I so agree with you! I get pissed every time companies want to know more about us Than the need, if they have a confirmed email address ore a Skype ect.. That goes for all applications that want access to almost everything on our phones.. I hate it..We dont know what thy will do with all those informations thy collect, even they say it's for currier!! Maybe they sell them or use them later to call more spam with commercials!!Sara I've already payed 2 days ago for my order and it won't be sent until tommorow because of this phone number bullshit. if your salesperson didn't want to argue over my phone number she could have sent it out yesterday.i know when the lights arrive cause I track them and wait around the day they arrive.sorry for being a dick but I could have been receiving lights tommorow instead of next week.
Maybe we should make a homepage where people can complain about companies there want more than they need!! And rate them with *** Maybe it already exist"
Many customers dont check calls to" And i think most people with smartphones get mails on them..
And they could ask when we ordre, how do you want us to contact you in case of currier can't find address