Light Addict's Fluxing Central - Featuring The Original Flux Journal

Yeah if she doesn't improve soon I'll take her out back and dispatch her lol and swap her out with one of my other beans. I hope she pulls through as I really wanted to grow WW. Just not wanting to grow for me !

Send her Steve and let him "off" her for you......he's got more experience lol :)
Just a thought LA my mate but would raising the lights a little assist in the vertical grow phase? Once you achieve the vertical growth required you could then lower them again? Or am I talking utter bollox as usual lol :)
I'm talking about raising them maybe 2-3" just to encourage stretch. Once it starts then you're on the way.
Yep, LA veg's with cfl and flowers with HPS :)
Hey all, Wildbill im always up for fun ideas lol. OZ, your not wrong, yet I wont be doing it as when they get to the point I want to go vertical. Ill be pinching ends a couple of times and ill then reposition cfls to right over ends. As before it hits hps I want all my nodes tightened up. With hps you get stretch anyway and she might get 1 week under hps to end veg. Close nodes equals big firm buds.
Henman its about timing with the backbuilding, you could crush ends to same results but I believs the tiny snip is probs better. My extended daylight is also very timing sensetive.
It would work, at least in my experience. My current grow, also my first, single CFL all the way. I noticed way less stretch when keeping the CFL close. Raise it up too much and I got a lot of stretch. LA's using CFLs only for this right, so imho it should work! :thumb:

Hey Henman, if you are ever too curious about the power of CFLs and stretching, check out my ARTICLE where I experimented with light intensity vs. distance!
Hey Henman, if you are ever too curious about the power of CFLs and stretching, check out my ARTICLE where I experimented with light intensity vs. distance!

Thanks for the tip AG! You hit right on some of my most valued interests; cannabis and science! I'll read up later tonight for sure

I've only got Canna A+B and Rhizotonic......hope my girls aren't fussy eaters :)

Haha I don't even have access to cannabis specific nutes. They don't even sell general nutes with the right proportions. :cheesygrinsmiley:
If I told you I'd have to kill you ;)
But something like that yes! At least in regards to many of the laws here. And their political anti-drug agenda, that's just antiquated and hasn't done anything but get people to smoke more if anything. It's been an ongoing political war for the last 40 or so years, and as such they're using pita tactics. Like selling nutes in all the wrong proportions.

And if you do need to get nutes in the right proportions, you need to get them from plant schools, often with something of a license showing you're doing it for legit reasons, or they've got a pretty good eye on you.
Mate....I really sympathise with you. It must be so difficult to grow good green under those circumstances :(
Yeah it's a hassle for sure ;) got to keep it real low profile with everything, from grow space, location, amount of electricity used (don't want the power company to report suspicion), smell and all that comes with it.
We do have a specialized shop however. Not that they have a very large selection of goods, they're also the single one in a very wide radius, so of course their prices are way too high (especially for my non-existent budget), but I'm sure the police have their eye on them. It's not like it's very hard to guess what they're selling stuff for ;)

But honestly I don't mind too much. I just love a good challenge, and if it also means I get to silently stick a foot up my gov's ass, that's just icing on the cake :cheesygrinsmiley:
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