Maine 4-Season Greenhouse Grow

I have a double layer inflated high tunnel...still no comparison to polycarbonate. This was my first winter with it and we got several feet of snow. Unless the snow is blowing it will accumulate and then crush your metal (1 5/16" gala steel) frame. I was out there more than once with a large broom pulling it off. The polycarbonate just sheds it...and if not, you bang on it from the inside!

yup polycarbonate is the way to go for me! Maybe i should just move to maine... Lol seems like youve got a pretty stellar setup there blew! Greenhouses, raise your own meat.... One day ill be there lol gotta set goals or whats the point in living lol

basically whats going through my mind is a very shrunk down version of yours... 2panels wide... 3panels in length... Construct roof on top of that.... Any chance i could get a picture of the inside whenever you have time? Would Just like to see how theyve got it framed so i could essentially mimmick its construction on a much smaller scale...please dont rush for me! Just whenever you get the chance, ive got a hundred and one projects to complete on the wifes "to do" list before i can get to mine lol thank you in advance!!!!
Soil Club !! Hell Yes , I am glad the subject came up about your GH , Very interesting .I am not looking at building it already gets too damn hot here in the summer and the humidity sucks! at 65-80 % most times . How many worms without eggs should one start with in a ben your size and i forgot how long you said it will take them to have baby worms? Yes i get it running your fingers through some really fresh fertile soil , my reg. garden could stand some soil renewal. I love fresh homegrown veggies . :drool:
I like to keep a 5 gallon bucket for emergency.....just in case! I pushed it way too close this time though....but I do have a bag of Kind Soil just in case. Looks like I will probably need to use it. I have three clones I need to up pot at some point this week (will put them in 1 gallon pots to try and conserve) and we have the Hindu Kush that needs up potting to 2 gallon pots. I also have the White Widow that will be going in a 8 or 10 gallon pot at some point in the next week. So thats about 13-15 gallons I need and I only have about 10 LOL. Time to get creative LOL.
Well, I have everything but the finished VC so I can get a decent bag of soil from my local feed/seed store and make something legit.

I am having hesitations also now on what goes into my 10-gallons...I have some CBD Cream and Cheese coming and I thought it was an auto, but its a photo....hmmm.

I was also looking at the ATF and Stankberry yesterday and its like they are trying out for the 45-gallon...both looking strong. DTF still bushier and as tall. I am sticking with the Stankberry and Carnival in the 45's though...
basically whats going through my mind is a very shrunk down version of yours... 2panels wide... 3panels in length... Construct roof on top of that.... Any chance i could get a picture of the inside whenever you have time? Would Just like to see how theyve got it framed so i could essentially mimmick its construction on a much smaller scale...please dont rush for me! Just whenever you get the chance, ive got a hundred and one projects to complete on the wifes "to do" list before i can get to mine lol thank you in advance!!!!

Here are some framing details:

This outside shot clearly shows the poly support, which is essentially the roof. North facing roof is tin roofing over plywood

A few corners/angles of the 12x24

16x48 interior

Maybe i should just move to maine... Lol seems like youve got a pretty stellar setup there blew! Greenhouses, raise your own meat.... One day ill be there lol gotta set goals or whats the point in living lol

We moved to Maine specifically to do more of what we want and do it outdoors. We both had "real" jobs and then had kids and didn't want to raise them where we we looked far and wide and moved to Maine. Not all of Maine is equal, so it takes a little looking around to see what places fit you. Maine has healed me in so many ways in the last 10 years (physically, mentally, spiritually). My dad worked 6 days a week his whole life and when he was ready to "retire" he had dementia and didn't get to do anything. That stuck with me and I have always made time to do what I can now and not put off things till later. But, like @Van Stank, I am better when there are less idiots around me and Maine is pretty sparsely populated so that decreases the interactions! Summer we get many visitors from the Rat Race and it is always a good reminder of why we are here.

I could go on and on about why I love Maine but will leave it on this note...shot this pic the other day from same seat I am typing this (400mm lens) ...the cool thing is we also had loons, geese, and ducks in the same vicinity. Sometimes it almost feels ordinary up here...almost.
*sigh* I need me some sparsely populated area to move to where we can hike and fish and do our thang. You make a good point about not putting things off. I am hopeful Van and I can find our dream property soon and start to live the lives we want to! Patience has never been my virtue, though. There have been several times I wanted to pull the trigger on land postings on my Zillow app but then I look at my bank statement and reality slaps me in the face.
*sigh* I need me some sparsely populated area to move to where we can hike and fish and do our thang. You make a good point about not putting things off. I am hopeful Van and I can find our dream property soon and start to live the lives we want to! Patience has never been my virtue, though. There have been several times I wanted to pull the trigger on land postings on my Zillow app but then I look at my bank statement and reality slaps me in the face.
Well, at least you have a plan...most people just sleepwalk through life and it used to pain me. Now I just focus on my family and let the world do its thing. Maine is challenging for conventional job opportunities but I think the inter web is changing that up here. I used to telecommute from home and I realized...I could do this from anywhere...which opened Maine as an option to us.

