Light Addict's Fluxing Central - Featuring The Original Flux Journal

Ah I get ya lol I only top the main flux arm ends once each. Gives a more even split in structure to all limbs. Otherwise the ends become over dominant. Your way will be just fine though just more colas :)
Your fluxing will be fine! :) its actually something lots of people have struggled with; getting the frequency of limbs going!
Once your going vert though get a good wind on her and the limbs will toughen right up! :)
Not concerned with hardiness more with the overall footprint. I'm gonna start with 4 if this works out well. Then I'll do 20 in bloom on all my Strains at some point. Especially if I hit that lb per plant more consistently. I currently only get a couple per harvest that large most are 7-13oz per plant.
Its most definitely possible :) its just getting the limb frequency going early on and then it works great!
A pic of my old girl and how busy she was, this is with still removing every other node! :)
Wow! lol, hi LA! (and everyone else!) :ciao:

So, I've never done a flux before, and I wasn't really planning on one haha... but Reg invited me to share what I'm doing with my Black Bubba Kush right now in here, I'd love any tips, because as you can see I don't really have a master plan going so far besides "just keep it tied down" lol.

this is what it looked like the other day after not tightening her wires for a few days ...


and this is it after straightening her out.


Thank you! I love your plants haha. :Love:
What is in your soil? Just curious looks like hay.

hahaha I expected that question. Yeah I'm using old leaves (from outdoors and from cannabis), straw, cannabis stems, grass and twigs as my mulch layer. Before anyone precautions me about how bad leaves and stuff are for breeding pests, I know, but its very important to the LOS organic growing style I'm gravitating towards. And I've not really had any pest issues anyways. Besides houseflies haha.
That's what thought. Just watch for fungus gnats. Also mold ie:powdery mildew and further along grey bud mold can occur. I'm sure your already aware of that though. Good luck plant has got some potential of being big.
See, what did I tell you Dusty...
All I'm doing is just putting the word out of where the Fluxing action is Professor Flux. It's a free hands on, real time classroom here...
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