Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

:circle-of-love:nice harvest! It's quite a bit test. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Harvested my first M-H Reflector grow with just one plant:

Now that the light is free, I was able to start setting it up for a little bit of testing ;)


hmm... I am curious, too.:hmmmm:
WOW! and what results?
Oh well; worth a try...

Light from any source leaves in all directions not blocked by an opaque surface and travels in waves

the opaque surface is the reflectors.

The shape of the cone determines the beam angle (shape of the light leaving the cone) Even then, the light will only hold the shape of the cone for a certain distance before diffusing and spreading out even wider

this is easily observable to anyone with reflector series lights as the shadows it casts are of each of the colored lights individually. One can test how far the cone goes based on the shadow cast. Suspend a string from the height of the light for 48 inches or more and one can see this phenomena clearly. There will be separate reflections for each of the bulbs.

Alpaga, here's a little science experiment for you.

Take a piece of plain white paper, hold it 12 to 18" below the light. Now take a picture and post for us please. If what you say is true, then we should see a small round colored spot on the paper for each individual LED.
So close!!!!!!!

WOW! 1000 pages, guys, I love you so much!:cheer:
how many times we can achieve the figure of 1000 in our life? I can remember the first 1000-word essay I have written, the first 1000 yuan I have earnd, the first clothes worth of 1000 yuan I have bought, and the first time my fans exceed 1000 on Facebook.
Here, because of you, I have achieved another new record of 1000. :circle-of-love:1000 pages on 420 :circle-of-love:Just as every 1000 I have experienced before, I feel so grateful and excited. Without you, my dearest friends, we can not achieve this. Thank You, All who have been here and is here and will be here!:cheer:
Hi Monkeyjaws, the coverage of MarsII 700w is 3.5'x3.5' at the height of 2' and that of MarsII 900w is 4'x4' at the height of 2'. Since you have 1pcs 400w, 1pcs MarsII 700w and 1pcs Reflector 144x5w will cover the 5'x5' area.:Namaste:
hi i've recently upgraded to a 5x5x6.2 tent. I have a mars 11 400w light already(love the light by the way). Thinking of getting a bigger one maybe the 700 or 900. What would you suggest for a lad on a budget to get great results .
thanks in advance

:circle-of-love:Yes, Reflector series with 5w leds are available now in US and EU.:cheer:
for your area if you were going to use your 400 watt mars 2 and just adding another light i would say you want to add 3 more 400's for the best coverage or if you just wanted one light for the entire area then a 1600 would be what you want.

i have seen CO finest use 2 144x3 reflector series lights with great results and since they now have the reflectors with 5 watt diodes i would recommend using 2 of them in your 5'x5' tent

my suggest would be to add 3X mars2 700W panels to your 400W .... 3X 700 + 1X 400 is perfect for your area ... 4X mars2 400 will be little short of power. if you want to go for cheap option, my advise is go for 3X New old model 600W + your mars2 400W ..... will be really not bad.

happy growing.

Thanks for helping a brother out . Have an idea now of what to aim for. Hears to many happy grows
:circle-of-love:flexy, it's better to start from at least 24" and adjust the light distance by the plant's reaction.:Namaste:
Is it possible that ONE 300W "old model" (60x5W) at 18" distance is bleaching seedlings and tiny plants?
I had one young 2" plant about 18" distance from the light but it's all yellow.

The light is now at 20" (50cm) which is quite far in my opinion...but wondering whether this is perhaps still too close? Anyone experience the same?

(PS. growing in a greenhouse outside, but in the I am wondering whether the 300W light at 18" added with the normal daylight is just "too much"?)

:thanks:more caring will not hurt.:Namaste:
i suppose it is possible as i am no expert i will leave the bleaching question for others
but i do caution moving the light any closer til she has grown a bit
i laser beamed a seedling once trying to get too close too fast
live and learn
20" does not seem too far for a baby plant
all girls are different so watch her closely for signals
take care and good luck

it is possible that the strain just isn't good with LED light as there have been some ppl say they have some issues with there plants not taking to the light but from my experience 24" is good for plants 1-3 weeks from popping also depending on strain.

i would say that the added light from being in the greenhouse is a real possibility but im sorry i dont have more experience with that particular situation but IMO i dont think it is just do to the LED :Namaste:

:goodjob: thanks for sharing us your experience.
In my experience it's very possible. Since LED's don't produce much radiant heat from the lamps, the "don't burn the back of your hand at the topmost leaves" rule of thumb doesn't work. LED's produce heat but most of it comes from the heat sink protecting the PCB's/chips and with my units is blown out the side vents.

