm going to turn the C02 down during stretch if I grow this strain from clone again.

However, those plants are looking really good! The first picture after the outdoor plants ^^ is of the OG section. They are frosted up and filling in. The smell is overpowering.

The trainwrecks are the tall ones on the right side of the "tall" section. The short squatty ones are Blackberry Kush.
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