Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

I have seen on some quantum boards they write something like "White light full spectrum" and "ideal for veg and bloom" so if I have understood it correct it shouldn't be a problem. But I guess others here are better at the technical aspects. I'm just an artist and a grower :)
I have seen on some quantum boards they write something like "White light full spectrum" and "ideal for veg and bloom" so if I have understood it correct it shouldn't be a problem. But I guess others here are better at the technical aspects. I'm just an artist and a grower :)

QB comes in many different spectrum... Ranging from 2700K up to like 6500k I believe... Some lights also add blurple too and design it to be full spectrum but stuff like the QB120's the 4000k can flower and veg because it's an in between spectrum or you could buy 3000k spectrum lights for flower and 5000-6000k spectrum lights for vegging if you use two different rooms and want room specific lights for each room for efficiency.
I must admit I am too lazy to use different lights for vegg and bloom. I do like those buttons :)
Yes if you want to use the qb for veg and flower Id go anywhere better 3000k or 3500k.. saw some not bad result at 4000k but that would be the max as beyond that there is not enough red spectrum in my opinion.. QB is pretty much samsung LED (LM561C chips bin S6 is the most recent) put on a board.. its the most efficient light that exist so far very similar to COB but much easier to build.. you also dont need active cooling just an alum heatsink will do the trick. They are not only efficient but very cheap too. Cost me less than 400USD includint shipping and custom (to Canada) and will pull about 500w from the wall and comparable to a 1000w hps (this is for real not all fake promises like many company do) enough for a 4x4

Didnt mean to hijack this mars hydro thread but yeah I do think its the currently the best light and at the best price cant go wrong.. so yeah I totally support mars hydro to go into that direction.
QB comes in many different spectrum... Ranging from 2700K up to like 6500k I believe... Some lights also add blurple too and design it to be full spectrum but stuff like the QB120's the 4000k can flower and veg because it's an in between spectrum or you could buy 3000k spectrum lights for flower and 5000-6000k spectrum lights for vegging if you use two different rooms and want room specific lights for each room for efficiency.

3000K is great for full cycle - plenty blue for veg/avoiding stretch and massive red for flowering, basically output beats spectrum and 3000K - 4000K is actually quite close to following the McCree curve, so it will be very good for growing/flowering plants, with this you have the basics and can begin to tweak with the beyond PAR ''signalling'' wavelengths; IR, Far Red and UV at the appropriate stages and intensities/quantities ;)

I must admit I am too lazy to use different lights for vegg and bloom. I do like those buttons :)

Try full power veg ;)

you also dont need active cooling just an alum heatsink will do the trick.

Actually the lower power boards don't require heatsinks ;)
Good stuff here! Yes I think if mars could uses the ***LM561C chips bin S6*** in 2700k and 4000k with added red diodes, uv and ir and you would have the best light avalible. closest thing to the sun avalible and most efficient for ppfd per watt
Good stuff here! Yes I think if mars could uses the ***LM561C chips bin S6*** in 2700k and 4000k with added red diodes, uv and ir and you would have the best light avalible. closest thing to the sun avalible and most efficient for ppfd per watt

Well, the thing about the beyond PAR wavelenghts is that it has to carefully timed and dosed.
PPFD per watt also depends on driver and how much power goes into each chip.
So I have two Jack's above the surface. They're going under the COB
3000K is great for full cycle - plenty blue for veg/avoiding stretch and massive red for flowering, basically output beats spectrum and 3000K - 4000K is actually quite close to following the McCree curve, so it will be very good for growing/flowering plants, with this you have the basics and can begin to tweak with the beyond PAR ''signalling'' wavelengths; IR, Far Red and UV at the appropriate stages and intensities/quantities ;)

Try full power veg ;)

Actually the lower power boards don't require heatsinks ;)

I personally don't like vegging with the 3000k. My full spectrum mars 300 will veg much better and promote bushier plants so I stick to flowering with them QB's or use as supplement light before flip. I watched a grow that hit around 2 grams per watt with the 4000k spectrum veg to flower and it was huge. But it really depends on the grower and their style... My tents only 4 foot tall so I need my plants as short as possible with as much branching as possible and you can obviously tell which plants in my tent were directly under the Mars 300's versus the qb120's because the ones under the QB just didn't get nearly as much side action going on. That's just my opinion though. I love the results flowering with them though it made for an incredibly frosty plant.
I have seen on some quantum boards they write something like "White light full spectrum" and "ideal for veg and bloom" so if I have understood it correct it shouldn't be a problem. But I guess others here are better at the technical aspects. I'm just an artist and a grower :)

