Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

Hello guys I just started my grow journal for the Mars hydro cup. How exactly do I enter, sorry I'm Not very good with cellular phones.


We will see your grow journal and each update, pls add "Mars Hydro" in the theme of journal. After you update it, if you put your grow journal lin here, it will be much appreciated, then more people will see how your ladies grow :cheer:
Sara, please i have another question to you about the Mars Hydro Reflector 48 light. How loud is that single fan in it? Is it good for a stealth grow? For example in a wooden cab, how noticeable would the noise be? Thanks

The noise is about 35DB, not too noisy, in the normal range. Some growers put it beside bed and still can sleep well, so don't worry it is good for a stealth grow. If you don't want any noise,you can consider COB, it don't use fans, so no noise.
May I know your grow size?
Working on the framework - the elements that can be repeated in every episode. I need your help though. What is best? Flames or smoke? Smoke some posts up - flames below this text


I prefer flames, I saw smoke before, flames looks special and different.:thumb:
I would love to enter ......but .

Judging a competition by likes and comments is a farce, im sure you have seen what happens when when you allow members to vote ,lol eg plant of the month etc , people "like" or in potm case vote for their friends stuff,with voting by likes this will be even worse.

All categories should be judged anonymously by mars hydro or this will be a popularity contest just like the member voted contests here on 420.

Judge this properly not Instagram likes and YouTube comments people make multiple accounts too they are sly as a fox.

Judge these comps yourself or its a joke

We have different social medias, so we hope more people from different social medias can join in. It will be fairer for contestants if the winner decided by most of people not only by Mars Hydro.

We know no contest is exactly fair for each contestants, but we try to set up fairer rules.:thanks:
I have never been in a contest like sorts but that sounds like the real world! But I'm not in it to win it, just wanted have fun show my plants show how great Mars hydro is, and make new friends! .

We understood no contest is exactly fair, but we try to set up fair rules.
Thanks for joining in this thread, I think you will make many good friends here and help your ladies to grow better.
I get what you say. I will for example put in hundreds of working hours on these videos and make them a good quality. It would hurt to lose to someone just filming their plants with their iPhone for 5 minutes without putting any work into it - Just because that person has more friends than the other person who made the best video. Best photo/video should be judged by someone who's qualified to judge these things. BUT! There is always the hope that the best video will get the most likes and win. You never know - Stranger things have happened :)

I agree with you, Deville. If the people who take more time to show better video but did not win, it is not fair for them, so I think we need choose some good contestants to give them some small gifts also or better discount.
well - both work well. very effective :thumb:

But really, my .2c is that creativity comes down to the choices you make... that's where creativity surpasses whatever technical skill is required to 'make' something. My favourite quote about art (don't remember source) is something along the lines of 'true artistry lies in knowing when it's finished'... So DeVille - your stuff all looks good. It's your choice what tones it takes ;) And besides, if you show us previews every step, there'll be no reveal, 'cause we'll have kinda seen it already... Trust your own artistic instincts to choose


DeVill looks like a artist, his work is very special and different from many contestants.:cheer:
Definitely agree with you there... I mean sometimes I wonder how certain people win events and then I look and realize it's because they are popular on 420mag lol. Not saying that's the case all the time.

We have different social medias, I think when they choose a suitable catalogue (video/picture/grow journal) to take part in, it is very useful to help them win.
I agree with you, Deville. If the people who take more time to show better video but did not win, it is not fair for them, so I think we need choose some good contestants to give them some small gifts also or better discount.

But to me when it comes to voting.I'd vote on the video with the best looking plants.not always the most best edited video.Let's face it. It's a growing competition not to see who can edit and produce the best edited made videos. Anyone can make shit look good through editing.But that's why mars should have set judges to do this contest.
Doesn't have to be someone from mars hydro but maybe people not in contest that will vote with unbiased opinion
Oh yeah man I've seen the worst plants beat the best I've seen notm like the shitest nug win LOL I've seen it hahahaha.
All because they let us minions vote !

I want real judges! Bloody cheech and Chong would do.

Understood, in fact, it is really a headache to set up a exactly fair contest rules, but we revise our rules from previous experience to makes it fairer.
That's why I stay out of these contest. Most turn into a shit show.

It is a pity you don't take part in, but thanks for your attention and supervision:thanks:
...Rather than cast negativity on forum run can always choose not to enter...or make more experience for the most part, is winning entries are worthy, regardless of the popular vote...just sayin'...cheerz...h00k...:hookah:

Anybody sharing their growing will teach other grow better and help them make more friends
Ive already chosen not to enter... but my bad I'll just shut up and quit stating my own opinion not as if it matters anyhow .

Don't worry, we appreciate your opinion:thanks:
It will makes our next contest better
I decided to buy a complete Mars Hydro GrowBox with the sunglasses and the Reflector light. I want to buy directly from Mars-Hydro website, i live in a Europe-Union country so it would be without tax and other fees, or not? Do you know Sara something about EU orderings?

We will ship from Germany warehouse to EU,free shipping and no tax. Could you email me your country name, the product you want, I will check stock and price for you. :thanks:
I know what you mean there ,someone who doesnt like a member could also vote against them out of spite .
I love the fact the photo contest here is judged by staff and I've seen always best photographs are winning because staff are choosing not friends etc.

To Hook ,sorry my friend I in no way take anything away from the great comps here on 420 as I said look at the stellar judging in the photo contest .
Look at all the prizes ,the excitement ,the comps are great

We set different catalogues(picture, phone, journal), so many people can join in. The contestants can choose the catalogue that they are good at and have more followers, it will help them win.

We try to set up fairer rules for contestants, but as you know no contestest is exactly fair to every one, it really gives us a headache.
Mars hydro always have fantastic prizes and also the best employees and customer service.

It's the two last points that makes me come back every time i need a new lamp.

I love these competitions and i have won more than one of them without having tons of friends or followers. So sometimes that happens for real.

Never won an official 420 contest though. But that's because I never participated in them.

Actually Mars contests are the first I ever won. Except perhaps some money on a horse a friend tols me to bet on

We try to set fairer rules and offer better prize to contestants, although we know no contest is fair for every one. We are gaining more experience from the past experience and your opinions to make this contest better.
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