Light Addict's Fluxing Central - Featuring The Original Flux Journal

okay i have a "maybe" stupid question. At any time do you let any nodes grow out on the side limbs? or do you just keep cutting them off to concentrate on the main one at the end? I noticed on one of LAs fluxes he was bending them back into the middle - are these the main side stems or are they nodes you let grow off the main side stems when they reached the sides of the pot?v (does this make sense?)
Hi LA. I've got a question for you on my Fluxing NLxBB if you can check it out for me please.

I'm going to post my latest shots here so others have something else to check out if they wish. They will find my journal in my sig.

Plant no.1

Plant no.2

Plant no.3

These girls are on day 123 from seed. LA & skunnymonster have been my guides during this grow.
Just felt like sharing some greener pics of my flowering fluxers since I did an update in my journal today :) Hi LA, :Love: Hope you're well!

Corleone Kush, Flowering Day 19


Black Bubba Kush Flowering Day 19


I messed up their flowering at first, I left an LED on overnight around flowering day 5 or 6 >.< absolutely stupid. But now they're really getting into the swing of things :) Can't wait to see how everything turns out.

I'm also still removing little bits of low growth as I realize they probably won't amount to anything... is it too late to do that stuff, should I just leave what's left as I've already left it so long anyways and light penetration is pretty good? Or should I definitely remove any limbs that aren't going to be one long cola still? - next time I'm going to aspire to flux more like you either way LA. :Love:

Thanks! :volcano-smiley:
Looking damn good! :)
Just leave the lower growth now as you might be surprised :)
Ill go into more detail later as on the rush at mo!
No worries thanks so much take your time! :Namaste: It's 3 AM for me anyways hahah. (and I just had a nice vaporizer session. This night is over for me ;)) Good night my friend of the flux! :Love:
Had to rep you for that one MedFarmer! Inspiring branchwork! :circle-of-love:
Had to rep you for that one MedFarmer! Inspiring branchwork! :circle-of-love:

:thanks: SoilGirl. I was inspired to do it properly after reading LA's journal on Fluxing. If you're gonna do it then pay homage to the Master by doing it right. That's what I reckon anyway.

I was going to pop over to your journals tonight to have a good nose around. Dinner first though.
You're a natural born Fluxer Dusty...
Looking really good Dusty :) :)
Just keep an eye out for new growth along the limbs, remove it as soon as you see it. We go for one colas per branch and we fill out the middle by bending some limbs back in to the middle. This is for even plant structure which lends to even energy distribution etc. Also it frees up space to span the outer colas sites out some giving better light and air penetration! :)
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