Life In The Day Of A Coco Grower

What day are you trying to take the cheese scrogg too? It is truly a work of art and I’m a fan. But I’m gonna leave my opinion here and you can take it or leave it. Harvest sooner rather than later or your risking losing most of your crop. I hate telling people You should do this or you should do that but when I see this I have to say something. If it were me and I was gonna go all the way to the finish line I would defoliate the fuck out of all of them. Fuck the yield just get some clean medicine.
Running them till next friday, I think I will be fine as I'm checking more thoroughly daily now plus I need these extra days for the bud to be strong enough, I don't think I will have a great deal of yield but I may be surprised.

I'm going to buy another dehumidifier and put it on either side of the canopy next time around.

The parts of the bud rot that was left has turned solid rather than still wet and active but yeah the leaves you see aren't as bad as it looks on the pictures but I will try get some better ones tomorrow.
Running them till next friday, I think I will be fine as I'm checking more thoroughly daily now plus I need these extra days for the bud to be strong enough, I don't think I will have a great deal of yield but I may be surprised.

I'm going to buy another dehumidifier and put it on either side of the canopy next time around.

The parts of the bud rot that was left has turned solid rather than still wet and active but yeah the leaves you see aren't as bad as it looks on the pictures but I will try get some better ones tomorrow.
Oh ok well. I would hate to see anyone lose there crop.
Thanks buddy, I do think it was due to those stem leaves snapping.

I have taken another look this morning when I watered them and they look and smell great as that's partly how I caught this rot once over, if I had to put an amount I have lost total I think it would be around 5g and I will probably loose around 10-15 total once i trim those other infected sites.You

When I found the rot the last time the other night and then put the dehumidifier on the floor I have since had no problems, I'm extracting around 1L every 4 days.

I'm about to start writing my story so far with mental health over in the Mental Health forum side of 420 so once I'm finished I will post a link and maybe some will chime in.
One thing I think you need to understand is that coco coir holds nutrients and when you have a massive pot of coco and no roots that coco will hold everything you put in and be much harder for the seedling to get a quick start.
Oh yeah I know coco well I have just never ran cal mag as my water once upon a time was pretty good but now I'm in coco it's like learning all over again :laugh: I'm ordering some Floraflex nutrients this weekend as they run a lot cleaner so hopefully that should help in just wondering if I should just buy powder calmag or keep buying the bottles stuff.

I gave them a good 200-250ppm of cal mag and 2L between the 12.
Don’t take this the wrong way but there’s nothing cleaner about the nutrient these are elements and they are all quite similar. Canna A and B is perfectly fine. Trust me on this. If it’s cheaper for you Great. Get flora flex . But changing over to a different nutrient might get you different results better or worse I don’t know. What I do know is canna a and b is bulletproof in my opinion. I worked in a hydroponics store and ran nearly every nutrient line out there during my time there. They all work reason I stay with canna today is simplicity.
now you say you just added cal mag is that to feed your seedling. They need the other elements found in the a and b too cal mag alone will not yield you great results at all.
Well after looking at the price including duties no a don't think I will be buying them :laugh: Yeah it looks like I'm sticking with Canna for now, I do t mind canna it's just this time around I have used 1-1.5ml on A&B and the salt build up is unreal amounts it's literally like a salt desert but I ran their line up in 2017 and got amazing results and no salt build up or anything so I thought this time around I'd try a powder based nutrient like Megacrop or Flora Flex.

If I change nutrients it will just be the bloom I replace on them as I'm still in veg with my clones, I really don't mind canna it's just this time around its had bad effects that's why I have been using canna start for some of the feeds.
The nutrients did not change. Canna start whats that for? More feeds and keeping them nice and wet will solve your salt issues guaranteed. I’m sort of confused as to what your problem really is and I’m gonna post a video on my thread tonight you should check it out it will help you out
I know this is what I couldn't understand as I'm really close with my hydro guy and he started using it on some of his own and found the same build up, the build up looks like how a salt plain would with salt crystals forming and I'm running the exact same schedule yet less amount of nutrients.

One thing I am looking at right now is those Herbsnow Driers as that is one thing I do fail with often, not a bad price really and it also means I could harvest one or two at a time and keep my flower room running continues.
I’m not familiar with any of those problems bro. I will post a video and you can come to my thread and check it out. You can decide. I’m not normally the type to tell people what to do but I’m fairly certain I can sort your issues if you just follow a few simple steps. Your hydro guy is running canna coco in what medium?
Just taken a look inside and it's showing 50% humidty, I'm planning on ordering my supplies on Monday, I was looking into buying a few herbs driers but this month looks like I need money elsewhere but I can afford some other racks and I have managed to find some Flora Flex fittings.

They look absolutely beautiful and the smell is almost to sweet for me, I've found some strong citrus smells make me feel sick even worse daily, I do plan on adding a few feeds of Botanicare Sweet Raw in the last few days to see if there is an end result worth maybe adding into the feeds.

@shottafire I got the tag I will take a watch of that tomorrow buddy and thanks again.
Turned out the bud up front with for for stem for and died that night, dried partially under the light with some moisture left and it smells absolutely beautiful in the sense of bud smell, I'm not to much of a fan with cheese smells but this smells very musty.
Well I took a good look around the canopy and it is looking amazing to say the least, I did say I would defol today but I'm planning on harvesting them all tomorrow and get the tent cleaned and ready for the 6 clones to be setup with irrigation and plant support.

Took some close up shots and some do look like they have had problems but they have been fine apart from the calmag looking signs of the plant wanting a lot more than I would give it but I'm happy with them and there super dense, aroma smells like a sweet but the misty smell that hangs over is like a strong pungent cheese almost how you would imagine a warm cheese storage room and then you get the hint of citrus which has almost gone I think and hope, citrus makes my daily sickness considerably a lot worse.

I noticed a branch right underneath the first plant hanging down a little and seen a bud cola that's about 2" wide that for no light what so ever :laugh: who says you need light lol then noticed that all the plants have a healthy canopy of buds directly under the canopy that look swelled up and ripe, I do think the tent walls reflecting light under the canopy worked well so it looks like there will be a fair amount of popcorn buds but not the normal scrappy looking ones.

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