Light Addict's Fluxing Central - Featuring The Original Flux Journal

Hi LA!

Here's how BBK's looking today. I tried to zoom in a bit on the top-view pictures so you could discern between my pesky mulch and the living nodes.


So... I'm not wanting this BBK to be a monster flux, I just want to get a good yield and try my hand at fluxing with her before I phase that strain out and make room for the better ones I'm starting. Any thoughts on what I should do now?

Uhm in particular, on one end (of the 2 main branches), this is what's happening.


I topped it on accident and now am kind of cropping the resulting nodes to the sides. Would you remove those inner or outer nodes? Or would you leave those on, since I'm not planning on giving this any more than 1 more month in veg? I know this isn't the ideal flux from what I've seen of your plants haha.

... also I have another plant where I'm wanting to do the same thing, move it into flower in a month, and its had similar training. Should I start letting it grow upward, because it seems to be going really really slow the way things are. (this plant was an accidental FIM instead of a top like I meant to happen by the way, and it got too tall, is it even a flux lol?) This is Corleone Kush #1.


Thanks so much in advance, you rock LA! :love: :ciao:
SoilGirl :) :) They be lovely structured specimens for sure!
Ok yep they're further along than I normally like to wade in on but ill do the best I can for you :)
Now a few things to remember; a sexually mature plant that has been trained in such a manner won't normally stretch as much when flipped in comparison to a normal plant.
You've done a great job so far and got some good thick limbs, so the most important bit is not wasting your efforts thus far. So VERT IS A MUST!!!
You want a good few inches of vertical minimum before flipping.
Then the most important part will be the opening up of all growing tips, as regularly as possible!
The reason behind doing this is to stack nodes up along the colas site. When you open up the immature young foliage to the light you force it to mature, this then gets the plant already working on the building of next node!! (Its simple yet soooo effective)

So onto the structure and training etc.

Your first girl has some limbs with more length and better structure than the others. So first step is let free or loosen the lesser limbs. The highest points of your plant will become dominant and this will transfer to better growth for the weaker limbs.
Also use slightly more defol on the stronger ones.
Next is you have one topped end and one not. Top that other end! Otherwise this end will become over dominant and take over the others! With this style of training your wanting an even split as it were.
So follow these steps for the next week or so and keep posting progress and we will go from there! :)

With girl number 2 :)
Follow any above points if required. Yet her structure looks damn nice and fat! So my advice is just top her now at both main ends and then train out the new shoots for a week or two, then go vert :) her structure is so good that you could get say 4-6 inches before flip giving you 10-12 inch colas at end! :)

Once going vert we will go into secondary shoot management! :)

Hope that make sense and helps :)
Heya LA,

Thanks again for this amazing thread .. I love learning, and this is a high density learning paradise for me :)

I was wondering, I am trying to get a flux going .. but having some issues with uneven arm growth and stuff like that .. could you (in a genral way) walk me through what I need to do to get this into a flux ?



I've been trying to play with raising/lowering .. but that does not seem to work too well .. the plant is more stubborn then me :/
Ok my friend lets get it sorted out :)
Good main flux arm structure, so all good there!
Your uneven limbs is most likely due to light source angles and not being rotated etc. We can sort this with the more aggressive approach to evening things out!
Leave more end foliage on the lesser limbs, take as much as you dare from growing tips of the strong! Then what you need to do is part crush just below/under the end node point/growing tip. You crush between finger and thumb. Once you feel the inner tissue give way your set! :)
Then growth will halt as the tissue repairs itself. :) I tend to check daily and crush whenever I feel its required again.
This should sort her out :)
Sort of like supercropping but not going all the way ? So far I just removed some fanleafs that where blocking light. I do rotate her every day, a full 180 degrees.

I do not really get where I am supposed to crush the stems .. and the only sensible place I can think of would be just below the fanleafs of the growing tip I want to stunt ? So in this case, I would suppose my 2 flux ends, and the one shoot that is outgrowing the rest ? (the one I try to keep down with a wire right now)

Thanks for your help!
I want two more nodes I think .. I will have a square foot to work with in this trial .. so it can not get too big :p I'm also still debating how to get the rest of my clones in flux .. next batch I'll top right when taking the cutting, and strip of everything else and root the node right below the one I'll top it at. Should be able to get multiple clones from a single cutting that way I'd reckon?
Radogast some later pics :)

hey friend, new to growing and i plan to do the method above

i have a few questions

will i be able to do that with lsd plants?

what happens after the buds cutting stage? in the pic i see some that probably are not ready yet that got left out
after they are also ready do you just cut them and leave the remaining branches and just flower them again in 2-3 months?

last question: which ground? :)

Hey Professor X :), I purposefully stunted this original flux. You would get the same size plant as this with 10 weeks veg maybe a touch more! :) I also had issues with this girl and lost 2-3 weeks budding so she only hit 17 oz or something, soz don't actually remember. She should have broke the 20 mark lol.
I've also taken a step back from fluxing just for a change of pace!
Also if you start with a mom and then take 2 headed clones you cut veg times by loads! :)

Pigling :) as far as I'm concerned any plant with good structure, that isn't to spindly etc is fine to flux! If you go for it just post here and Ill aid alk I can :)
As for the buds left on they were just binned lol:) I was in a rush to get her down at the time as had safety concerns! !!
She was just in general compost with perlite and a brick of coco fibre mixed in! :)

Dusty the structure is good as its a developed clone so yep the bottom 2 are fine to work from! :)
Hi LA! finally got my first topped clone rooted and transplanted to some good soil :) this is Ghost OG. I plan on fluxing it :) I started off as per some of your old instructions, training early by angling the 2 nodes outwards and letting the light hit the low growth nodes.


I want this one to be a bigger flux than the BBK I'm doing, but not too big still. So a medium sized flux, with like... 10-20 well developed nodes, since my flowering light is limited and I'm usually flowering more than one plant.

By the way, the BBK and that weirdo flux I showed you are topped now, moved under a stronger light, and letting the weaker nodes try to gain some dominance as per your guidance. I'll put pics of those up when there's more noticeable differences to show haha. :thanks: :love:
That's nothing Nhteatime. I snapped so many arms and branches on Fluxy Momma that you can almost say I had to start over with her initial training about 8 times. Just adapt is all. I even broke the main Flux arm off at on point...
She looks like a fine specimen. Don't forget to spread the tips often to produce tighter nodes.

Thats looks Great Bar :) Nice! I hope mine turns out half as nice - I was messing with it and broke off one of the side arms :( have to wait and see what happens with it.
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