Look at this beauty! I'm looking for some tips :) I'm very anxious

H2O2 will react to anything organic in your soil and it will kill off microbes so if you're growing organic it will be counterproductive.

You're using bokashi which requires microbes in the mix, so know your risk. I know Bill uses bokashi so if he's using the peroxide together with it I'd follow his lead, but it depends on your grow style.
I’ve used it in soil before when I had root issues.
I won’t put it in my coco :thanks: Thanks Azi.:ciao:
But you can recharge microbial life after.
Which is good to do regardless.
My laying method solved my problem and I haven’t done it since. :Namaste:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Thanks for the information about hydrogen peroxide. I recently did a flush with it, and everything seems fine :high-five:. I also took some clones and removed some leaves, but now the plants have grown back and are full of leaves again :yummy:. As I approach the switch to the 12/12 light cycle, how long before this change can I continue taking clones and trimming leaves?:hmmmm:
I think it's best to take clones before you flip and the hormones change but, that said, plenty of growers take them in flower. The deeper in flower you are the harder it is to get them to root.

As for trimming leaves and stems, I like to clean up the lowers and anything that didn't make great canopy after stretch.
Today is the day I'll be flipping them tonight. :yahoo: Is there any important information about this event?

Regarding maintenance, I’m considering taking the clones and performing a light cleaning at the end of the first week. I’ve noticed that about 4 to 6 branches aren't well positioned.

I’m also thinking of doing a more thorough cleaning in the second week.

The photos are from today.:yummy::yummy::yummy:

Is the leaf with two shades of green a problem? Only this one is like that.

Thank you very much, and onto the next phase!:high-five:
Today is the day I'll be flipping them tonight. :yahoo: Is there any important information about this event?
Yes, visually verify the timer is working as planned after you change it rather that just assume it is. It likely is, but check to be sure.

Is the leaf with two shades of green a problem? Only this one is like that.
That looks more like an interesting genetic thing rather than a problem to me.
Today is the day I'll be flipping them tonight. :yahoo: Is there any important information about this event?

Regarding maintenance, I’m considering taking the clones and performing a light cleaning at the end of the first week. I’ve noticed that about 4 to 6 branches aren't well positioned.

I’m also thinking of doing a more thorough cleaning in the second week.

The photos are from today.:yummy::yummy::yummy:

Is the leaf with two shades of green a problem? Only this one is like that.

Thank you very much, and onto the next phase!:high-five:
Looking good Buddy.
If I have time I turn off my lights for 24 hours before I flip.
I find clones root better if taken before I flip.
They can easily be taken for the first 2 weeks and do grow well.
I do a light cleaning under the canopy before flip.
Then after stretch usually 3 weeks I take everything under the light line.
Once they flip I don't pick at them.
One cleaning and that's it.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Looking good Buddy.
If I have time I turn off my lights for 24 hours before I flip.
I find clones root better if taken before I flip.
They can easily be taken for the first 2 weeks and do grow well.
I do a light cleaning under the canopy before flip.
Then after stretch usually 3 weeks I take everything under the light line.
Once they flip I don't pick at them.
One cleaning and that's it.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Is this correct? Tomorrow, before noon, I remove the lower leaves and take clones, then switch the lights to bloom mode, turn them off at noon, and leave them off until the next day at noon. After that, I switch to a 12/12 light schedule. Did I get that right?:Namaste:

Also, I'm not clear on whether the suggestion to leave the plants untouched for 2 weeks applies before or after flipping to bloom. Could you clarify? :hmmmm:
Also, I'm not clear on whether the suggestion to leave the plants untouched for 2 weeks applies before or after flipping to bloom. Could you clarify? :hmmmm:
After flip since the hormones are changing like a randy teenager so best to give 'em a wide berth. :laughtwo:

Once stretch is over you'll have a good sense as to what lower branches made the canopy and which didn't. The ones that failed can come off since they'll produce small buds and that energy is better sent to the top colas. I try to just take the growth/flower nodes and leave the fan leaves as a nutrient bank on which the plant can draw on in flower.
Is this correct? Tomorrow, before noon, I remove the lower leaves and take clones, then switch the lights to bloom mode, turn them off at noon, and leave them off until the next day at noon. After that, I switch to a 12/12 light schedule. Did I get that right?:Namaste:

Also, I'm not clear on whether the suggestion to leave the plants untouched for 2 weeks applies before or after flipping to bloom. Could you clarify? :hmmmm:
I think Azi :ciao: got your answer there:thanks:
About the light timing.
2 things to consider
Cost of electricity. I ran my lights 7pm to 7 am.
That’s when electricity was cheaper.
And heat.
Not sure where you or your set up are located but flowering requires a steady temp in a room with a hot light.
I found running at night easier to control temperature.
Another thing is your availability.
You can only work during lights on.
So are you available that time?
Couple things to think about.
Good luck my friend.
Hope it goes well.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Depending on the work you mean, you can work with lights off by using green light bulbs. I work lights off almost exclusively now, because A. as you said electricity is cheaper at night (while I'm -sometimes- sleeping) and B. the grow lights sometimes give me a headache. The only time I go in with lights on now is to occasionally take a pic, or clean, or just to check real colors because it isn't as easy to see in the green light.
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As you can see in the photo, the flowers are starting to appear. It's been a week and a half since switching to 12/12. Any tips on what to do with this beauty? I read something about removing "popcorn buds," but I didn't quite understand it. I don't know how to identify what a popcorn bud is and what isn't.