I severely bleached two Chem Dog seedlings running two old-old style 3Wx100 units 12" off the bucket tops (DWC in 5 gal buckets.) I had to increase the height to approx 24" to get better growth without bleaching by trial and error. At the worst point I lost approx 50% of the green leaf area on the most affected plant. When I added two more buckets to the set up I also added two more old-old style 3Wx100 units (essentially 1 unit/ bucket) and had to move them up to 28" until the seedlings matured (about 3-4 weeks into veg) at which point I moved them down to about 24" and got great growth.

At 180W draw/unit over about 11 sq ft of grow area, that's 60+ W/sq ft.; a bit more intense than the situation you described. I basically let them grow up into the LED's. When I switched to 12/12 they stretched to about 12" or less and the top leaves started showing early stage bleaching symptoms. They seem pretty happy now at 15 to 18" off the top buds.

:circle-of-love: that would be better.
Hm, interesting. I might move it even further then today. I mean it makes sense that very young plants are more sensitive.
:thumb:at last, they still look great with your care. :Namaste:
This seems like it took forever, but I think thats a function of my learning defoliation on her and some time away from the tent. She was pretty healthy until a few weeks ago and weather changes here (hot and stupid hummid) changed things on me. A long weekend away for training and I thought she'd be good, but when the weather changed and I wasn't home to adjust with her, she drank like crazy and the ec went thru the roof. She's burned pretty good, but it's so late I'm not sure it did anything but hold back some final weeks weight. My guess is about 3.5oz dry, but hoping for 4.

There's a ton of good grindable buds here and the trim is also frosty so I see some e-cig juice on the way ala my new Magical Butter. Gotta say if you're into butters, oils or tinctures, it was well worth the new price. MB3 won't be out till end of year or early next so I wasn't waiting and glad I didn't.

This was grown under 2 - 145x5's in a 4'x4' tent by itself, she's a Barney's Farm Blue Cheese.








Thanks MH, they're working as advertised and I'm very happy with 'em!
I actually start my babies at about 4' from a 96x3w reflector and don't move it up until she has a good steady set of legs under her....:circle-of-love:
:welcome:The coverage of MarsII 900w is about 121x121cm at the height of 60cm and MarsII 700w will cover less, 106x106cm at the height of 60cm. MarsII 900w will be better, with more watt. :Namaste:
Both of them don't have switches and are full spectrum. Full spectrum will be good for both veg and flower period.:circle-of-love:
Hello! This is me again! Today I will buy the mars hydro so I need to be super sure choosing between the 900 or the 700. My Growth area is between 80 x 80 x 150 cm or 100 x 100 x 160 cm. Also want to know if they both have switches for veg and bloom and in case they dont, is there any difference? I mean, is it gonna be harder to grow or anything like that? Always used hps and I change the bulb from veg to bloom so not sure how it will work with no swtich, hope you can help me today is the day I buy!!! :D thanks everyone! have a good week

:thanks:Only MarsII 1600w has switches for veg and bloom.:circle-of-love:
Smokey as far as I know there is only one of the Mars II's that has the bloom/veg switch and for the life of me I can't remember which one it is..:confused: but Sara will be on here in a bit and confirm that... I use the reflectors and also a couple of the Mars II's and the Mars I have do not have the switches and it is not an issue for me... To be honest even with the reflectors... except when the babies are tiny... I run them with both switches on even during veg so I really don't think it should be an issue for you either way.....:circle-of-love:

thank you Dennise! So you just change the light periods to let the plant know when its time to bloom? I am Joaquin by the way :) just love to use the Smokey McJoe Nickname lol and my friends call me Joe.

If anyone likes design check my page, NOT SPAM, just friendly stoned designs (not many... BY NOW! lol) Joe

That's it... I start cutting the lights back from 18 hours to 12 hours an hour a day....:circle-of-love:
:circle-of-love:MarsII is daisy-chain compatible. You can plug Reflection with MarsII, just make sure the total power will not exceed 1000w. :circle-of-love:
whats up :420: im getting a MarsII soon to go along with me reflector. can i plug my reflector into the marsII and then run the power from the marsII ? Is this safe or?
Ha ha no competition, I just noticed the end of page 999 was close...! I was trying to be first on page 1000, but I guess that honour belongs to you, as well it should!
:circle-of-love:It's a honor which belongs to all of us. :Namaste::cheer:
Ha ha no competition, I just noticed the end of page 999 was close...! I was trying to be first on page 1000, but I guess that honour belongs to you, as well it should!
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