Mars II 1600! Super Monster Scrog Pounder

Hey Brah, caught your post and thought you might like to see some LEDs on a light rail. I have a journal going that has some footage of my 4x8 tent which has 875 watts at the wall of LEDs. All I can say is; you're right, you're right, you're right
Howdy DK!
Checked out your grow journal, and your Railed LED's are WAY COOL!:thumb::thumb::thumb: Nothing like seeing LED's on the move! I was reading somewhere about LED panels having issues with the way they spread light. They can be very direct in pinpointing the beam of light downward, to the point that not all light spectrum's are being utilized down below. Not sure how accurate this is, but it makes some sense. Depends a lot on the LED lamp itself I'm sure... BUT... I'm thinking you put a LED lamp on a Light Mover, and WAALAA, instant blending of light!:slide: Way cool in my book!:yahoo:
So keep those LED's a Rock'in and a Roll'in!!!:theband:
for cleaning hard to reach areas such as in between the grits on pans i fill them with water and add a tsp to tbsp of bleach depending on size. let it sit then wash out with a hose. use your finger for extra pressure to blow out whatever you have that has built up. i wash mine after every use just so i dont get to a point where i need a hose. hope this helps anyone trying to clean those cheap 2$ trays.

Smooth is always better if you can find it.

Latest is after 3weeks in flower there is no point. Veg is best so you can train them to fill in the net and develop more bud nodes to rise up threw nets to make plant or plants to get more yield. When done in flower it is what it is and only will be used to support the colas. Most good out door growers will also use nets to help support plant or branch's will become heavy and break or fall over easy.

Makes sense to me...Cheers!
Looking great CO Finest.
Looking mighty fine, Mr. Finest !!! You're always amazing !!
I have question, 4x4 ,,6 ft. tall tent... znet12 is not covering entire area no matter how high I put the light. So I need another one to add light so I will have enough light to cover entire tent...what is your suggest...not green sun znet,,,This time I want to order from Top Led, Sara....
Thanks for your suggestions Mr.Finest !!
haha, one good news, we will have mars II 1600w stock in US ,you can preorder on our website now, price has been changed. only 50pieces light in stock, so lights is limited , if you want to take more than 10pieces, please email us first.
Any questions about mars II1600w, please ask me under my topic" top led grow light discount" then, I will get back to you very fast.
grannyT Have a look at the reflector series 96x3 if you just want to add light to one edge, they give a 4x2 coverage. Another option is the smallest Mars 400, that has a decent 3x3 footprint :)
Looking mighty fine, Mr. Finest !!! You're always amazing !!
I have question, 4x4 ,,6 ft. tall tent... znet12 is not covering entire area no matter how high I put the light. So I need another one to add light so I will have enough light to cover entire tent...what is your suggest...not green sun znet,,,This time I want to order from Top Led, Sara....
Thanks for your suggestions Mr.Finest !!

a 96x3 reflector would work great. If you want to spend a little more then get 144x3
Thanks man, I learned a bit from the video. My first grow, the reticence to hurt my plants has shackled me, but I'll definitely be training them and scrogging next grow. I think I am doing basically ok, but the finesse to the plants is uncertain territory so I haven't got them in perfect growth form or any form to speak of. lol
actually, our 100x3w is also a choise if you only want a small light.
grannyT Have a look at the reflector series 96x3 if you just want to add light to one edge, they give a 4x2 coverage. Another option is the smallest Mars 400, that has a decent 3x3 footprint :)
Hi Co finest,How are you ? I am at home now, can not check your video, but I will watch tomorrow:) hope to talk more with you soon, I am Sara, but not my assistant:). have a great day.
Very helpful video CO! When you transplant from solo cups to final home pots, do you water those plants to the point of run off or just enough to keep them happy?
actually, our 100x3w is also a choise if you only want a small light.

a 96x3 reflector would work great. If you want to spend a little more then get 144x3

I am lost and afraid I will buy the wrong one and regret just like the znet12....i don't know where to place it, with the znet12 in the tent along with new Led will one side be brighter ??? How do I even out the light. ??
GrannyT, lets try & make sure you get the right light :) If you go & put your Znet12 in your tent & set it so the peak coverage hits the left & rear sides of your tent, how much badly lit area do you have along the front & right hand side?
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