Howdy Chew! Having a never-ending headache must be horrible! Mine are tension headaches that move into the migraine realm when left unchecked. Though sometimes they are straight migraines.Me too. I would love to pop in and have a smoke with you Sue x
I'll take a look at the soy wax. I did make a topical some time ago and i used beeswax. It was very greasy and it never seemed to soak in properly, it was uncomfortable so i never used it. I hope to avoid that this time round
I've got a few things to mention.
First is that, as Magnus8 stated above, "...any time you spread a wax onto your skin your are spreading a thin barrier across its surface. That's right. You are providing a barrier to the cannabinoids from entering and soaking into the skin. So, by adding wax to your concoctions you are actually making them weaker in strength." I believe this from a scientific standpoint and have found it true experientially. In addition, wax never gets absorbed so you will always have a layer of wax/oil on your skin until you wipe it off.
Second is that I have tried three different oils: grapeseed, pumpkin seed, and fractionated coconut oil. Both grape and pumpkin seed oil are very absorbable and will get absorbed into the skin with the THC very quickly. I would add some fractionated coconut seed oil if you want something with a consistency more like massage oil. 75/25 would probably be enough, but I stick with grape/pumpkin seed now.
Third is that I have not found topical oil to work as a muscle relaxant. Massage and heat work to loosen muscles but my experience is that topical oils work more on the nerves than the muscles. It's not absorbed into the muscular layers as it won't penetrate that deeply. That said, it does work on headaches and I massage it into the pad of skin at the top of the spine, neck, shoulders, hairline, temples, and even into the scalp. Don't skimp.
And lastly, you might want to look into Fioricet for your tension headaches. It's a mild barbiturate (does not make me sleepy at all), caffeine (maybe why!), and Tylenol. I have taken it for 30 years now and it works 80% of the time if I take it early enough. A doctor told me to "never chase a headache." The second you think you are getting one, do something about it. These days I take it with an Advil as well (your body changes after 30 years ). Fioricet can't be taken daily as it can create rebound headaches, but my headaches are more a once or twice a week thing. When I take it, I also break out the oil to hit it on all fronts!
I hope that's helpful . Take care!