These are the clones. Its all Skunk Special.
I am assuming everybody knows how to take clones. If not, there are many clone threads around so I am going to bypass that info.
After I took my clippings and stuck them in cheap rockwool, I put them in my clone dome. I like putting a layer of hydrotron so the wool does not over saturate. Now instead of spraying them down everynight I automated the feeding. I fog them every 2 to 3 hrs for a minute or so.
Yes fog. Ultrasonic misting. Sounds pricy and it can be if you buy a nutramist cloning or ebb sytem. Instead I bought a 20 dollar coolmist humidifier from walmart, filled it with my cloning solution:
.5 ml of each gh tripack per gallon and 6 ml of hygrozyme per gallon.
Then with a timer, ducttape and some hosing. I feed a line from the humidifier to the clone dome.
There you have it, automated clone feeding.
I took these clones last tuesday and within 7 days I have roots.
Normal time is 10 to 14 days. I believe that with some tweaking and if I loose the medium and fogged more often toward the bottom end instead of the top.
I could probally get the time down to 4 but the way I am doing it now is the easiest and the laziest LOL.