Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

Welcome Deville, looking forward your video. The last video that sent to us is awesome. I like the piano music that you made:thumb:

The pencillin is kicking in. So I want to announce my participation with this little teaser I put together in 5 minutes and exported as a gif. Finished result will have video material, educational shit and useful info for all the users of this particular lamp. We will have a look at what we're growing under the pro II series and so on. We're gonna do good

Hmmm, maybe the local toy store will have masks, but I guess no devil mask

I sadly don't have a devil mask, so not sure how to do the part of me appearing in the videoes. Hmm. Any ideas?
That's not so good, hope the girls get better soon:Namaste:

It's going... been hurting a lot lately so Ive just been letting them do their thing besides checking in to make sure they are alive every now and then. Plan on just switching to weekly updates with pics every Sunday compared to every 2-3 days... It will just leave a more noticeable effect between photos lol. Three of my girls in the tent are still yellowing even with doses above the recommendations lol... Gonna probably hit them all each with 2tsp protekt 2tsp bloom 2tsp magpro.... I don't know what else to do lol... Doubt it'll burn them but I am not a fan of constantly adding so much salt into my soil without flushing... Id hate to get a lockout. I did give them all a plain watering today. Don't get me wrong even with the yellowing these girls are still taking off and getting thick and frosty... The ones in the small grow are almost ready and they look great. My four clones that I have going have just been growing rapidly compared to last rounds... They are gonna need to go into actual pots soon but I'm trying to hold out until I can afford a damn veg light lol... Just have them tossed under different spectrums of CFL and aquarium lights.

Next grow I plan on building a base for my pots so I can catch runoff and water as much as I'd like... Probably just a small grid floor on the bottom of the scrog or something.

My mars hydro 300's are still doing as good as new it appears.... Definitely a good investment. The eco models seem pretty neat too im hoping to see a review of one soon.

Is it a total of 3 videos you want? I am planning a series of videos split up after Mars series. First episode will be about growing under the pro II series with useful info about the lamps, tips, tricks and so on. Featured will be 320, 160 and 80.

Will also film my plants of course so you can see growth progress. The thing is - I am doing this pretty advanced. A video like this is not made in a few hours. It will take me days of editing per video. A company would normally have to pay me thousands of dollars for these videos. But this is a contest so no charge!

Will also add music, text and perhaps my voice. Will show all the mars series and explain what they can be used for was my plan.

Since I am doing it properly it takes a little time, so I need to know what do you expect? When should episode 1 be ready?

Teaser (Gif without sound)

That's the reason I almost backed out when I got so sick. I mean - I have hundreds of working hours ahead of me to plan, film and edit. Graphic effects, compsing music and so on. This is professional work and extremely exhausting when you're sick. But I love contests, especially when they have categories I have a chance at winning in or at least be among the best. So I will really do my best to finish all the videos. But I would appreciate to know when you expect to get each episode
Cool! Hope you're joining in the Mars Hydro cup. You can win amazing things. The more the merrier. Come - Join - Beat the crap out of me :)

Sara & all . . .

Just a head's up. I have started a Grow Journal using some of Bomb Seeds' finest. The kind folks at sponsor Bomb Seeds are sponsoring my Official Grow & Review.

You may also notice a Mars-Hydro Epistar 160 and a Mars-Hydro 120X60X180cm (2'X2'X6') Grow Tent in the pictures . . .

Bomb Seeds Detonation Time! - 420 Magazine Sponsor Grow & Review - Indoor UDWC LED

Cool! Hope you're joining in the Mars Hydro cup. You can win amazing things. The more the merrier. Come - Join - Beat the crap out of me :)

No. As a staff member I can't participate in our contests or a sponsor's. Members deserve the chance imho. Good Luck, Deville! And make sure that you chime in on my grow thread if you see I am about to do something stupid.