And I don't know how much land you are looking for, but you can do plenty on less than 5 thing to consider is look for shitty tear down homes...banks will finance those whereas they won't on raw land. :)
Here are some framing details:

This outside shot clearly shows the poly support, which is essentially the roof. North facing roof is tin roofing over plywood

A few corners/angles of the 12x24

16x48 interior

We moved to Maine specifically to do more of what we want and do it outdoors. We both had "real" jobs and then had kids and didn't want to raise them where we we looked far and wide and moved to Maine. Not all of Maine is equal, so it takes a little looking around to see what places fit you. Maine has healed me in so many ways in the last 10 years (physically, mentally, spiritually). My dad worked 6 days a week his whole life and when he was ready to "retire" he had dementia and didn't get to do anything. That stuck with me and I have always made time to do what I can now and not put off things till later. But, like @Van Stank, I am better when there are less idiots around me and Maine is pretty sparsely populated so that decreases the interactions! Summer we get many visitors from the Rat Race and it is always a good reminder of why we are here.

I could go on and on about why I love Maine but will leave it on this note...shot this pic the other day from same seat I am typing this (400mm lens) ...the cool thing is we also had loons, geese, and ducks in the same vicinity. Sometimes it almost feels ordinary up here...almost.

those eagles are beautiful.... Maine sounds amazing, i am going to have to take a tour down there one day... I have my eyes set on northern ontario to buy a property though... far far away from everyone... Only shitty part would be the spring bugs lol

thank you for those pictures, thats exactly what i wanted to see... Was thinking a stand alone greenhouse, but i think i might try to build it at the side/back of my existing shed... Im going to have to pay attention to daylight hours from here on out and such and figure out the best location Before i do anything. Im hoping the town doesnt hassle me for it.. Ill call and ask questions... Technically there wont be a foundation so i shouldnt need a permit or any approval.... God i cant wait to move out in the country
those eagles are beautiful.... Maine sounds amazing, i am going to have to take a tour down there one day... I have my eyes set on northern ontario to buy a property though... far far away from everyone... Only shitty part would be the spring bugs lol

thank you for those pictures, thats exactly what i wanted to see... Was thinking a stand alone greenhouse, but i think i might try to build it at the side/back of my existing shed... Im going to have to pay attention to daylight hours from here on out and such and figure out the best location Before i do anything. Im hoping the town doesnt hassle me for it.. Ill call and ask questions... Technically there wont be a foundation so i shouldnt need a permit or any approval.... God i cant wait to move out in the country
Check your laws about what you are allowed to an attached shed or enclosure. If there is no specification on the materials (or use) then use polycarb and make a lean to against the southern facing side of your house.
Got the basalt and glacial rock dust all mixed into the pots and went ahead and potted the ATF, DTF, and Blueberry (30 gallon) and the Stankberry (45 gallon). Will take some photos once they perk up...

Also, the Maine politricksters just voted to reduce the plants per adult from 6 to 3...whores. Then they left for vacation before finishing 70% of the unfinished legislation. They are a breed apart...
Those are some beautiful Eagles and you just about got me wanting to move !?!? But i am at the homestead from years gone and just can't ? I do have 7 acres and the more you got the more you have to take care of LOL But it's worth it when you can go out the back door and piss on your lawn without being hassled !! Just wish they would get the legal part in order round here . :roorrip:
Well I would be interested in seeing the new law as written.....with the actual verbage. So what does that cap you at plant count under the new law Blew?
Agreed, but I can't find anything written and I think it doesn't go into effect until next session..which is 9 months away. Just annoying because the only real reason they did it was to prevent a "black market" when in fact they can't even sort out the retail market. Also, the way the law is written I can grow as many as I want, as long as I have them labelled for another Maine I could grow out my neighbors, friends, I won't really be limited, just added hassle.

Current law....
Check your laws about what you are allowed to an attached shed or enclosure. If there is no specification on the materials (or use) then use polycarb and make a lean to against the southern facing side of your house.

perfect thanks for the tip, ill take a pic of my backyard at different times on the weekend when im actually home. I know from my veggie gardens last year that my shed gets full sun from 8/9am till almost sunset so would be the perfect spot.. And i know the laws are pretty easy going, i can make my fence 7ft tall and add 2ft of lattice on top of it lol

Those are some beautiful Eagles and you just about got me wanting to move !?!? But i am at the homestead from years gone and just can't ? I do have 7 acres and the more you got the more you have to take care of LOL But it's worth it when you can go out the back door and piss on your lawn without being hassled !! Just wish they would get the legal part in order round here . :roorrip:

lol ya my neighbours garage is literally 3ft from the chainlink fence... First day we moved in. I was out in the backyard with dogs, buddy comes out of garage side door... Introduces himself and then proceeds to inform me that this was his "pee spot" and whips it out and starts going.... It caught me off guard to say the least.. i didnt know what to say. Thankfully my big dog doesnt like strangers especially on the other sides of doors or fences, so everytime he goes to take a leak the dog barks viciously at him, Think he wants a piece of sausage lol we shall see what he does this summer.
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