More than 3500W light belongs to white light. The QB looks white, not sure if all its light is white light or the while light with different colours and it shows white light.
QB comes in many different spectrum... Ranging from 2700K up to like 6500k I believe... Some lights also add blurple too and design it to be full spectrum but stuff like the QB120's the 4000k can flower and veg because it's an in between spectrum or you could buy 3000k spectrum lights for flower and 5000-6000k spectrum lights for vegging if you use two different rooms and want room specific lights for each room for efficiency.

3000K and 5000--6000K are both white lights, right? What difference between them to make 3000K for flower and 5000-6000K for veg? :confused:
I must admit I am too lazy to use different lights for vegg and bloom. I do like those buttons :)

It is more convenient to use one light in all plants stages. :high-five:
Yes if you want to use the qb for veg and flower Id go anywhere better 3000k or 3500k.. saw some not bad result at 4000k but that would be the max as beyond that there is not enough red spectrum in my opinion.. QB is pretty much samsung LED (LM561C chips bin S6 is the most recent) put on a board.. its the most efficient light that exist so far very similar to COB but much easier to build.. you also dont need active cooling just an alum heatsink will do the trick. They are not only efficient but very cheap too. Cost me less than 400USD includint shipping and custom (to Canada) and will pull about 500w from the wall and comparable to a 1000w hps (this is for real not all fake promises like many company do) enough for a 4x4

Didnt mean to hijack this mars hydro thread but yeah I do think its the currently the best light and at the best price cant go wrong.. so yeah I totally support mars hydro to go into that direction.

COB uses different spectrum, 440, 460, 660,IR.... I think its different from QB.
500W QB can replace 1000W HPS, it is amazing if it is true.
It is more convenient to use one light in all plants stages. :high-five:

It just depends though really because many people will have two separate rooms and keep veg lights in the veg room and flowering lights in the flower room. Not everyone of course myself included but some definitely use two sets of lights for each stage.
3000K and 5000--6000K are both white lights, right? What difference between them to make 3000K for flower and 5000-6000K for veg? :confused:

It's not all white white.. The lower spectrums are more of a yellow tinge and the higher up your get the whiter the lights get. As for the differences it's just like the regular blurple LED'S except instead of using a mix of spectrums to make it more multifunctional it's just one. When people make a multi panel light for their grow area you'll commonly see people mix different spectrums to it so there is a nice mix. For example you could build an 8 panel light with 4. 3000k 3. 4000k 1. 5000k just depending on your preference and it's the same as every light the lower spectrums are better to flower with for example HPS HID type lighting operates at I wanna say 2700K depending But I could be off by a couple hundred. Hopefully someone who knows more chimes in.
It just depends though really because many people will have two separate rooms and keep veg lights in the veg room and flowering lights in the flower room. Not everyone of course myself included but some definitely use two sets of lights for each stage.

Veg and flower light can help growers to make full use of lights.
We only have veg and flower lights in China factory, stock full spectrum lights in the foreign warehouses.
It's not all white white.. The lower spectrums are more of a yellow tinge and the higher up your get the whiter the lights get. As for the differences it's just like the regular blurple LED'S except instead of using a mix of spectrums to make it more multifunctional it's just one. When people make a multi panel light for their grow area you'll commonly see people mix different spectrums to it so there is a nice mix. For example you could build an 8 panel light with 4. 3000k 3. 4000k 1. 5000k just depending on your preference and it's the same as every light the lower spectrums are better to flower with for example HPS HID type lighting operates at I wanna say 2700K depending But I could be off by a couple hundred. Hopefully someone who knows more chimes in.

I saw the spectrum of QB called 2700, 3000, 4000K...they also use red, blue IR.., but it is strange why they called 2700K, 3000K...In my opinion, more than 3000K should be called whit light, is it right?
Hi Smokesara, I was in some convos on the site and KingJoe83 said to get ahold of Sara from MarsH. Is this you?
If not nevermind.

Hi Lowded118, I am Sara, this is Mars Hydro thread, welcome to joining in our big family :circle-of-love: :welcome:
Did you use Mars light or tent before?
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