Additionally, I'd like some advice on cleaning up the plant, identifying and removing popcorn buds, branches that won't thrive, and unnecessary leaves. If you could provide some guidance on what to remove and what to keep, it would really help since I’m a bit lost in this part. Thanks a lot for all your help so far! :Namaste:

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p1 (1).jpeg

As you can see in the photo, the flowers are starting to appear. It's been a week and a half since switching to 12/12. Any tips on what to do with this beauty? I read something about removing "popcorn buds," but I didn't quite understand it. I don't know how to identify what a popcorn bud is and what isn't.

Additionally, I'd like some advice on cleaning up the plant, identifying and removing popcorn buds, branches that won't thrive, and unnecessary leaves. If you could provide some guidance on what to remove and what to keep, it would really help since I’m a bit lost in this part. Thanks a lot for all your help so far! :Namaste:

p1 (2).jpeg
She is absolutely perfect :welldone:great work my friend.
If your worried about what to remove do it slowly and post a couple pics for us to see.
That way theoretically you won’t remove too much.
Personally when stretch has finished, approximately 3 weeks I take off all larfy buds below the light line.
What ever is in the dark goes.
Unless I want some extra for making eatables I might go lightly under the light line leaving bigger larf.
It’s basically what your comfortable with.
But go easy and leave the fan leaves alone they are there for energy :Namaste:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
But go easy and leave the fan leaves alone they are there for energy
Yes. Plus if the plant is going to go after any nutrients it has stored in the fan leaves it usually goes to the lowest leaves on the plant first. Those are the same leaves many growers will cut off first anyways so I just let the plant do the choosing except in extreme conditions.

From what I can see your plant is looking 'good to go' at this time.
Yes. Plus if the plant is going to go after any nutrients it has stored in the fan leaves it usually goes to the lowest leaves on the plant first. Those are the same leaves many growers will cut off first anyways so I just let the plant do the choosing except in extreme conditions.

From what I can see your plant is looking 'good to go' at this time.
I agree she is an absolute Beauty, perfect. :thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Additionally, I'd like some advice on cleaning up the plant, identifying and removing popcorn buds, branches that won't thrive, and unnecessary leaves. If you could provide some guidance on what to remove and what to keep, it would really help since I’m a bit lost in this part. Thanks a lot for all your help so far! :Namaste:
The lower limbs that get less light don't always make it up to the canopy and the bright light. This leads to the buds on those lower limbs not growing very big, hence the term popcorn buds or larf. But they still have to be trimmed which is more work than its worth so many growers simply take off all those limbs that don't make the canopy after stretch (about 3 weeks after flip).

But like the others have suggested, I only take the growth nodes from those lowers and leave the fan leaves as they are a nutrient bank for the plant.
Hey everyone, just an update. I did some pruning and removed the branches that weren’t getting any light, keeping 4 nodes of leaves including the main cola, at the end of the third week. Now we’re at the end of the fourth week, and for about 3 days, the top leaves have started to show some lightening, as you can see in the last photo. Can you help me? I’m really worried. :nervous-guy: :nervous-guy: :nervous-guy:








Plants in flower still need some N, just maybe not as much as they did in veg. What are you feeding them?

Some of the leaves look like they maybe have a magnesium issue which actually might be a shortage of calcium issue. If so, that could tie up your N.

Soooo, I'd start with some cal-mag if you don't add that already.

But, back to the original question. What are you feeding tgem?
Plants in flower still need some N, just maybe not as much as they did in veg. What are you feeding them?

Some of the leaves look like they maybe have a magnesium issue which actually might be a shortage of calcium issue. If so, that could tie up your N.

Soooo, I'd start with some cal-mag if you don't add that already.

But, back to the original question. What are you feeding tgem?
Usually, I use the GH Flora KIT (Gro, Bloom, and Micro) with every watering, but in the middle of the week, I decided to water with just water, and maybe that’s what caused the issue. I'll follow your suggestion to add Cal-Mag, and I'll also complement it with the GH KIT and molasses to see if that helps. :Namaste:
Usually, I use the GH Flora KIT (Gro, Bloom, and Micro) with every watering, but in the middle of the week, I decided to water with just water, and maybe that’s what caused the issue.
That would be awfully quick. Good chance that the problem began when the plant started flowering. Deciding to not include fertilizer is contributing to the problem. Those plants are heavy feeders and the start to demand even more as the flower buds start to form.

Get the Calcium back into your schedule and try to keep the dose and frequency of your other fertilizers where the company recommends. The yellowing looks minor at this point and maybe getting back on schedule quickly will fix most of it. Otherwise, if all goes well being back on schedule could prevent it from getting worse.
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