Light Addict's Fluxing Central - Featuring The Original Flux Journal

BAR :) she loooks a fine budding specimen and one that I hope the smoke is stellar in its potency after such a long journey! :)

Nhtea :) looking good and even I have splut fluxes and lost a limb :) the style means that space will get filled by a turn into center later on! :) so don't stress.
As for removing of fans, I leave the bottom fan untill the growing tip oveer takes it. :)

As Renegade says open them main tips up as often as possible! :)

FLUXY MOMMA (Power Flower, Flux style) Day 296 / Day 39 under LEDs

I pulled her out of the Bloom Tent to check the trich's color ratio; No sign of amber, mostly cloudy with maybe a third still clear. I just don't want to over ripen her since she started her bloom cycle outside, even though it was late into the bloom season. Plus the fact that she's smelling ready isn't helping me relax any.
All this = a good thing because I would love to see her gain some height.


The way I see it Professor; Being that she spent all that time in the Veg Tent recovering from all my mishaps before being set out on the Fire Escape & didn't start flowering until late Oct (which is when a lot of outdoor cannabis plants are in full bloom nearing completion) her bloom cycle is still considerably young.

We may start the next Flux sooner than anticipated just so I can see how it works out without setbacks.
Looking good folks :)
Well here is an update on my little flux girl!
She is under just 1of 2, 30 watt household cfls. The area is freezing cold and I have no intention of heating it lol. So her growth is slow.
As you will see in pics she has been taped up as we had another plant fall on her and a little split. All is good though lol.
The other points for reference are the point of the loop over, with the wires. They sit just behind the stump left from the over under node I removed.
Then the very growing tip has already had the top fan removed. This if left would grow out and overshadow the nodes below! :)
Heya LA, Iḿ truly sorry that I seem to have missed wishing you a merry XMass. I hope the upcomming new year will treat you well :)

Here is a little update on my first attempt at a FLUX. I decided to keep it with one for now, as the clones are having great fun as is, and will go straight to flowering once my current batch is done ... else I will have a little issue with getting next batch ready in time. Here she is, made possible by this excellent thread!


Hi LA! Sorry I've not checked in for a little while, I hope you've been having a wonderful holiday season. :love:

So the day after X-mas I put my small BBK Flux and Corleone Kush Flux that I started too tall into flowering. Here's how they're looking (except with 2 days of extra growth since)





So, BBK went vert pretty willingly, at some points its 5-6 inches straight up and down. CK wasn't as cooperative, and grew more diagonally, going only about 3 inches straight up and down, but with much better node spacing. All bonds were removed on both, and they were moved into much bigger pots.

Both are very bushy with too many leaves now, though. How heavy do you think I should go on defol and when if you don't mind? I've been procrastinating haha.

Oh and here's the younger Ghost OG Flux.

Before X-mas




I don't really have any questions about that one, its been very surprisingly simple, but if you have any tips/pointers I'm all ears! (or Eyes!) So far I've only really tied down the 6 limbs you see, removed 4 nodes from 2 spots that were a little too close together for my comfort, and am letting it do it's thing.

Hahaha I just noticed I'm the only one sharing so many plants here at the moment..... Hope you don't mind that haha I'm not trying to hijack, promise! :love: I'm kinda a dive-right-in person when I want to learn something. Many plants means many experience... right? :laughtwo:

Thanks LA! Happy Holidays!
Hey SoilGirl :)
Firstly well done for posting so many pics! This thread is just an open community one now so I can help any fluxers, so post away lol. :)

With the big girls, once your certain your getting no more stretch/general growth vertically. Then hit the plant really quite hard with defol. I tend to work from above and use a few tricks. Firstly as you said one has come up and out at an angle, this is good. I'd pull the straighter ones outer circle of limbs out at an angle also. It just opens bud sites up and gives more room per site, also freeing up the middle some!
I as said work downwards with defol. I go by taking every leaf that points back into the plants center off. Then I leave most of the outer leaves pointing out and away from plant.
The fans that are at sides of colas sites I take one per node minimum. I try to work it so the stripping of the side fan corresponds to the next colas site. So we don't get overshadowed leaves from neighboring limbs! :)
I also go harder with defol at the top and leave a good baseline level of fans for low down bud generation!
:) hope this helps lol and many thanks for the seasonal wishes.
May your holiday period be filled with joy! :)
Everyone's fluxes are moving along nicely...
Okay I butchered her, feel so bad :(
This is the before and after - shes a little lopsided because I broke 1 limb off and used an under to grow to the side to make it more even. Still have only 3 on one side compared to the 4 on the other. How'd I do on the defol?

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