Magnus8's Coco Coir Big Bud & Pineapple Express, First Grow Ever! Grow Journal

Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

I'm still growing in a closet. Not a walk in one either. I don't spend much time in the closet. If I were in the closet, I'm the type to come out of it pretty quickly. hahaha
Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

Okay, so there's definitely something wrong with my grow.

I've been worried that my demented little girls seem kinda slow in their growth. Tonight I looked through a bunch of other journals, and now I'm convinced that they are behind other plants of their own age. Rideouts, I looked through your journals too, and felt the same thing.

So here's what I'm thinking.

The new watering/feeding regime seems to be working. They've grown quite a bit for their size since adopting it only yesterday. I'm going to continue with that.

I need to find a way to get the temperature of the closet up. I have no idea how to do this. I live in a mobile home in Canada. Of course it's winter, so of course the whole place is cold. I cannot afford to run a space heater in the room, which as far as I can see is my only option. Does anyone have any ideas on how to increase the heat in my closet without using a space heater in the room?

I'm still using the heat mat under the girls. I'm not removing that. It's not causing any problems, as far as I can see, and must be heating up the soil for them, which is good.

I lowered the light a bit this afternoon. I'm hoping that will help with their growth. I'll know more by the end of tomorrow if it is helping or if it is hindering.

I think a big problem with their growth was my previous watering/feeding regime. I was taking what I had read and waiting until the "soil" was somewhat dry before feeding and watering them. But I'm growing in COCO, which presents a different scenario. With coco, you have to water at least once per day, up to three times per day. It is like working with hydro. You have to flush the coco up to several times a day with water/food to keep it moist enough for the roots. Especially with the fan I have blowing on them for about 6 or 7 hours per day. I've watered/fed them twice already today and will do so another time before going to bed.

Another problem with my grow so far was that I wasn't feeding them enough. I'm sure of it. That was because of my previous watering/feeding program I was using, explained above. With this new regime, the roots have access to food all day long. Even if they deplete their food supply available to them, or exhaust it, it is replenished later that same day. This way, they have food available all day long, no matter how much they deplete their supply.

Don't worry, I'm using a weakened food solution.

So I guess all that I can do to help them more is to either move the light back up if the proximity of the light is hindering their growth. And to increase the heat in that closet. Other than that, I'm out of ideas.

By the way, I'm using General Hydroponics Flora series of food. That should have been my first clue that my feeding regime should be based on a hydro grow, rather than a soil grow.

Pics to come tomorrow morning.
Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

Get that PPM meter for $15 off amazon. Then you can keep track of how much you are feeding. With seedlings in the beginning stage you don't want to feed twice to 3 times a day. It is not until they are in veg that you treat it like hydro. In fact you are supposed to treat seedlings in coco like soil during the first stage of its life.

Added reflective Mylar or aluminium foil to cover the walls can help with insulation. You can also just run 1 exhaust fan pushing air out and not have the other fan pushing cool air into your tent.

The fan should not be directly blowing on the seedlings either, you want it slightly above them creating a very small movement. This can stunt them early if they are under constant stress. The light finger tapping each day helps with strong stem structure

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Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow...

Dont be too worried about speed. The seedling stage is the most unpredictable, each seed has its own characteristics even if it's the same strain. Each phenotype can behave differently. I had 4 mother seeds germinate and sprout. I only kept 2 as the others stretched very tall. Then I threw the 3rd one away because the 4th was clearly the strongest and healthiest. They all took a good 2-3 weeks before I saw a few sets of leaves grow.

You just need to be very patient in this process. When using seeds you just never know! Clones are much more predictable and easy to grow.

Temps for seedling and veg should always be around 75-85 degrees. They begin to slow
Growth between 60-70 degrees (unless in flower). Humidity should be 70% seedling, 60-65% veg, 35-50% flower and 10-20% last week of flower if you can do it. Creates a nice last push of resin production

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Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

The PPM meter is going to have to wait a bit. Can't explain it just now, but it's going to have to wait, unfortunately.

The mylar is going up tomorrow, after a trip into town to buy staples for the staple gun. I didn't know that the mylar would help with keeping the heat in, but it makes sense. That will definitely help. I'm not sure about the two fans pushing air in and out. I'm trying to keep the warm air in, not push it out. It's too cool in the closet just now. These bloody trailers are always so cold in the winter...

The fan is pointed upwards, towards the ceiling mostly. It's creating a very gentle movement on the plants. In the beginning, I think the fan was pointing too close to them, but I moved it shortly after installing it. It might have been creating stress before, but it isn't now I don't think.

