Light Addict's Fluxing Central - Featuring The Original Flux Journal

ISEARCH :) hey my friend! Many thanks for your Gracious words! I Truly believe if you want a big yield then this is it for the style you want! A bold comment but honestly my god each sight is like a individual plant.
I think I can now freely talk without sounding like a pratt or getting shouted down for not knowing shite!?:) as I hope my plants speak for themselves! ...

Sorry its just I finally want to start screaming at everyone! This technique simply gives everyone the chance to get massive yeild with hardly any effort.:)
I really can spot the potential in this girl!! I just hope everyone else can! :)
Re: Fluxing Technique! Featuring Critical Sensi Star - Soil Perlite Mix 400 HPSh

ISEARCH :) hey my friend! Many thanks for your Gracious words! I Truly believe if you want a big yield then this is it for the style you want! A bold comment but honestly my god each sight is like a individual plant.
I think I can now freely talk without sounding like a pratt or getting shouted down for not knowing shite!?:) as I hope my plants speak for themselves! ...

Sorry its just I finally want to start screaming at everyone! This technique simply gives everyone the chance to get massive yeild with hardly any effort.:)
I really can spot the potential in this girl!! I just hope everyone else can! :)

No doubts from this angle LA. I have 8 girls, (because one of my UBC chemo hermied last night). That I only fluxed for two weeks because I started late and my girls all have at least 4 x as many bud sites as Normal.:cheertwo::cheertwo::thanks:
Pinky and Mick :) Many thanks my friends! I couldn't help it last night lol. Ive decided Ill just have to start jumping up and down shouting to everyone that will listen from this point :) This style puts all others to shame in my opinion (again bold statement)The simplicity and the structure mean she will produce massively. Every single time this style should mean you surpass the yields of previous styles.
My only negative thoughts to the style being; it does take the fun out of it a bit. As basically if done correctly you will produce massive crops every single time.
Evening mate....hope all is good, green and groovy ?
Great pics mate but were the first 2 Gert? Looking awesome with some added awesomeness for good measure :)
Lol. I shoulda realised :) GORGEOUS GERT.......she was one beautiful girl :Love: Gotta say though mate, I DO think Gitt will surpass her. On the Gert subject.....well, Tutts anyway lol..... how long do/did you expect Tutts to be in flower(flip to chop) ? I'm trying to work out timings from my flip date (31st Jan) and whether I'll get another run of autos to coincide with finishing along side the girls lol :)
Cheers mate....that's pretty much what I was allowing for :)
Things are manically green my friend :) The autos are RAMPANT and the Tutts? Well, after yesterdays defol, training and feed they've exploded :) 2 of them have already reached the ends of the pots (so each flux is around 9" long) :) I'm considering building some wire extensions and give them a few more inches of horizontal space? Alternatively I could let them go vertical now? What do you think? My son will round Tuesday so I'll get some pics up then buddy :)
Definitely go past pot edge buddy. Dont worry about a frame or anything just wire down to pot lip like I do. It lets you go a couple of inches past edge no worries. More ends more bud, just bare in mind you want them set and building vert for a couple of weeks at least before flip.
Top tip for good rapid growth is having the ends of flux as the highest points, get the idea behind the design working for you :)
Cheers mate. I'll keep putting pics up regularly for your comments from here in :) If I go a week or so over my flip date that won't be a problem lol :)
Sounds like you've nailed AGAIN :high-five:. So, "the stretch" ? Is that a 2 week period the girls do automatically or do you train them to do it? God, that REALLY is the newbie in me showing lol :)
Ignore my last question this last set of pics cleared it all up for me. Amazing shrubs you have there LA I'll be picking your brain in the future I am sure of that :thumb::goodjob:
Ok stretch is basically a plant reaction. It does it when flipped and can last a bit longer than 2 weeks. That bit is strain dependant though as well as a couple of other factors.
You get stretch when a plant is not at the point of sexual maturity, or her size is not yet ideal for trying to procreate. A number of people on here myself included have noticed that if you have a girl in long veg then flip, well because she is mature you get little if any stretch. Again each strain will react differently
spot on with the info LA, have some reps my friend,

streth happens due to the plant looking for the light, theirs a few things like LA says that affect stretch, to reduce stretch you can leave the plant in veg till its showing sex then flip 12-12 which is anything from 6 to 10 weeks depending on strain, if the plant is now mature enough when you flip 12-12 then the stretch period can last a big longer,

what happens is when the lights go out the plant stretches to try and find the light again, its why the lower branches have huge node spacing or if you have 1 plant in the shade then it stretches to get to the light, its just one of the things a plant does during the lights out period,

going from 24-0 down to 12-12 will give you more stretch then going from 18-6 down to 12-12,
the best schedule i have found that produces very little stretch is the gas lantern routine, id be using this schedule myself and will use it as its the only schedule ill use but i cant use it while im growing autos as it would make them hermie in flower.

plants do at least 3 things during lights out period,
1, used stored energy to repair damage done during the lights on period.
2, sends nutrients and growth hormones down to the roots and this makes the roots grow, plants grown under 18-6 have a bigger root mass then plants grown under 24-0,
3, during lights off the plants stretch to try and find the light, the same happens when stems are in the shade or if you have a plant or 2 blocking the light getting to a smaller plant, this smaller plant will then stretch like crazy so it can reach the canopy to get to the light,

have some reps LA, great info as always my friend,
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