MC's K2 Special Grow Show

Hi Everyone and Thank You for all the Kudos! And a big Thank You for keeping tuned in to the grow show...
The other 2 plants showed sex - they're female.. :partyboy: THANK YOU CEES! :kisstwo: :adore:

So tomorrow I will *finally* tranplant them into the 2 gallon pots to finish flowering. When I do, I'll take pics of the ingredients we'll be using like in the begining of the journal..

But in the mean time, here's a few new pics of our gals for your viewing pleasure..



Look at these crazy leaves!...


And just 'cause I'm so proud of my girls.. here's a pic of our whole garden right now.. the K2 Special are the ones in front still in growbags.. :smokin:

Lots of people would be jalouse on your little garden M.C.
It seems as you realy like Indica plants mostly ...isn't it ?
Do you all give them the guano-extract or just the 2 K-2's.
You're anyway on the right track girl.:cheesygrinsmiley:
Keep up the good work.

awesome... thanks i love seeing those hot, sexy ladies....:-D
@ blowin.endo - Thanks man! The best part is just beginning.... :cheesygrinsmiley:

@ Cees - THANK YOU for these 2 crazy K2 Special ladies I get to show off to everyone! :adore: :adore: They have a sativa structure, but big wide indica leaves.. sooooo... what are they exactly? :hmmmm:

I'll be using your Bat Guano Extract on all of the plants in the room. So far, I've given them 6 foliar sprays with about a 1/2 capful of the guano extract in a liter of water + molasses.. Boy they sure love it! They are very very healthy despite the low humidty.

The Indica plants in the room are a cross I made myself last summer. It's the first time I've given them a full test run... I'm really happy with the results so far.. Usually I grow mostly sativa's or sativa dominant strains, but it's nice to have a good narcotic knock-out indica to go to sleep by.. :cool:

The two big Sativa/Indica plants in the back of the room on the left were seeds gifted to me by {another} friendly Santa Claus across the big pond in Holland. :smokin:

@ highlifeisdalif - I'll be happy to oblige with plenty of sticky, nasty, plant porn for ya.. My girls *love* to show off.... :battingeyelashes:

thanks ill be looking forward to it.....
Okay..... sooooo...... I ... uuuuuuuummmm..... well...... alright, I'll admit it..... I screwed up.... :bigblush: I mis-identified one of the K2 Specials as female... but it wasn't.... so we will be watching our 1 K2 Special female finish flowering.... :cheesygrinsmiley:

Aaaaaannnd..... okay..... I screwed up again..... there was one male in the room that I wanted to collect pollen from, and I had planned on getting him out of the room on Sunday before he opened up and the pollen flew...... buuuuut..... of course I smoked a bowl (or 10 :bong: ) and was too lazy to get down there and take care of it.... thinking I had a few more days.... HA HA HA HA HA..... Guess not.... 'cause this moring I went down to cut the little bastard down and saw that 2 of his flowers had opened and there were pollen-puddles on the leaves.... :skeptical:

Oh yeah - did I mention that my oscillating fan runs 24/7? So I'm *sure* that all my girls got a nice heavy pollen bath during the night. Sigh........

So I *very* carefully removed him from the room, and gave all the girls a thorough spraying down with water to kill any residule pollen in the room. Most all the females (including our K2 Special) have the beginnings of buds starting to form, but very small at this point so hopefully we'll only get a few seeds per plant..... :phew:

Transplant details will follow.....

Oh well what can you do? At least you won't end up with hundreds or even thousands of seeds. That would truely suck.

I am very interested to see your transplant details as I will be transplanting 16 plants in the next few days.

Keep up the good work MC!!

Let's do some transplanting... I'm going to jump right into the process..

Here is the basic substrate ingredients I'm using for flowering..... we're filling a 2 gallon pot with: BIO-BIZZ ALL-MIX Soil-less mix (2 parts), Mushroom Compost I had laying around (1 part), Fox Farms Big and Chunky Perlite (1 part), Worm Castings (1 cup), Dolomite Lime (not pictured - 2 tablespoons)


Here's a picture of it all mixed together and wetted down with Water PH'd to 6.3 with 1 teaspoon of maple syrup added.