I think I'm going to look in WalMart tomorrow for a very small space heater, one that I can adjust the temp on and try it out for a day or so. See if that helps at all. I'm sure it would as long as I can keep the temp low enough. I just need to adjust the temp a few degrees or so. It's just a little too cool in there for my liking right now.

Thanks for the advice. I truly appreciate it.
Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

Yah try a small space heater. I used one for my mother tent but be careful because I fried another mother I had. Didn't seem like it was that hot but it was and almost ruined it for me lol. Don't point it directly at them and make sure there's lots of room to let the hot air flow.

don't stress too much, cannabis is a super resilient plant that can handle all kinds of stresses and will still produce beautiful buds

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Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

Okay, so the wife-bot knew of a small space heater tucked away in the porch (we've got a huge porch) that I didn't know about.

Happy to report that the temp of the closet has risen from 69 degrees to 81 degrees in the matter of a few moments. Not too hot for the plants, and blows a nice, gentle breeze on them to boot. Two birds with one stone. My kind of solution. Now to get ahold of that PPM meter...
Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

My big problem is that I DO stress. I get too anxious about too many things. And I always want things to turn out the best they could ever possibly have been. I know I'll be pleased enough with the results come 15 weeks or so. Even more pleased after they're dried and cured... THEN I'll be a happy man. Until then, though, I know I'll stress about it all.

Thanks for the good advice. I really appreciate it muchly.
Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

Well, great news.

All four of my demented little girls are growing their third -- count them: one, two, three! -- set of serrated leaves!

(when counting leaves, do we count the first round leaves, saying this would be their fourth set of leaves? or do we just have done with it and say this is the third set of leaves? could someone please enlighten me?)

I don't know if you'll see it in the pics because I don't have a macro lens, but they are there. Trust me. I've been waiting for this a loooong time it seems. Hell, they've been alive for 14 days now, so I can hardly bitch.

I was thinking about something this morning. I buried them in the coco at the first sign of a white taproot showing through the seed encasing, and they popped out of the coco the next morning. Could this be why I think they're stunted somewhat? Because most people give them more time for that taproot to grow before planting? Just wondering.

I've got 8 pics here, 2 of each plant. I'll put them in order of first two pics being of my first Pineapple Express, second two being of my second Pineapple Express, third two being of my first Big Bud, etc. This way you know what you're looking at.

So, without further adieu, I give you... the pics!

Pineapple Express #1 (you are most likely to see the third set of leaves in these first two pics, since they are the largest on this plant.


Pineapple Express #2

Big Bud #1

Big Bud #2

So I'm really pleased. There's hope for these little girls yet. Open up the skies and let the light shine in! I don't know what has given them this spurt of growth since yesterday and overnight. Could be any number of things. I've decided to keep everything as it is and see what happens. Except the light. I may move the light up a bit after installing the mylar tonight. We'll see how bright it is after the mylar goes up.

I really need to get a macro lens. But that's just way too out of budget for me. I just know it isn't going to happen anytime soon. Maybe if I grow enough weed to be able to sell some to friends... But I'm not sure I want to get into that game. Of course, I'm only talking about friends. Well, not even really friends. I have one friend who would buy from me, and then my two nephews and my sister. That's not a huge dealership, that's for sure. Can't get rich doing that. Mind you, I'll probably need to consume it all myself for medicine. But if I can get a perpetual grow going on here, then I might have leftovers. Have any of you ever done that? Sold to friends/family, I mean. Or maybe it's forbidden to talk about that kind of thing here. I'm not trolling to buy drugs, nor am I searching for clients to sell it to. I'm just askiing questions about use is all, so I can't see as how it is forbidden... But I don't know all the rules about posting on here. I've read most of them, but not all. So maybe it is forbidden to talk about this kind of thing. But I doubt it, actually.

On another note, I begin editing my manuscript for publication today. I have this character, Gus, who was supposed to be a minor character in the novel but he turned out to play a much bigger role in the events, especially at the end of the story. And he's quite an interesting character, really. He's kind of like this minor hit man, not for the mob, though he acts as though he's part of it. He shakes people down for cash in return for "protection" of their business establishment. And then one of the main characters hires him to help protect herself and her two friends from the antagonist.