Sara, please i have another question to you about the Mars Hydro Reflector 48 light. How loud is that single fan in it? Is it good for a stealth grow? For example in a wooden cab, how noticeable would the noise be? Thanks
Working on the framework - the elements that can be repeated in every episode. I need your help though. What is best? Flames or smoke? Smoke some posts up - flames below this text

Awww, -that's a little sad. I understand you can't join the 42o contests, but the sponsor contests you should be allowed to enter :) But rules are rules. I'll make sure to follow your grow mate!

No. As a staff member I can't participate in our contests or a sponsor's. Members deserve the chance imho. Good Luck, Deville! And make sure that you chime in on my grow thread if you see I am about to do something stupid.


Here comes Mars Cup 4 Contest Rules

Winner Category

1. Best Grow journal
Minimum weekly updates or else disqualified. The plant should have obviously change from 1st Nov to 31st Dec.

2. Best picture
Send your picture to and we will post it on Instagram, who get the most likes who win this category, but if you buy likes, your rights will be cancelled. The picture should have obviously change.

3. Best Video
Send your video to and we will post it on Youtube, the most comments & likes will win. The time should be at 3-5min and 2-3 videos per month.

Award or the products we would like to sponsor every winner:
Mars Eco 49 / Mars Eco 98
Upgraded Mars II 400 / Upgrade Mars II 1600 ( Still not release )
Mars Pro II 120 / Mars Pro II 320

There are 2 winners for every part.
The winner will get the extra tent if using the Mars-Hydro LED grow light & tent both.
Best Video winners will get Mars Pro II 320 & Upgraded Mars II 1600
Best Grower Journal winners will get Mars Pro II 120 & Mars Eco 98
Best Picture winners will get Mars II 400 & Mars Eco 49

#. You should have to show some kind of progressive growth. Mars-Hydro light (tent) must be seen in pictures, videos and grow journal.
Mars Hydro Cup 4: Begin 1,Nov,2017 End:31,Dec,2017

All the rights reserved by Mars Hydro
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I would love to enter ......but .

Judging a competition by likes and comments is a farce, im sure you have seen what happens when when you allow members to vote ,lol eg plant of the month etc , people "like" or in potm case vote for their friends stuff,with voting by likes this will be even worse.

All categories should be judged anonymously by mars hydro or this will be a popularity contest just like the member voted contests here on 420.

Judge this properly not Instagram likes and YouTube comments people make multiple accounts too they are sly as a fox.

Judge these comps yourself or its a joke
I would love to enter ......but .

Judging a competition by likes and comments is a farce, im sure you have seen what happens wvwn when you allow members to vote lol eg plant of the month etc , people "like" vote for their friends stuff,with voting by likes this will be even worse.

All categories should be judged by anonymously by mars hydro or this will be a popularity contest just like the member voted contests here on 420
I have never been in a contest like sorts but that sounds like the real world! But I'm not in it to win it, just wanted have fun show my plants show how great Mars hydro is, and make new friends! .
I get what you say. I will for example put in hundreds of working hours on these videos and make them a good quality. It would hurt to lose to someone just filming their plants with their iPhone for 5 minutes without putting any work into it - Just because that person has more friends than the other person who made the best video. Best photo/video should be judged by someone who's qualified to judge these things. BUT! There is always the hope that the best video will get the most likes and win. You never know - Stranger things have happened :)

I would love to enter ......but .

Judging a competition by likes and comments is a farce, im sure you have seen what happens when when you allow members to vote ,lol eg plant of the month etc , people "like" or in potm case vote for their friends stuff,with voting by likes this will be even worse.

All categories should be judged anonymously by mars hydro or this will be a popularity contest just like the member voted contests here on 420.

Judge this properly not Instagram likes and YouTube comments people make multiple accounts too they are sly as a fox.

Judge these comps yourself or its a joke
I love my Mars hydro's - Believe it or not - they're a little hard to film though. Especially if you want natural colors

I have never been in a contest like sorts but that sounds like the real world! But I'm not in it to win it, just wanted have fun show my plants show how great Mars hydro is, and make new friends! .
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