Some misc. transplanting supplies: Water PH'd to 6.3 with 1 teaspoon of maple syrup added, Sunleaves brand Silica Rocks, Scissors, Plant Success Mychorrizal Fungi

Picture of the Silica Rocks - I picked up a huge bag of them at my local Hydro Store

Shake a thin layer of Silica Rocks into the bottom of the container - No more than 1/2 inch thick.
Then fill the container 1/2 full with the soil-less mix, sprinkle some Plant Success Mychorrizal Fungi over the top, and lightly spray with the water/ maple syrup mix.

Use the scissors to cut off the growbag.
Don't forget to admire your roots! This is what building the micro-herd in the soil will give you. They're called Mychorrizal Roots... See how bright white, thick and fuzzy they are? :smokin:




Okay, so now we just place the plant down in the container, and fill along the edges.

Transplant Complete

And back under the light.

All Done!
those roots are amazing.... when i pulled up a plant once it had like a 1/2 down worth of roots,,,, i dont knwo why it showed femal and was about 2ft...but died bc of wrong lights.
when are more pictures going up of this girl?
Hi Everyone and Thanks for the comments and kudos! I think I like looking at my girls roots (butt) more than her canopy (boobs).... :laughtwo:

But seriously.... the more root structure you can develop the more buds you will harvest - so even though our K2 Special girl has stayed fairly short, she will be able to pack on the weight for us. :smokin:

@ Racefan - The K2 Special are from No Mercy Supply, but they are regular (non-female) seeds. I think I mentioned to Cees that I prefer normal male/female vs.. Female only seeds.. So being the wonderful kind gentleman that he is.. that's what he gifted to me! :adore: :adore:

@ Bagzgroove - The sugar in the maple syrup will "activate" or feed the Mychorrizal Fungi. This will help the roots get established, and encourage them to grow out into their new container.

ALL-MIX Brand soil-less mix is *very* heavily pre-fertilized with all kinds of vegan-organic goodness. It's so heavily fertilized, it's almost toxic - the EC level is right around 2.4 right out of the bag. So we don't want to add any more to it right away - we just want the micro-herd to establish itself quickly so it can help our plant digest all of that good food.

@ highlifeisdalif - I'll take a few more pics today after the lights come on so you can see her baby buds blooming... lol.. :cheesygrinsmiley: :smokin:

Really nice healthy looking plants MC! :Rasta: I can't wait to see some buds!

I like the idea of adding maple syrup to the soil to feed the fungus. This is the first time I am using the mychorrizal fungus using Rainbow Mix's Grow dry fertilizer (5-5-2) in the veg. period. I might have to try adding sugar or syrup to the water when I flower.

A quick question, once the mychorrizal colonize the rootball is it necessary to add more fungus to soil you will use to transplant the plants into, or will the existing fungus growing with the plant colonize the new soil as well? :hmmmm:
Hi Roorman! Great Questions - Thank You!

I always like to add more fungi to the freshly transplanted soil. The trick to mychorrizal is that it needs to come into direct contact with the roots to attach itself and go to work. That's why I sprinkled it onto the the fresh soil during transplant- so the rootball will be sitting squarely on top of it.

It's very good to re-apply the fungi once a month or so - especially during flowering. Earth Nectar/Earth Ambrosia are liquid versions of the fungi and can be watered in easily.. Also - if you use tap water, be sure to let it sit out and let the chlorine evaporate. (or boil it off first) Otherwise - the chlorine will kill all of the microbial life you're working so hard to develop.

Thanks for the advice. I suppose I should buy some Plant Success Granular like you because my source of fungus is mixed in with the Rainbow Mix dry fertilizer that is really intended for veg. I did not know it was necessary to re-apply the fungus montly thanks for the info.

Also, in my case I have well water so no chlorine worries here. :smokin:
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