Well, since Gus turned out to me much more prevalent in the story than I had first imagined him to be, I have to write some backstory for him. That means giving him a history that helps to explain who he is and why he does the things he does. So I'm going to be working on Gus's backstory today, placing it after the first time we meet him, but before the second time we see him. I have to find the right spot in the narrative to do it, though. I have to make sure it doesn't slow down the pacing of the action at all. And I have to make sure that it isn't boring. Backstory can often be boring, because there's not usually a lot of action happening. It's just details and facts, mostly. The key is to find a way, as a writer, to keep it interesting. To find a way to find action in the details of the history of the character.

So that's what I'm working on today. And driving to town to WalMart (45 minutes each way) to pick up staples, some 1 gallon pots, and food for the month. We're late on picking up our food for the month, and the cupboards are too fucking bare, let me tell you! Tried making dinner last night and had a devil of a time doing it. A lot of my money that I'd had saved, no, all of the money I'd had saved, has gone into buying supplies for this grow (and subsequent ones, too). I've also got to pick up my tent, if it has arrived by today. It may not. It only left Vancouver at 3:55 a.m. this morning. It could get to Edmonton in time to get on the truck for Vegreville today, but it would have to be processed in Edmonton by about 9:00 a.m. at the latest, and I doubt it will be. But it'll be here by tomorrow for sure. I'm so excited! My own tent! And a fairly big one, too, by my standards (5x5x6.5). That'll give me enough room to walk around a 4x4 scrog.

Got a question, if anyone knows the answer. How much area does a 600w led cover? I've tried to look it up online, but I keep getting contradictory answers. What I need to know is whether it will cover a 4x4 area adequately. I need it to cover my entire scrog. Or, alternatively, I need to conceive my scrog to cover a smaller area. I'm thinking that 4 plants would be adequate for a good solid scrog setup, so I'm not worried about that. What I AM concerned about is whether they'll all receive adequate enough lighting.

Anyway, it's early, and I've got a lot to do this morning, so I'll sign off now. Hope everyone has a great day ahead of them. Yes, yes, I know it's Monday (you poor, working slobs. I feel for you. yes, I do.).

So have a great day. Looking forward to hearing from y'all!
Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

I subbed up.
As I always say, not an expert grower, by far, but willing to help or call in the right person to help :)

I you mean 600W LED panel?
Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

Forgot to mention that the space heater has brought the temps up from 69 degrees F to 81 degrees F. Woohoo! And without any fires, either... Last thing I need is for my little forest to go up in flames -- along with my dogs, my possessions and my wife-bot's life.

Just realized that I've got two appointments in Edmonton this week, on Wed and Thurs back to back. This means that I'll be leaving home on Wed around 8:00 a.m. and not returning home until Thurs around 5:00 p.m. Part of me is frightened to death about my demented little girls. Whatever will they do without their Papa home, there to watch over them, nurture them, coax them along to bigger and greater and more productive things? Mind you, it'll be fun to not have them to look at for more than 24 hours, since I'll really see how much they've grown/improved during the period. At least I've gotten it down to not checking on them once every 60 minutes or so during the day! I'm past that point, at least. But a whole 33 or so hour period? Just cannot wrap my mind around it!

On another note, I've been thinking a bit about my next grow. Think I might like to do some feminized Northern Lights #5 in that grow. Instead of getting all my work done today, I've been surfing the net trying to find a Canadian supplier who carries them. Might have to go with my other supplier from the Netherlands where I bought my first seeds. I was very happy with them, and their prices were very very reasonable.
Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

Hey AngryBird! Welcome aboard this ship of fools! Well, I might probably be the only fool on this ship, but whatever. Thanks so much for coming. I truly appreciate it. Feel free to chime in whenever. You might find me sometimes (like earlier today) talking about my book that I'm in the beginning of editing with my editor, cuz that's a big part of my life right now. Hope you don't mind the drivel.

What did you mean by your question about the LED panel? Is that what I'm supposed to call it, rather than an LED light? That would make sense, since it is composed of lots of smaller lights, rather than it being one single bulb. I'll try to remember to call it that.

I've got two dogs. Dobby gives abundant kisses. Molly is very cheap with her kisses. Or maybe I should say "selective". Anyway, just got a rare kiss from Molly. I feel so blessed.
Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

Yes. LED panel is made of smaller LEDs in one square box. And I think it will cover well enough for 4 plants
and remember "there are no stupid questions only stupid answers :)
Read my journal and see how I started.. we are all noobs in the beginning.

I have 2 dogs (pit bulls) and 9 cats. We do love animals in this house. :)
Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

Thanks, Rideouts! But the wife-bot comes with me on these appointments. They are for pain shots in my back at the pain clinic. I get intramuscular shots as well as epidurals each week. After my shots, I'm so dizzy that I'm unable to drive at all, so she has to come to drive. I think I'm going to cancel this week's round of shots and the physio the next day. My wife is very tired this week and having trouble recovering from our trip last week. Last week, the weather was terrible, with freezing rain and slippery conditions on the highway. It can be really harrowing to drive 2 hours there and back in those conditions. Took a lot out of her because I was unable to drive that morning, either, because I had to take a whack of T4s for the pain (in damp, humid weather my back gets a lot worse). So she had to drive the whole trip. My wife suffers from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and it takes her a long time to recover from these trips as it is, yet alone a trip that zapped the energy out of her like this last one did. Besides, this trip would entail us spending the night away from home overnight, an ordeal that entails spending the night at my alcoholic 80 year old Auntie Alvina's home with her crazy 4 adult children who still live at home because they are, mostly, losers. I shouldn't say that. Well, why not tell the truth? So I think I'll call after 1:00 p.m. and try to get my appointments moved until next week. To be honest, I'm a little tired myself this week, and could use the break from the shots. They do take a lot out of me, too. Not to mention the Fentanyl patch and the T4s... They always take a whack out of me. So I'm a bit zapped, really. I could sure use the break this week.

Okay, I've talked myself into it. I'm going to try to move my appointments further into next week, rather than this Wed/Thurs. Feel much better now.
Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

I get it boss believe me. The weather here has been a sh#$ show. With a hundred car pile up this past weekend. And yeah when it's either humid or cold my neck becomes painful and useless. When your plants are done in the coming weeks things may and will get easier.

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Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

I sure do hope so. I just cannot keep going like this, with these opium medications that cause me such grief while being necessary because they relieve the intense pain. They did an MRI of my back and a bone scan last year and even the doctor was surprised at the size of the bubble in my back pressing against the nerve. Now to surprise a doctor takes a lot! A good one will have seen it all.

So I'm going to lie down for a short nap, wake at 3:00 and head into town. Got to make it to Two Hills, about 40 km out of the way, to take back some library books, unfortunately. And have to drop off some green bags at the dump, too. Way too much crammed into one day. And I'm so exhausted I fell asleep at the table discussing my plans for our perpetual grow with the wife-bot. Now how's that for tired, eh?

Signing off...
Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

600w LED is usually only good for 3x3 but usually smaller footprint when at 18" - most of the time they spec 3x3 at 36" away. A 600w HPS/MH light will however cover a 4x4 area. They are stronger than leds

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Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

Well, I should be okay then. I get paid on the 26th of Jan, and will be able to purchase my 1000w led then. It'll take two and a half weeks to come. That's about the amount of time it took the 600w to get here. That'll take me into the first day of week 7 of veg time. Some might say too long, but I'm scrogging these demented little daemons, so I don't have to worry about height at all. I can keep them going until then under the screen. Even if the light comes a bit late, I can veg for eight weeks -- why not? I'll just get bigger plants and bigger colas. I'll just have to be more patient. Then install the light as soon as it comes and flip into flower.

I know it's not a perfect scenario, but it's all I can do. Unless I build a smaller scrog and veg for considerably less time. But I was really counting on the 1000w panel to use for bloody blooming (how's that for alliteration, eh?). I'd really like the extra wattage for blooming, give them that extra oomph! I know that using the 600w panel for eight weeks isn't ideal, cuz the one foot area around the 3x3 area wouldn't get the ideal amount of light. But light falls off. It doesn't shut off at its edges, it has a penumbra wherein it looses its ground. In other words, there would be a certain amount of light hitting that one foot square perimeter surrounding the 3x3 area. That area would have some light, just not as much as the rest of it. It may be partially stunted in this area, but it won't die in this area. That sounds good enough for me. At least, on my budget, it's all I can do right now.

Girls are looking good this afternoon, btw. I'll send up more pics tomorrow morning!
Re: Magnus8's - Coco Coir - Big Bud & Pineapple Express - First Grow Ever! - Grow Jou

Yah once you get the 1000w LED in there you will be good to go with both lights. Veg as long as you feel the need to, there is no restriction on how long you can veg for. As long as the pot size is sufficient, you can go as long as you want. if you're trying to fill an entire area then you simply veg til you're almost there, then flip because it will stretch for a certain period of time allowing you to continue to fill the canopy. Eventually after about 2 weeks you want to let them go and grow vertically past the net. Ur on the right track, excited to see you get this all going. I have a feeling you will be very happy with your results

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